
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6; SuYan pov

It was tiring to live, a live where no parents,relatives and no one care for. I tried hard to live proudly as person who grow up without parents and friends but i meet him, i though he was my prince with shining armour with white horse but fairytales are illusions as my love. I give my heart, attention and my everything to him but all i got in return was;

"Haha, ****kun what is your relationship with that girl"

" Ah, her…a maid? Or a follower to me hahaha don't worry, how can i have relationship with orphan"

He replied so lightly as all my hard works of 8 years was nothing to him. All the money he took from me because he promised he is working hard to be a doctor and support me in future. When i was working tirelessly at low wages jobs in return was this.I already tired of theses emotions, all this hypothetical love stories. So i went away from this living, bought a rat poison and made his favourite dish and feed him who came back from party with all the smell of perfume and alcohol. I smile and look as he eating so deliciously and i asked ; "do you love me?"

He reply without hesitation "of course."

I put him in the bedroom of our small house after he fell asleep, i make sure to close all the door and cut the phone line, open a loud music as I left the house. I went to near by seaside and look at the beauty of the world for last time and i walk away from living in that life finally wished i will never be able to feel love. Do I regret my action for him? Till now that was the best decisions i had made in my pathetic life.

"SuYan..YanYan" sweet voice of woman wake me up from my day dream. In front of my eye was my mother who is smiling so lovely to me that it seem unreal.

"Oh my baby girl is tired?" "Wait for a bit your grand uncles want to greet you" as she hold me in her embrace softly and take me out of bed. When i got out of our room, Su family yard is fill red lanterns and voice of people talking, children's laughter and smell of different foods.

"Omg, main character is here !" A village lady shouted loudly with smile on her face.

Soon everyone attention shift towards me. It is brand new experience which make my heart flutter like butterflies and unknowingly, i hold my mother clothes tighter.

"Omg omg " some old lady come to keep on looking with loving eyes.

" Su family daughter is here , who is it so cute, Ancestors hear our wishes and send a fairy to our house"

All the attending relatives reply: "yes yes, this is sign of our clan blessing"

Soon the grand elders of the Su clan come out of the main house and give blessing to SuYan"

"This is grade 4 magi core, when your grand uncle was younger a powerful daoist left as a gift" An old grandfather say while giving SuYan a blue crystal necklace.

All the elder on the scene got surprised. "Grade 4 magi core is such a rare thing you should keep it as heirloom. SuYan is still young she don't understand the preciousness of it grand elder" Lady Zhou reject quickly to the present.

Grand elder smile " how come this is first precious granddaughter of 3 generations of Su clan. I not leaving for some monkey brats. It my thing and it not that precious. "

" Yes our family is not very well off but can still gift this much" "yes SuYan mother take it, i hear grade 4 core can used as protective tailman." All the relatives persuade to lady Zhou. She finally give in to all persuasion.

"SuYan welcome to our family, thank you for being born" All the elders surrounded me and look with joyous smiles. My heart feel so warm, a feeling i never received in my past life,tears start to form in my eye and it drips slowly on my face. I give the biggest smile of my life, i think i am now SuYan, a baby girl of Su family no more a orphan..

"Look at her she is smile and crying at the same time hahaha"

So this is being a part of the family, it not so bad… this is my new beginning and my brand new chapter of my life.
