
Transmigrated into Patriarchal Kingdom: Won’t Abandon my Values!

Nick is an average 24 year old guy who has been working for the last 2 years since graduating college. Suddenly he is transmigrated into the body of the Duke of Edinburgh in a fantasy world with magic. When was he transmigrated? On the day of his wedding to a daughter of a Count! He thought she was incredibly beautiful, so he decided to try his best to make their arranged marriage a happy one. However, he quickly learned about this fantasy world’s patriarchal society when he was constantly bombarded by other nobles about questions of when he would choice some concubines or at least get a second wife. Coming from the 21st century, Nick had a strong aversion to this kind of society that treated women like pieces of meat. Whenever asked a question like this, he would answer with a simple, “I will only ever love my wife!” This greatly shocked his wife Rebecca because she was engaged to the original Duke since childhood and was taught that she would only ever be a decoration. She was told to never expect love in this marriage and that she would have no right to ever criticize any of her husband’s actions. Not only that, this patriarchal kingdom was also underutilizing some genius talents only because they were women! If Nick could bring over these great geniuses to his side, then his Duchy would become that much more powerful! Follow this story of a girl who is hardened by the patriarchal society she lives in and a boy who wants to shower her with love, affection, and understanding to break down her walls and make her happy. And while they are at it, they just might change this whole backwards kingdom for the better.

Andrew_3058 · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Family Breakfast (Part 1)

I quickly returned to Becca's room after my talk with her father. On the way back, I was contemplating how much of our conversation I should tell Becca. Part of me wanted to tell her all the details because I am the type of person who wants an us against the world relationship where we tell each other everything. Part of me felt like it would be more meaningful to hear it directly from her father in his own words.

When I entered the room, Becca was already awake and stretching as if she had just gotten out of bed. Her bed head also let me know that she hadn't woken up too long ago. After the door shut behind me, Becca turned around and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Nick. What were you up to?"

"Your father came a little bit earlier and wanted to have that private talk with me."

Once Becca realized I had just had a private meeting with her father, she suddenly became nervous.

"Why did he need to speak to you alone? What did he say? I hope he didn't give you a hard time…"

"He questioned why I decided to come here with you and acting different. I told him that I fell for you and we are now happily married after we reconciled. The way he questioned me, I'm pretty sure that he still cares a lot about you, Becca. He wanted to talk in private so he could try to get me to be good to you."

Becca's eyes started to sparkle. "Really? Did he accept that our relationship made a complete 180 so quickly?"

"Well, he didn't really believe me because you weren't there to tell your side of the story. But he did say that he would keep watching me throughout the trip to see if I really did change. Also, I didn't tell him about me letting you join the Royal mages or the new laws we are going to implement because I wanted you to have the opportunity to tell your parents yourself that you are going to be able to fulfill your life long dream.

Actually, I already made plans with your father to have a late breakfast with us, him, and your mom. I just came to pick you up. There, you can tell them everything that's been happening with us the last couple of weeks. It will be a lot to digest for them, but it's better to get it all out in one go and move on from there. That's why I wanted to wait until your mom and you were also there."

Becca beamed with an excited smile. "Thanks for being so considerate Nick. Let's go tell them the good news! Don't get too embarrassed when I talk about how amazing you are."

"Haha, we have to be extra lovey dovey to convince your parents that we actually have feelings for each other now."

"That's true, I don't mind if my family sees us snuggling. My mother and father used to always snuggle together when I was a kid haha."

"Sound good to me! Now come sit, I'll help you comb out your bed head."

Becca heard my offer and shyly replied, "Oh, ok…"

She sat down on her bed, while I grabbed a comb from the dresser. It would have been better if she had a couch in her room, but Becca wanted as much open space in her room as possible. As I started gently combing her soft hair, I was mesmerized by how beautiful it was. I just suggested it casually, but maybe I should comb her hair more often…

As I was lost in my own world, Becca asked, "by the way, you probably gave my father some explanation for your sudden change to start liking me. What story did you come up with this time? That way I can keep our stories straight."

I put my hand on my chin as I tried to recall exactly I ended up coming up with. I usually like to go with the flow with my lies…it would most likely catch up to me eventually. Good thing Becca is here to support me. She is much more meticulous than I am.

"Hmmm, I believe I told him I fell for you the day that you screamed at me in the library. That no one had ever blew up at me before and told me I was in the wrong, so when the first person put me in my place, I was attracted to her more than any woman I had ever been with before."

"Geez, Nick! What a convoluted reason to fall in love with someone. I prefer the explanation that the first night between us was so good that you ended up at my beck and call."

The arrogant rich boy that fell in love with the girl who doesn't follow the crowd and talks back to him was a pretty cliche romcom trope, so I thought it would be okay. But I guess in this Kingdom, if someone goes against an arrogant noble, they are just forced to submit or be harshly punished.

"But I didn't want your father to think that I only changed because I got attracted to your body…I want him to think I changed because you taught me a lesson with your fiery personality. It feels more sincere that I learned to be a better person because of your words and my respect for you ended up turning to love."

Becca's hair wasn't too messy after only sleeping for a few hours, so I finished combing her hair pretty quickly and we start to head to the dinning room. Becca grabbed my hand as we exited the room. "I worry about how believable it is, but it's fine. As long as we have the same story, they have no way to find out the truth. Plus, now I get to be the arrogant one, who bosses you around."

I shook my head with a smirk. "I don't know if arrogant is the right word. More like you were a stern teacher, who taught me right from wrong. Some girls like it when they are the only one who can tame the bad boy."

Becca turned around from leading me towards the dinning room with her own smirk. "Well, I prefer a nice guy who always puts me as their number one priority."

Speaking of priorities, part of me wished we could just return to Becca's bedroom and cuddle for the rest of the day.

I reached out and pinched Becca's cheek.

"Stop being so cute. We need to stay focused on the task at hand!"

Becca gave me a big toothy smile and said in a sarcastic tone, "Sorry, I forgot how weak you are to my charm."

I let out a deep sigh, this girl didn't listen to a word I said…

Luckily, we reached the dinning room before Becca could distract me more with her cuteness.