
Transmigrated into the BL World (Homewrecker Fujoshi)

Jinli Yu is a regular 22 years old student, single , no boyfriend since birth. Her reasons? It's very simple, she is a hardcore rotten fujoshi who loves to ship boys with each other. She was pulling all the nighter reading her favorite BL books. One day , while she was on her way to school,she found an injured little cat, Jinli put it inside her bag until a newly opened BL Bookstore caught her attention. She was very delighted exploring what's inside. Jinli was busy scanning the books when the cat suddenly escaped her bag, she followed it quietly to avoid gaining attention. The cat led her to a secret staircase. It was a BL Portal! "Ow! My head hurts! What happened to me? Why is it so dark?" BEHOLD! WELCOME TO THE BL WORLD! "Umm? Who are you?" I AM DICCU! THE HOMEWRECKER SYSTEM! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR DESTINY! Jinli Yu was transmigrated into the BL world as a homewrecker! Can she handle the mission!! A fujoshi being a homewrecker between a boy's love? Will she finally experience having a lightsaber thing? Let's find out!! Hello!! Your author Yohan here! I am here again, writing another transmigration novel! Please expect some: -comedy scenes -expect the unexpected -different twist -exciting story line Thank you so much!! Have fun reading it! Let's talk! Discord: @Yohan#6080 Cover not mine, credits to the rightful owner

yohan26_ · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
280 Chs

World 2.22

"I need an explanation about this first, Feng"

Qi Feng was also surprised by Wei Shin's reaction, so it was already spreading around the town. He lowered his head, trying to resist the heavy feeling inside him. "The Prince...Xiao Zhen" he looked at the male "What happened?" he asked

Wei Shin jolted from the tension between Qi Feng's words "I didn't do anything! He pushed me off guard down to the cliff" he explained 

Qi Feng was stunned "How could the second Prince do that to you?! Do you know what his motives are?" he asked

Wei Shin shakes his head, he explains to Qi Feng that he was still hiding with a fine family who took him the day he broke his head from falling off the cliff. They stated each other's situation and both understood each other. Qi Feng didn't convince Wei Shin to come back with him so he headed to the palace alone.

The next morning…

"Hey moron! Wake up! Wake up!!!"

Wei Shin rubbed his eyes slowly, he was still sleepy and it's still early. He looked at Yunmei and saw a different expression on his face. When he was going to ask, Yunmei carried him on his shoulders towards a secret door, a cabinet like but was a passage outside the back of their house.

Wei Shin was surprised because he didn't understand what was happening until he heard some heavy footsteps and familiar voices. Yunmei covered his mouth as they both peered into the small whole.

It was Qi Feng together with 4 palace guards on his side, he was talking to Guang and Mingxia sincerely . Wei Shin almost widened his eyes the moment Qi Feng rolled out the poster with his face as a criminal, it seemed like he was asking the couple about it.

"If you don't want to be found out,keep quiet" Yunmei whispered to him

After minutes of having a conversation, the palace guards left the house, Yunmei and Wei Shin headed inside again.

Guang and Mingxia greeted Wei Shin with a worried face, asking the male if he was okay. They were worried that maybe there was a valid reason why the male ran away from the palace and they're willing to protect him even if it costs their life. Wei Shin gave them thanks with all his heart until another knock was heard on the door and before they could hide again, the entrance was wide open.

Yunmei didn't hesitate to pick up a knife and threw it straight to the man standing on the door. The figure dodged it easily, he stepped forward and revealed his face.

"Qi Feng?!!" Wei Shin exclaimed, which made everyone look at him, wondering why he knew these palace guards. He dashed towards the male and defended him so the misunderstanding was solved right away.

In their small living room, Mingxia prepared some tea for their visitor while Guang entertained him as they both sat on their wooden sofa.

"What brings you here,Commander Feng?" Mingxia asked the moment she poured the tea in Qi Feng's cup.

Guang glanced at Wei Shin "We are very sorry about this, but I believe that this child had done nothing wrong" he said

Qi Feng took a sip "This tea was indeed sweet" he slowly put it down on the table "Thank you so much for taking care of We---" he paused after remembering the male's alias "Thank you for taking care of Xiang, we will gave you enough reward for that" he said as he slipped out two bags of gold from his pockets "Don't worry, your identities wouldn't be know in the entire palace and I will keep this as a secret, that's why I told my underlings to leave me behind"

"How did you know that I'm here?" Wei Shin asked

Qi Feng glanced at the male "I saw your old clothes hanging over there" and pointed out the house's old hanging rack.

Yunmei who was sitting on the corner started to fidget his fingers while trying to resist his annoyance towards the visitor. He knew that one day, Wei Shin would leave them and go back to where he used to live. He wasn't very sure of Qi Feng and it's giving him a headache just by thinking of his motives.

Yunmei stood up "Oi!" He called out,referring to their visitor "What the heck do you really want? We are not playing games here" he bluntly said with his sharp gaze

Qi Feng faced the male and didn't hesitate to answer "I'm going to take him back"

"Ehhh?!!!!" The four exclaimed in unison, especially Wei Shin who almost bawled his eyes out "Why so sudden?!" He blurted out

This time, Qi Feng lowered his head and his expression turned gloomy "Can I talk to Xiang in private?" He asked in a low tone



Wei Shin almost yelled his response the moment he heard Qi Feng's explanation. Zi Yuzuo wasn't feeling well and he was having a hard time dealing with his health. He was losing yin energy and he needed Wei Shin by his side because they were bonded as master and slave.

"The Prince wanted to see you so badly, he still wanted to investigate what happened because he knew that you will never do such thing" Qi Feng stated

It was good that they took their conversation alone in the backyard because it would be a mess if anyone found out that the Prince was sick and ill. An empty throne was an easy target for enemies.

Wei Shin felt guilty "I'm sorry, I didn't know that the situation would lead into this" he said "I wasn't thinking straight after all, I made the decision only for myself" he said in his gloomy expression. 

Qi Feng cheer him up by brushing his hair "It's okay, the Prince never thought of you that way" he said as he tried to make a smile then he lifted up Wei Shin's hands "Come back, he's been waiting for you" he lightly pressed his palms with a sincere look

Wei Shin felt something inside him, something between worries and hesitations. He averted his gaze "B-But…" he bit his lower lips "How about Prince Xiao Zhen? They will never look at me the same again" he uttered with his doubts

Qi Feng felt it, the regrets and doubts in every word Wei Shin was saying, he can protect him inside the palace but he can't always be by his side. "It's okay, the council can postpone your judgements because of the Prince's condition" he said, trying to lift up. 

Wei Shin fell silent, he lowered his head and fixed his eyes on their connected hands. He can feel the distress in Qi Feng's touch. 

He then realized something, he was here to fulfill a mission. He was here for Zi Yuzuo as Wei Shin, to serve him as a slave.

He wanted to go back immediately but he was always getting scared of Xiao Zhen's position. But if he hides forever, he will gain nothing.

Wei Shin then clenched his jaw and gathered his courage "Fine…" he uttered

"Qi Feng, I will go back" 


Another update!!


Go! Go! Get em back Wei Shin!!!

yohan26_creators' thoughts