
transmigrated into Harry potter world

lolz094 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Chapter 12: The Final Battle

As the man and his friends arrived back at Hogwarts, they could feel the tension in the air. The Dark Lord and his followers had taken over the school, and it was up to them to stop him once and for all.

The man knew that this would be the final battle. It was the moment he had been preparing for since he first learned of the Dark Lord's return. He knew that he might not make it out alive, but he was determined to do everything in his power to save the wizarding world from tyranny.As they approached the castle, they were met with a barrage of spells from the Death Eaters. The man and his friends quickly took cover, returning fire as they advanced. The battle was intense, and the man could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

As they reached the entrance to the castle, they were confronted by the Dark Lord himself. He stood at the top of the stairs, his red eyes gleaming in the darkness. The man could feel the weight of his gaze upon him, and he knew that this was the moment he had been dreading.The Dark Lord spoke, his voice echoing through the hall. "Welcome, Harry Potter. I have been expecting you."

The man drew his wand, his hands shaking slightly. He knew that he had to stay focused, that he couldn't let fear get the best of him.

The Dark Lord continued to speak, taunting the man with stories of his past, his failures, and his weaknesses. The man listened, his jaw clenched, his eyes fixed on the Dark Lord.

Finally, the Dark Lord raised his wand, and the battle began.

The man dodged and weaved, firing spells at the Dark Lord as he moved. The Dark Lord was a formidable opponent, and the man knew that he would have to use every bit of skill and strategy he had to defeat him.

As the battle raged on, the man could feel himself growing tired. He knew that he couldn't keep this up forever. He had to end it, and he had to end it soon.With a burst of energy, the man charged forward, firing a barrage of spells at the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord responded in kind, and the two wizards engaged in a fierce duel that shook the very foundations of Hogwarts.

The man could feel his wand arm growing heavy, his muscles screaming in protest. He knew that he couldn't keep this up much longer.

And then, suddenly, it was over.

With a burst of light and sound, the Dark Lord fell to the ground, defeated.The man collapsed to his knees, his chest heaving with exhaustion. He could hardly believe it. It was finally over. The wizarding world was safe once again.

As he sat there, catching his breath, the man looked around him. The castle was in ruins, the bodies of the fallen scattered across the ground. He knew that they had lost many good people in the battle, but he also knew that they had won a great victory.The man stood up, his legs wobbling slightly. He knew that they had a lot of work to do in the days and weeks to come. They had to rebuild Hogwarts, heal the wounded, and honor the fallen.

But for now, he allowed himself a moment of celebration. They had won. They had defeated the Dark Lord. And they had done it together.

As the man looked around at his friends, he knew that they would always be bound by this experience. They had been through so much together, and they had come out the other side stronger than ever.He smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. The wizarding world was safe, and he had played a part in making that happen