
Transmigrated life of village girl who love tea

Other people got transmigrated as female lead or villainess , young ladies but me not even close to plot line. When SuYan transmigrated as village girl in the fantasy murim novel as character which is not even described inside the book. She decided to roll far away from plot line while drinking tea. What female lead arguing with support female? I have to go watch. What, male lead is fighting with love interest, need to to see need to see. Mother: “where is SuYan “ “She go watch villager fighting” “Where is SuYan “ “At tea house listening gossip from story teller” “Such strong tea, what a wonderful tea” Ps: tea mean gossip. I will be posting it on royalRoad.com as well. Thanks.

Yuki3sec · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 4. Su brothers

At the port of XieLin town, the noise of the people talking can be hear as new cargo ship arrives to the port. SuManyi also busily preparing more buns and tea for customers especially posters are not patient folk.

"Boss when are my order ready, i been waiting for a while now."

"Boss mine too, hurry up i have to go back to work"

"..ok.." among the shout of the customers, SuManyi only reply one word and keep on cooking hurriedly.

"What are you guy shouting for, as you shout you think your food will come out umm?" The sound of the sharp voice of the woman can be hear from the back of the line.

When SuManyi look for the owner of the voice, he see his wife lady Zhao. Lady Zhou put her both hand on hip and look meanly at the ports who are shouting and all the voice got quiet.

"Oh, brother Ci, look at you asking for hurried to order, what are getting more job at the ship?"

"Great your wife being complaining to me how you got no job and you can"t bring money to your house "

The person brother Ci look always from lady Zhao and hurriedly defence " brother Man it ok for me, you make slowly " "ah sister, how can i got more job, my supervisor just nagging me to come back quickly, it ok i can wait haha"

Lady Zhao rely "that great, i thought you keep your private money and didn't send all your wedges to your wife."

"Nono how can, you don"t talk nonsense to my lady, she will scold me"

"Hahahaha" all the porters laugh. "Yes, yes brother Ci, wife is scary.HAHAHA"

"Yes, sister how can you come back , did't you look after your baby?"

Actually, all the regular customers of SuMan shop is scare of lady Zhao. While lady Zhao is pregnant and can't come to shop they are he most happiest out of all. And SuManyi is easy to talk and give extra food to them while lady Zhao is running business, they don't get this luxury.

"Her?, her grandparents are so spoil that I can't even hug at her."

"Yes. Yess . This the. First baby girl of your house right. Congratulations Congratulations

Brother Su.

"..Ummm..thank.." SuMan reply shortly but grins happily on his thousand year old cold face.

"He must be very happy" porter whispers among themselves.

With the. Help of his wife SuMan finished serving his work quickly. After all the customer left, lady Zhao ask her husband to go to ChangYi grocery store in town.

"We should start preparing for Yanyan full moon birthday, all grand elders are coming it going to be big celebration."

"Umm, we should buy whole pig and kill it" SuMan reply.

"I also worry about it, husband do you think 2 silvers will be enough? We need to save some for upcoming winter."

"Don't worry, if the money not enough, i will go to eastern forest to hunt"

"No, no it dangerous, you also know how many grade 5 monsters are in that forest." "I even hear immoral and material artists got injuries from that forest." lady Zhou hurriedly reply to her husband.

"Don't worry, it not that dangerous, i will go with youngest and brother Wei and we only going to hunt grade 1 monster at most."SuManyi responds to his wife.

"Ok, let not worry for future, let go to second brother first, the sun is going to set soon."

'Clop" "clop" the sound of donkey cart running can hear from outside of ChungYi shop accompanying with the shout of lady Zhou

"Second brother…" she jump out of donkey cart.

"Careful, careful" SuManyi got surprised at his wife behaviour and got out of the cart quickly and supported his wife. "You .. how reckless " he scold at his wife with worry in his eye.

"It ok" lady Zhao reply. Soon worker of ChungYi shop came out and welcome them to the shop.

ChangYi Groceries shop is not very big but have two floors and back room where he keep his goods and where only worker of his shop live. Even though it small shop, it is near to major business and restaurants so his shop business can say booming.

SuChangyi comedown from second floor quickly,

"Big brother, Sister in law. Greeting"

SuChangYi, got big physics which make him look more like a farmer than businessman. He got dark complexion wearing bright green colour silk clothes with very serious look face which look similar to SuManYi.

"ChungYi" both husband and wife great back at him.

"Are you coming to buy for my niece full moon birthday?""don't worry i already order all the necessary items and also order a pig from butcher."

Both husband and wife look surprised and quickly reply.

"Ah.., how come brother , i need to pay for it…"

SuChungYi hurriedly reply. "Don't worry, i know you will say that you pay me. 1 silver and the rest i and Wei,Xiao are going to share and pay." "And don't say no my niece is the first baby girl born in our family we definitely have to make specials for her, i already talked with dad so you just agree to it"

Both husband and wife look at each other and look defeated. "Ok brother , you arrange what is needed"

"Ok, Yimo " Chungyi called his worker .

"Yes, Master, "

"I will be go now, you arrange what is need for the shop also send the financial slip to my house after the shop close"


"Ok, brother give me a lift to escort agency, i going to see youngest" as he hopped on the donkey cart.

"What are you even asking when you already sitting." Reply SuManyi reply helplessly to his brother action.

"You are not going to say no anyway. Hurry the sun is going to go down. I need to pick at my wife and sons at mother house."