
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter two neighbour

I have been here for 1 month now, it don't seen I am dreaming so finally accepted my reality that I been reborn as baby girl in a village not just any village but ancient village with strange things I haven't seen in my life , i mean previous life.

Only thing i still can't process is why i still remember my previous life when am reborn could it be hell gate keeper forget to give me forgetful soup(1). I don't really mind as i have no attachment to previous life, to the point i wanted to forgot about it. But as baby with adult mind, I have to face serious challenges that refine the shames to so day to day business.

'SuYan, are you hungry? Aya my baby girl let mummy feed you milk'.

'Noooooo'when this torture will over yaaaaaa. '.

The crying of the baby can hear from near by neighbour houses of the Su family house.

'Ayo the baby girl of Su family is really lively, she keeps on crying days and nights for weeks now' the Wei family old lady say to her first daughter in law.

The first daughter in law replied ' the child used to be quiet. I heard after the child mother left the baby with her brother care near the river for a few hours, the baby girl have been frighten crying for month now'

'I can't understand why Su family still looking after that ghost attach baby, they should have let monk look at her'

' mother you also know that, that baby girl is the treasure of the Su family, this is the first baby girl born in three generations of Su household. I hear from the distance family of the Su cousin that even the clan elders of the Su family is coming to visit to see the Su girl for her full moon brithday.

"Omg that much" "ayo if other people know they will think she is young lady of the rich family"


'Ayo" that why i tell i tell people, who is giving such important to a girl born? "

The sharp voice suddenly coming was a thin old woman with mean eyes and a lot of flowers on her somewhat thin gray hair.

"Aunt Tang here" as the eldest daughter in law get up from her seat with the annoying look.

"Ayo, Tang longtai , you show have let as known earlier if you are coming i can prepare some tea. Now you came in without even knocking " As Old lady Wei said sarcastically.

"Tang old lady act as she did not hear what wei family saying as sitting on seat of the seat of wei eldest daughter in law and even take some nut they put on the table.

As she leisurely, eat some nut and reply "ayo, sister i was going to wait for my grandsons coming from the town and but i noticed i haven't visit to you for a while so come and see; anyway what is this noise ya " "how can you sleep with this kind of noise, Su family is going to be unlucky"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING" as Wei old lady hurriedly reply

"PHE PHE unlucky words to such young baby"

" what i am is wrong ? Who baby cry as loudly as her must me unknown unlucky thing attac..."


Sound of loudly clash can hear from the front gate before old lady tang finish her words . Three women surprised accompanying was angry face of old mans of Wei family and Su family and embarrassed faces of Wei sons.

"Tang Longto i don't care how loud your mouth in village, don't you say bad things about my granddaughter again i will let Tang old man deal with you" as the Old man of the Su family.

The face of the tang old lady change a few shade as

" Ayo, look at me my grandson must me waiting for me now, excuse me" as she quickly run out of the Wei family and disappeared .

"Ayo, Su Ko, sorry to let you hear in my own house " as the old man Wei apologised accompanying with old lady Wei with embarrassed face.

"It ok what are you sorry for who don't know her habits in the whole village'

"Anyway, i am going back home, my precious grand daughter is waiting for me. Ayo, almost forgot, Wei Tan(name of the Wei eldest son)don't forget to the things to your brother shop. I already inform about it"

Wei Tan " thank you thank you uncle. I giving so much trouble to second brother"

"It ok. It ok such small thing " "i am going" as Su old man hurriedly run to his own house next to Wei house.

After he gone out the Wei old man quickly change his face and shout to old lady and his daughter in law. "Do do you, want our family to go hungry isn't."

"Humm?" As he shout at them.

"You know you son work is now help from Su family, do you want your son to always be a poor farmer, Humm? "

'Keep your mouth. Keep your mouth'

As old lady quickly rely " what, i didn't say anything, that old monkey just bang into my house unnoticed what can i do ? Should i chase her out with the broom?"

"You you youuu, hump i don't care to you" as he got speechless to his own wife and return to his room.

After Wei old lady calm down, she look at her three sons

"You all come back?"

"Yes, mother" as Wei Tan, Wei wang and Wei li.

"Good good go wash and come out to eat.

"Yanyan(the name of oldest daughter in law)go prepare for dinner,"

"Yes mother" as Yan replied.

i will go call Shan(the name of second daughter in law)and children to come and help you." As she slow walk to riverbank where Shen is washing clothes.

After she go out, Wei wang call Yan and his brother.

"Sister in law and brother careful of what you say about Su family, i heard brother Wei Pang(name of the Su family third son)got a lot of complement from the teachers from the school, they are even saying he is going to pass coming test for sure. Then they are going to become a scholar family."

"Omg, for sure" ask lady Yan with surprised face.

"For sure for sure, you know my friend work as escort he work for XieLan academy for a while and he hear the teachers talking at there. "

"So, we need to stay close to them even we don't, big brother magi crystal need the help of Su big family shop to sell, you also know other family as for a lot of diversion.

"Yes,yes"Wei Tan replied. Wei Tan.

In Wei family, Wei Tan look strong with dark colour complexion who work on farm land and free time he hunt in forest near the village. It a dangerous job and few people work as hunter in whole village. While, Wei wang got strong body but not as tall as his brother but always have big smile on his face, he is an intelligent person out of somewhat muscle head family of the Wei family. He work as waiter in the town and learning how to counts as he want to to improve his family situations.

"Brother, then should i go help for Su family funnel, Aunt Su is asking for me for a while to fix the funnel and their kitchen stove." Wei Li awkwardly ask his second brother opinion. Wei li is youngest and have shy personality but he got strongest body out of all the brothers as he work for blacksmith in the town.

"Why are you even asking, you have to do of course. " reply Wei Wang.

Soon the noise of the a few children and Wei wang wife returned..


Tomorrow for sure i will introduced the main character family. Promise.