
Transmigrated into a Novel I've Never Read

There are several works in which someone is transported or reborn into a novel. A reader can become a villain. A reader can become an extra character. The author can become an extra character, a villain, or the main character. However, why couldn't I be transported to my own novel!? Why did it have to be in a novel that I never read?

NextageGG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Spiral [1]

Yesterday I couldn't post, so consider this a bonus chapter.

Please give me some power stones so I can be happy.


It had been a few days since I became one of Darya's men. I spent most of my time training the energy technique and my ability.

The more I trained and delved into it, the more I realized how insane what the self-suggestion did was.

"No wonder I almost mentally exhausted myself."

I also tested the self-suggestion a few times and realized that it used mental energy to function, with the amount required depending on the suggestion I made.

During this time, Darya would often come to visit me, which made me addicted to hot chocolate.

I have to admit, being from a powerful family had its benefits.

"I still can't believe Darya managed to turn me into a bastard of the family," I muttered, looking at the tablet screen with some apprehension.

On the tablet, a headline was trending on what would be the Google of this world, or rather, the Giive.

"Unknown heir of the Mercer family emerges from the shadows."

I read the headline again and shook my head, trying to understand how Darya managed to pull off her plan.

It was simple, but genius.

It was easy for her to forge documents, manipulate witnesses, and create a convincing narrative, after all, she had the support of her father.

Now, I was an illegitimate son of the Mercer family and had access to everything that implied: resources, advanced training, connections, but also the weight of expectations and the rivalry of the true heirs.

Obviously, this story of being Darya's brother was a farce, but only a few people were aware of that.

Suddenly, a notification appeared on my tablet screen, it was a message from Darya.

Darya: Congratulations on officially becoming my little brother.

Me: Doesn't your mother have anything to say about this?

Darya: Stop questioning everything and come to the main house.

Me: I'm on my way.

I quickly got up from the bed and dressed to go to the main house of the Mercer family. It didn't take long for me to get there, and I was greeted by Darya, who hugged me.

"Congratulations, little brother." She said, smiling.

"Stop it, it's weird." I replied, raising my eyebrow.

I completely changed my perception of Darya since we got closer. Although our relationship was still strange, it was better than before. I found out that she had a childish side, maybe because she lost part of her childhood. At times, the image of calm and rational Darya disappeared completely.

Still smiling, she sat on a large sofa in the main area and pointed for me to sit next to her.

"Did you write down the names I asked for?" She asked, waving to one of the maids who nodded and left the room.

"Aria Blackwood and Jun Nightingale, they are considered the strongest young people of our generation," I replied, settling down. "They are being targeted by the world government as future workers, and they also have the enmity of two of the four great clans."

"And you did your homework," she commented, surprised. "But not completely. They are also being targeted by my second brother."

"Do you think you'll be able to recruit them before your brother?" I observed the maid appear again with a cup of hot chocolate. "You should stop drinking that whenever you can."

"I'll only know if I try." She replied, taking the cup from the maid. "There's a name I want you to invest in."

I raised an eyebrow. "So we're recruiting separately?"


"Alright." I replied, accepting her orders. "Who's the guy?"

"Lyron Windrider."

"Windrider?" I asked, surprised. "Aren't they the small northern family?"

"Yes, they are." Darya confirmed, taking a sip of hot chocolate. "Normally, I wouldn't pay attention to them, but Lyron is different, there are rumors about his ability."

"What ability?"

"He has absolute control over the wind." She explained. "This ability hasn't appeared for a long time. Moreover, he was a terrible person but he has improved a lot since he awakened his ability."

"I see." I nodded, thinking about the possibilities. "I'll do my research and see what I can do."

"Great." Darya smiled. "He's also in Espiral, classes started a week ago, research everything you can and get ready, we'll leave tomorrow."

She stood up and began walking towards the exit of the place, leaving me alone.

"Damn!" I groaned, a little irritated before standing up. "I have to find a way out of this situation."

I followed her, walking towards her residence.


"Don't be nervous, everything will be alright."

"This isn't nervousness." I looked at the car window, making sure to memorize the way. "It's excitement."

Darya laughed in surprise. "Excited? Why?"

I took my eyes off the window and looked at her. "I've only known you since I awakened. I want to meet new people."

"Don't worry, you'll meet many interesting people." Darya smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Darya." I smiled back at her, feeling comforted by her words. "You're a good friend."

She laughed. "I think big sister fits better, don't you think?"

"We're the same age." And with that, we continued our journey towards the academy.

As soon as the car stopped, the driver got out of the car and opened the door. Darya got out first and then I did.

[Espiral Academy]

Looking at the inviting sign at the entrance, I sighed.

I moved my eyes around, only to be surprised by the view.

"How did we get here by car?" I exclaimed out loud, while looking at the magnificent sea behind me.

"We didn't get here by car," Darya replied, smiling. "We came here by boat."

"Boat?" I looked at her, confused. "I don't remember getting on a boat."

She laughed. "You were sleeping. It was the fastest and safest way to get here."

I agreed, still looking at the view. "Impressive. I've never seen anything like it."

"Come on, we need to register and get our schedules." Darya pulled me by the hand, taking me out of my admiration for the scenery and making me look at the academy.

The Spiral Academy stood majestically on the edge of the vast sea, with its pointed towers and dark stone walls that shone under the intense sun. The main entrance was a large wrought iron gate that opened to reveal an impressive inner courtyard, surrounded by tall and majestic columns that supported a stunning glass roof. The inner walls were decorated with incredible murals that told stories of epic battles and legendary heroes, while imposing sculptures of armed warriors framed the path to the main corridors. As we walked through the corridors, we passed huge classrooms and giant libraries, each looking more grandiose than the last. The academy exuded an air of greatness and power, and I felt small in the face of so much grandeur.

Darya led me to the reception desk, where a receptionist smiled at us and asked how she could help. After providing our names and registration details, she handed us our schedules and maps of the academy.

"On the map, your dormitory is marked, go change and head to class right away." The receptionist ordered, not giving us another glance.

Darya looked at her schedule and then at mine.

"We're in the same class," she smiled, satisfied. "Great, the plan worked."

I opened the map of the academy, and I confess that I was scared by how big the place was.

"Let's not be late anymore." She opened the map, looking for the women's dormitory. "See you in the classroom."

And she walked away down the hallway.


As soon as I arrived at the men's dormitory, I realized that I was completely lost. The place was huge and I had no idea where my room was. I looked at the map again, trying to find my location, but I couldn't orient myself.

That's when a tall, well-dressed guy approached me, seeming to notice my confusion.

"Are you new here?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes, I just arrived," I answered, relieved to find someone who could help me.

"So you're lost. What's your room number?"

I showed him my schedule and he pointed the way, walking with me to the door of my room.

"This is your room," he said, pointing to the door with the number 29.

"Thank you," I said, taking the map from his hand.

As soon as I took it, he walked back. I turned to the dorm room door and stared at the sign hanging on it.

'Russell Xithur, Kian Mercer, 29.'

I opened the dorm room door and found a medium-sized room with two twin beds on opposite sides of the wall. One of them was neatly made with a backpack on top, clearly occupied by Russell Xithur, my roommate who had already gone to class. The other bed was empty and messy, with clothes thrown on top of the mattress.

"Great, shared rooms," I grumbled as I walked towards my bed, grabbing the backpack I had left on the floor.

I started organizing my things, hanging clothes in the wardrobe and putting books and school materials on the table next to my bed. I noticed that Russell had left an empty space in the dresser between the beds, probably reserved for my things.

"He seems organized," I thought as I made my bed and tried to put some order in my side of the room. "But I hope he doesn't mind a slightly messy roommate."

Picking up the clothes on the mattress, I stared at it for a few seconds, it was the academy uniform.

The uniform consisted of a gray t-shirt with the academy's symbol, a silver spiral, printed on the chest, matching the color of the pants and sneakers. The short sleeves of the t-shirt were folded twice, exposing a darker lining. The clothes seemed comfortable and flexible enough to allow for agile movements during physical training.

I quickly put on the clothes, appreciating the feeling of unity and belonging. It was a good way to start feeling part of the academy. I left the room and headed to the classroom.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was anxious.

As a new academy, the pieces were coming together one by one. If Darya wasn't a female heroine, she was some important character.

The chance of the protagonist being in this room was extremely high, and with my knowledge, I could easily find him.

Of course, that is, if the author didn't make a protagonist who hides his power.

Approaching the door of my classroom, I observed the elegant letters carved in what seemed to be gleaming gold.

'Room 2-A'

I felt my heart beating faster as I heard murmurs coming from inside the room. It seemed like the teacher was talking to someone with a familiar voice. Maybe it was Darya.

I took a deep breath and put my hand on the doorknob. I turned it and opened the door, entering the classroom.