
Transmigrated into a Novel I've Never Read

There are several works in which someone is transported or reborn into a novel. A reader can become a villain. A reader can become an extra character. The author can become an extra character, a villain, or the main character. However, why couldn't I be transported to my own novel!? Why did it have to be in a novel that I never read?

NextageGG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Spiral [2]

Looking at the classroom, I couldn't help but notice how impressive it was.

The classroom was spacious and well-lit, with large windows that allowed natural light to enter. The walls were white and clean, with some decorations in shades of gray and blue that resembled the academy's spiral symbol. There was a row of desks and chairs on each side of the room, all well-organized and arranged at a perfect angle to the blackboard on the front wall.

"Where do I sit?" I murmured to myself.

As I looked for a place to sit, the professor who was talking to Darya in front of the blackboard, to my surprise, heard my murmurings and responded.

"There." He pointed to a spot right in the middle of the room. "The only vacant spot, sir...?"

"Kian," I replied, pointing to the girl next to him who smiled at me. "Her brother."

"Before you sit down, please come here, Mr. Kian." He dismissed Darya, who gave me a wink and walked past me, heading towards her seat, which interestingly was in the front, unlike mine.

As I walked towards the professor, I couldn't help but notice his appearance. . Her brown hair fell softly over her forehead, while a pair of glasses enhanced her black eyes. Unlike me, she wasn't wearing any uniform.

"It seems like the teachers aren't required to wear this."

As soon as I approached the professor, he handed me a flat circular technological object, which had a screen on one side. I tried pressing the screen to see if it would turn on, but nothing happened, I figured it was because the object had more technology than I knew.

"What do I do with this?" I asked, trying to decipher what it was.

The professor looked at me, trying to understand what I was saying, and sighed. He took the object from my hand, lifted the sleeve of my left arm, and placed the circular object on top of my wrist.

The object then lit up and two bracelets grew around my wrist, transforming into a kind of watch.

As soon as it transformed, the screen turned on by itself and three dark yellow stars appeared on it.

Suddenly, one of them lit up.

"This here is a scanner. We use it in the Spiral to measure the current strength of our students and check if they are progressing," he explained, pointing to the scanner's screen. "The stars represent our power system, the more stars you have, the better."

I looked at the single star that shone with a little confusion.

"So, am I the weakest of them all?" I asked, already expecting the worst possible answer.

"No, you can exert a total power of 3 stars, but currently, in your state where you're doing something with your nexus energy, you can only exert the power of one star," the teacher explained, looking at me as if I were the biggest idiot of them all. He sighed for the third time before turning and saying, "Now go sit down."

"Thanks for the help, professor," I nodded, murmuring as I walked towards my seat.

"Tsk, idiot," I heard one of the students in the front row comment and laugh with the student next to him as I passed.

It was at that moment that I realized I had gone back to one of the worst times of my old life, high school.

'I hate academic novels,' I thought, ignoring the boy and sitting in my place.

As the teacher searched for something on his desk, my attention was drawn to some individuals in the room.

Most had easily forgettable faces, even though each one was unique. There were no ugly people, they were all average-looking, and some, very select few, were extremely attractive.

"This is definitely the protagonist's class," I muttered, scanning my eyes over all the boys in the room. The protagonist couldn't be measured by looks, some were extremely good-looking, others were average, but none were ugly.

'Come to think of it, I haven't looked at my own face yet!'

I used to be black, as I like to say in my old world, the color of the purest chocolate. It was obvious from the skin color on my arms.

I would have guessed my hair was white, given the Mercer family, if I didn't know that I wasn't from that family.

I spent a few minutes musing over my possible appearance until a voice interrupted my thoughts.


Turning in the direction of the voice, a boy was sitting next to me.

He wore the same uniform as me, his most striking feature was undoubtedly his baldness, and the fact that he didn't look bad being bald.

He was thin, but his facial features were well-defined, with thick eyebrows and curious brown eyes that shone with a playful sparkle. His baldness was noticeable, but instead of hiding or being ashamed of it, he seemed to accept it with ease.

"My name is Gleen." He smiled and offered a handshake to me.

His hand felt calloused, maybe he was the type to emit and had trained a lot.

"Kian, my name is Kian." His voice was a little high for his appearance, but I didn't mind, and we shook hands.

I didn't know anything about anyone, so the first step was to make friends who would tell me. This boy was the first friend I planned to make.

"Don't take offense, but what are you doing with your nexus energy?" My new friend asked me, with a face full of curiosity.

"What do you mean? How do you know I'm doing something with my energy?"

He brought up his other arm, showing the scanner on his wrist that contained two dim stars.

"If you weren't doing something, you wouldn't have any stars lit up on your SP." He explained, showing his other arm, where the scanner on his wrist contained two dim stars.


"Power scanner."

"That makes sense." I looked at my scanner, which had a lit-up star.

It turned out that I was trying to practice the energy technique of the Mercer family whenever I could, but I didn't know that even trying already changed something in my power.

I stopped trying to control the flow of nexus energy and to produce more energy when the star went out.

"Oh, I see, thanks." I thanked Gleen, returning to trying to train, when the star lit up again. "I'm practicing an energy technique."

"Really?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Your energy technique must-"

Gleen stopped speaking abruptly when the teacher stopped looking for something on the desk.

"Well, for the new additions to the room, my name is Victor Avigar," his voice was loud and firm, although a bit rushed. "I am a retired awakened, a professor, and a Nexo energy expert. During classes, you may refer to me as Mr. Avigar." He waited for any questions, looking at me and Darya, which didn't happen.

"You are here to learn the skills necessary to be an awakened of honor and respect," the professor continued. "You may have different backgrounds, some may come from extremely privileged backgrounds, others not so much, but during your tenure here, your loyalty is expected to be only to the Spiral Academy. You will have classes on various subjects, some practical, and some academic. Let me clarify one thing, although some lessons may not have combat applications, they are no less important for your development. An awakened is more than a person who uses abilities and knows how to fight. They must know laws, culture, history, and a host of other things. We, at the Spiral, will teach this, we are here for that."

"Another important point, Awakened are the strength of the human race against its enemies, but beyond that, we also protect people against Black Nexos, corrupted Awakened, and demonic humans... we are the shield that protects those who cannot protect themselves, and the sword that brings down the enemies of humanity. But we are NOT soldiers." He raised his voice in the last sentence, making me jump in place. "We are not soldiers. Do not forget that, know how to separate the world of awakened humans from the world of normal humans. Wars, armed conflicts, and political accidents have nothing to do with any of you."

'Armed conflict?' I swallowed a little with that. 'What kind of world have I entered!?'

"But awakened are more than just that," Mr. Avigar stated. He looked at his watch, checking the time, and took a deep breath. "We are the foundation of society and the foundation of the economy itself. What is most valuable in Esperan today are magical artifacts and cosmetics made from magical animal skins. But unfortunately, my time here is up, see you in the next class."

I took a deep breath, watching the professor return to his desk and sit down, fiddling with papers again, ignoring the various conversations and murmurs that started in the room.

"That's a lot of information, right?" Gleen said, looking at me taking long breaths. "It's not as bad as you're imagining."

"Good to know..." I observed the students getting up one by one from their seats.

I stood up with Gleen, and with enough curiosity, I asked. "Where are we going?"

"Sometimes I forget you're new," he looked at me with some confusion. "Your schedule details your classes, you also have to join a club and choose your practical classes."

He put his hand in his pants pocket and took out a piece of paper to show me. "My nexum is of the creation type, so my next class is with the professor specializing in this area."

I nodded, watching him leave the room. Following his actions, I put my hand in my pocket only to be greeted with nothing.

"Damn, I didn't even bring that." I turned my gaze to Darya, looking for her.

Darya had the same type of Nexum as me, the Emission type, so I deduced that her class was the same as mine.

'I hope I'm right...'

"I found her chatting with two girls as they were leaving the room together. I hurried ahead and began to follow them.

"How did this girl already make friends with two people?"

I had to admit, when it came to charisma, she was an expert.

As I followed Darya and her new friends, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that was said in class. I had no idea how different this world was from my old world, so all my concerns could be unfounded, like conflicts between countries or even the threat of nuclear bombs.

But if all of this was true, I would be forbidden from getting involved, since the Awakened were prohibited from doing so. However, how would this play out if the world was at risk? It was a worrying question that I still didn't have an answer to.

I never considered having to think about this kind of thing, because what I base my actions on are my experiences with novels of this type, but in none of them does the transmigrated or reincarnated person have to think about this.

And honestly, I really wished that was the case for me.

'Anyway, there's no point in thinking about it when I'm not even sure of anything.'

I hope you liked it. I will use the classes to explain certain confusing things and explore the world more.

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