
9. Digging

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Patrick paid no heed to Loki's taunts, his focus solely on subduing the mischief-loving god. With a swift and fluid movement, he lunged at Loki, his longsword cutting through the air with an ethereal glow. The combination of his Haki and Glint Glint Fruit imbued the blade with a potent power, capable of cutting through even the toughest of defenses.

Loki tried to conjure illusions and misdirection, but Patrick's Haki allowed him to see through the tricks and maintain his concentration. With a powerful swing, he landed a blow on Loki, knocking him to the ground. The impact caused shockwaves to reverberate through the ground, as Patrick continued to press his advantage.

Loki scrambled to his feet, hurling curses and threats at Patrick, but the determined warrior remained unfazed. With each strike of his blade, he chipped away at Loki's defenses, leaving the god reeling. Finally, with a decisive strike, Patrick incapacitated Loki, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

With the sceptre in hand, Patrick wasted no time. He soared through the sky, his Glint Glint powers propelling him towards the Stark Tower where Natasha and Thor were preparing to close the portal. As he approached, Natasha's keen eyes caught sight of him, and she swiftly relayed the information to Thor.

As Patrick landed on the tower, he handed the sceptre to Natasha, the weapon pulsing with an ominous energy. Without a moment's hesitation, Natasha activated the device to close the portal, her fingers flying over the controls with practiced precision.

Meanwhile, Thor stood guard, his eyes still locked on the sky, wary of any further threats. As the portal began to shrink and fade, the looming threat of the Chitauri invasion dissipated, much to the relief of everyone present.

Loki's unconscious form lay forgotten on the battlefield, his plans thwarted by the unexpected intervention of Patrick. The god of mischief had been outmaneuvered and subdued by the relentless determination of the Haki-enhanced warrior. And as the dust settled, it was clear that Patrick's courage and formidable abilities had turned the tide of battle in their favor.




Few minutes ago...

The Helicarrier was buzzing with activity as Nick Fury and Agent Hill oversaw the coordination of the Avengers team's efforts to take down the Chitauri army and Leviathans that had been unleashed on New York City by the mischievous Loki. The sound of explosions and gunfire reverberated through the massive aircraft as it hovered above the city, providing vital support to the superheroes on the ground.

As they monitored the battle from the command center, Fury and Hill observed the impressive display of power and skill from the Avengers. Iron Man zipped through the sky, blasting away at the alien creatures with his repulsor beams. Thor wielded Mjolnir with unmatched ferocity, striking down any enemy that dared to cross his path. Black Widow and Hawkeye worked in tandem, taking out Chitauri soldiers with deadly precision, while Captain America led the charge on the ground, rallying the city's defenders to stand strong against the invading forces.

But amidst the chaos and destruction, something caught Fury's sharp eyes. A figure clad in a glowing white light soared effortlessly through the sky, effortlessly dispatching Chitauri soldiers with beams of energy that emanated from his outstretched hands. It was a sight to behold as the mysterious newcomer effortlessly weaved between buildings, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in his wake.

"Agent Hill, do you see that?" Fury asked, his gaze fixed on the astonishing display of power unfolding before them.

Agent Hill turned to follow Fury's line of sight and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Who is that guy?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of concern.

Fury's expression grew solemn as he continued to observe the newcomer in action.

"I don't know, but whoever he is, he's making quick work of the Chitauri," Fury replied, his voice betraying a sense of unease. "Get me everything we have on him. I want to know who we're dealing with."

Without hesitation, Agent Hill swiftly began accessing the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, scouring through vast amounts of information in an attempt to identify the mysterious individual who had joined the fight against the alien invaders.

As the battle raged on, the newcomer continued to display his formidable abilities, effortlessly dodging blasts from the Leviathans and countering with bursts of blinding light that disoriented and incapacitated the massive creatures. His movements were graceful and fluid, almost as if he were dancing through the chaos of battle with an otherworldly serenity.

The Avengers, though initially taken aback by the sudden appearance of this unknown ally, quickly adapted to his presence and began to coordinate their efforts with his incredible powers. Together, they formed an unbreakable line of defense against the Chitauri and Leviathans, pushing back against the relentless onslaught with renewed determination.

As Maria Hill continued to scour through the S.H.I.E.L.D. database for information on the mysterious individual known as Patrick, Director Nick Fury watched in awe as the young man effortlessly took down Chitauri soldiers with his extraordinary powers. As he watched Patrick's display of raw, untamed power, a sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach. Fury knew that the world was not ready for someone with such immense abilities, especially in the hands of someone who was still a relative unknown.

"Agent Hill, we can't let someone like him slip through our fingers," Fury stated, his voice firm. "We need to know everything about him, his background, his capabilities, and most importantly, his intentions. We can't have someone with that level of power running unchecked in the world."

Hill nodded in agreement, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she delved deeper into the database, pulling up everything she could find on Patrick. She had almost never seen Fury this excited and nervous before.

"Patrick Bateman, 21 years old, no criminal record, no known affiliations," Hill reported more of the basic information regarding to Nick Fury.

Her brow furrowed in concentration. "According to his medical records, he's never displayed any signs of enhanced abilities before. This is... unprecedented, sir."

'Unprecedented indeed', Fury thought to himself. A young man suddenly manifesting superhuman powers in the midst of an alien invasion was not something they had ever prepared for. He couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the world might still hold.

"Keep digging, Hill. I want to know everything about Patrick," Fury ordered, his mind already racing with the possibilities and potential threats that Patrick's existence posed. "We need to have a plan in place in case he becomes a danger to the world."

As Hill continued her research, Fury's thoughts turned to the bigger picture. It was clear that Patrick's powers were on a level that surpassed anything they had encountered before, well except one person. If left unchecked, Patrick had the potential to become a formidable threat, whether by choice or by accident. Fury knew that they couldn't afford to ignore such a significant wildcard in the delicate balance of power on Earth.

Soon Agent Hill provided a complete data to Nick, starting from two generations prior of the current Patrick. She provided him an entire family tree of Patrick's ancestory.

While reading through everything substantial, Nick still couldn't find anything at all. Patrick was just a very normal kid and that was it.

"Agent Hill, we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario," Fury said after lifting his head from the tab, his voice low and serious. "If Patrick's powers continue to grow unchecked, he could become a danger to the world. We need to consider ways to recruit him, to help him harness and control his abilities before it's too late."

Hill nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "But sir, forced recruitment isn't an option. We've seen how that can backfire with other enhanced individuals."

Fury sighed, knowing that Hill was right. The last thing they needed was to push someone with Patrick's level of power into a corner. It would only serve to make him more of a threat than an ally.

"I know, Agent Hill. We need to approach this carefully," Fury muttered, his mind already churning with potential strategies. "We'll need to find a way to gain his trust, to show him that S.H.I.E.L.D. can help him, that we can offer him guidance and support."

As the information continued to pour in, Fury and Hill worked tirelessly to come up with a plan to approach Patrick. They needed to be strategic, to find a way to make contact without setting off any alarms or triggering defensive reactions. It was a delicate balance, but it was one that they knew they had to get right.

"Keep monitoring his movements after the battle, Hill. We need to know where he's going, who he's interacting with," Fury instructed, his tone resolute.

Hill nodded, her eyes darting across the screens as she continued to watch Patrick destroying the aliens.


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