
Transmigrated into a Novel I've Never Read

There are several works in which someone is transported or reborn into a novel. A reader can become a villain. A reader can become an extra character. The author can become an extra character, a villain, or the main character. However, why couldn't I be transported to my own novel!? Why did it have to be in a novel that I never read?

NextageGG · Fantasy
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15 Chs


The Strongest Chosen One is a novel that takes place in an alternate world. I didn't delve too deeply into the geography, but there were no countries like the United States, Brazil, China, or Japan.

It takes place in an alternate universe that is quite similar to my old world, but the technology seemed to be more advanced and more retrograde in some respects.

Perhaps the presence of superpowered beings like the Awakened and the Nexum caused humanity to follow a different path of evolution.

I wasn't particularly avoiding people, in fact, I was very anxious to expand my social circle, but I had to find a way to have privacy.

Darya made it clear why she chose me, my ability to infiltrate without leaving a trace. The problem was that I didn't have that ability, or rather, I did, I just didn't know how to do it.

I couldn't emit energy beyond my body or something I was touching, but with the help of a specialized Emission teacher, I was able to learn enough.

I walked towards a flat space over the tall grass and sat cross-legged.

I began channeling energy while memories of self-suggestion flowed through my mind.

Basically, the two times I tried to reproduce the same feat, I was unable to do it for two reasons. The first is that I don't have enough control over my nexum energy, and the second is that being a beginner Awakened, I wouldn't be able to perform such an advanced technique.

After talking to my teacher, I realized that I could start practicing on a smaller scale, even if I still couldn't perform the complete technique.

It was more difficult in practice than in theory. To erase my presence, I would need insane control over nexum energy, to prevent me from erasing myself.

But since I already had in mind what I would try to do, I quickly began to put it into practice.

"Ok, here we go."

I began to concentrate on the nexum energy circulating through my body, trying to feel its presence and movement. It was a delicate process, any slip in control and I could end up causing an explosion of energy.

I sat there, practicing energy control for hours on end, trying to achieve the necessary control to execute the camouflage technique. My body ached and my mind was exhausted, but I knew I had to keep going.

Eventually, I began to feel a different sensation in my hands, as if the energy was concentrating there. I tried to channel that energy to other parts of my body, but soon lost control and the energy dissipated.

It was frustrating, but I knew it was progress. I continued to train, focusing on accumulating energy in my fists and keeping it under control for longer periods of time.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to improve my energy control."

I looked up and saw Anna, standing a few meters away from me.

"Really?" she commented, smiling.

Interestingly, I observed her expression. She had one eyebrow raised and seemed to be holding back laughter, as if mocking me.

"I don't like that tone," I grumbled, returning my focus to my attempt to improve my energy control.

"I'm sorry," she said, still smiling, as she sat in front of me in the same position as me. "You're not doing anything wrong, there are just better ways to do it."

"Like what?"

"Pay attention," she ordered.

As Anna closed her eyes, she instantly began channeling her energy, causing an intense shift in her body. A bluish aura began to form around her, radiating light in all directions. Her energy was so powerful that I could barely look directly at her.

The energy around her body expanded more and more, illuminating the environment with an intense blue glow. The light seemed to radiate from her pores, as if every cell in her body was vibrating in tune with her energy.

With fluid and precise movements, Anna began manipulating the energy with her hands, creating complex patterns that moved through the air as if dancing with the energy itself.

I watched in fascination, trying to keep up with her movements with my eyes, but it was difficult to follow, as the energy seemed to have a life of its own.

"Spread the energy throughout your entire body," she repeated, still manipulating the energy with her hands. "Feel it flow within you, every cell, every muscle, every thought. You are the energy, and the energy is you."

I closed my eyes and began following her instructions, spreading my energy throughout my entire body, feeling it spread like a wave that enveloped me completely. It was an incredible sensation, as if I was in tune with the universe.

Anna smiled, seeming satisfied with my progress. "Now, focus on each individual point of energy. Feel it pulsing in every part of your body, but maintain the sense of unity. You are a unique entity of energy, but composed of many parts."

I opened my eyes and began following her instructions, focusing on each individual point of energy. It was difficult at first, but with practice, I began to feel every cell in my body pulsing in tune with the energy.

Anna applauded when I finally managed to control my energy with ease.

"Well done! You have a talent for this."

"I'm not so sure about that. Anyway, thanks for the help."

I was struggling to spread my energy throughout my body. Although I could resort to self-suggestion, I didn't want to spend mental energy that way.

Not again.

"I would have to be able to do this on my own, but I had no idea how. Asking Darya for help was out of the question, and Glenn and I weren't close enough."

"It was nothing."

"It was. You have no idea how much I was struggling to do this. I owe you one."

With her head tilted to the side, she nodded with a kind smile.

"I'll let you train, then..." However, as she spoke, Anna shifted her gaze to a certain direction of the camp.

She swallowed hard as she looked out into the horizon. Her expression darkened as quickly as her smile had appeared.

"What's happening?" I asked, a little worried.

"Something's going on," she answered, hurrying toward the crowd of people.

I followed her as I watched the other students gathering around a specific point. As the students gathered, I could hear them chatting.

"It looks like they're going to fight!"

"Let's watch! Finally something interesting!"

"Look, it's the Student Council!"

The last boy pointed in our direction, specifically at Anna, who continued to walk with a somber expression on her face.

"So that's why she found it strange that I didn't know her!"

Honestly, I didn't even know there was a student council in Espiral.

As we approached the crowd, the students were forming a circle where two guys were facing each other. One had black hair and dark brown eyes, wearing all black clothing while being enveloped in white energy, the other looked like a third-rate villain, both in style and actions.

He was staring at the boy with his arms crossed as if he wasn't worth his time.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, a little curious.

My visit to the academy was quite sudden, so I didn't have time to get informed about the rules. Espiral was a battle academy, which theoretically would allow confrontations between students. However, if there was a student council, maybe there were specific rules for it.

"Stay here." She ordered.

"Good luck!" I shouted, watching Anna walk towards the conflict.


As Kian walked towards the crowd, he scanned the people until he finally found a familiar face. However, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, after all, he had just met a potential teacher and someone had to interrupt.

As he walked, his eyes briefly turned to the two students who started fighting, but both seemed to not be taking it seriously. However, the figure of a boy compressing air in his hands caught his attention.

'How interesting, wind nexus energy,' thought Kian, feeling a strange familiarity with it. But he ignored the feeling and continued towards his sister.

"So, what's going on?" asked Kian, curious.

Darya, who had gone to see the commotion with great interest, sighed heavily. "Your target is drawing attention."

"My target?" Kian asked in a muffled tone.

"Lyron Windrider," she whispered back.

"Is that him?" He raised an eyebrow, watching the boy using the wind to beat up the guy.

Looking at the confused Kian, Darya shook her head.


She returned her gaze to the battle in awe. His control of his energy and creative use of his ability only increased her desire to have him by her side.

"And who is the other one?"

Darya heard her fake brother ask, with a strange tone of voice. She took her eyes off the fight and stared at him only to see him staring at Lyron seriously.

As if he was analyzing every move he made.

"Aldrich Valtor," she replied, returning her attention to the fight. "He is one of Lucius' minions. He often bullies weaker ones, but strangely, Lyron was the one who started it."

"Interesting," he smiled, watching the one-sided fight by his target. "You said he started acting strange after awakening his ability."

"Yes, he was a complete jerk."

"And have there been similar cases like this?"

"Unless you're a transmission type, it's impossible."

She crossed her arms, staring at a girl who stepped between the two to break up the fight.

"Do you think he's like you?" Kian asked, smiling as he watched Anna incapacitate Lyron. "A person with dual affinity."

"That, my dear brother," she turned, placing her hand on Kian's shoulder. "Is for you to find out."

Darya sighed, turning to leave the training field. She knew Anna would end the fight, so there was no reason to keep watching.

Meanwhile, Kian continued to watch Anna, impressed with her combat ability. Hearing what his sister had just said, he put his hands in his pants pocket.

'Sometimes I hate that girl...'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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