
Transmigrated into a Novel I've Never Read

There are several works in which someone is transported or reborn into a novel. A reader can become a villain. A reader can become an extra character. The author can become an extra character, a villain, or the main character. However, why couldn't I be transported to my own novel!? Why did it have to be in a novel that I never read?

NextageGG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Even the name sounds like a villain

[The Secondary Rival] (2nd Popular Ranking)

Author: NextageGG.

Description: Adrian Silva is the son of the most powerful man in the world and is obsessed with surpassing his rival, Chase Scott. Despite his efforts, Adrian has never been able to defeat Chase, always feeling like something mysterious was holding him back. When he receives a book that tells the story of his rival, Adrian realizes that he is not a main character in the narrative, but only a supporting character. Determined to change this, Adrian decides to take the reins of his own story and become the hero of his own life. But will he be able to finally surpass his rival? Or has destiny reserved only a secondary role for him in Chase's story?

Rating: 4.8 (1,834 reviews)

Views: 35.5 million. Words: 1.7 million.

Status: In Progress.

[Webtoon coming soon!]


This was my greatest pride.

After several failed attempts to write a successful web novel, I finally created a work that satisfied most readers.

But even though I tried my best, I couldn't bring my web novel to the top spot in the popular ranking.

I used all my creativity, explored every character that appeared in the work, and even reached a point where these characters became more popular than Adrian.

But even by innovating, not following the typical hero's journey, and not including a cliché final villain like the Demon King, I couldn't beat the web novel that stayed above mine.


[The Strongest Chosen One] (1st Popular Ranking)

Author: DançarinoWei.

Description: After the awakening of... read more.

Rating: 4.9 (17,376 reviews)

Views: 108.3 million. Words: 2.3 million.

Status: Complete.

[Support this story!]


Every time I look at this page, I feel a pang of anger towards the fans of this work who used to comment frequently on my chapters.

"Author, you should take inspiration from The Strongest Chosen One!"

"This story is trash compared to first place, how can it be in second!?"

"Honestly, it's a waste of time to read this when I can read The Strongest Chosen One."

After several disputes, I felt an immense curiosity about the perfect story they always described in my comments.

But my pride wouldn't let me.

I couldn't give views to my enemy.

And I wouldn't give them that pleasure.

Honestly, I regret thinking like that someday.

And here I was today, staring fixedly at my surroundings.

I was certain that I wasn't in my parents' house, and I wasn't "myself."

I reincarnated, but I don't remember dying, so it could be transmigration... In that case, what caused this situation, and why am I here?

Thanks to my experience reading web novels, I managed to keep calm in this situation. But as I started to put the facts together, I slowly began to panic.

My anticipation was shattered when I searched for names and events from my novel on the internet, and none of them appeared. Instead, some strange names like Jun Nightingale and Aria Blackwood were at the forefront.

Most novels are written by authors who end up in their works, but this doesn't seem to be my case. I have become a character in an unknown novel.

I didn't know who I was, where I was, or even if this world is the same as Earth. The fact that I had access to the internet was a huge relief for me. At least I wasn't trapped in the medieval era or something like that.

All I had as a clue was a letter left on the table with my name written on it. Honestly, I was expecting something more substantial. A system, an email, anything would have been better than having the explanation of my transmigration delivered in a letter. It's a bit disappointing, to be honest.

[Hello NextageGG! I've read your web novel, and I must say it's almost as good as mine. Honestly, I started writing this 'novel' out of pure boredom, and it proved to be perfect in human eyes, except for one detail: 'Kian Mercer,' a character I left aside because I had no idea how to make good use of him. As the best writer after me, please live as Kian and show me an interesting development, reach the end of the novel.]

[I have prepared a gift for you!]

[I will be watching you, and welcome to the world of the strongest Chosen One.]

It was a lot to digest, a lot of information for one letter. He wanted me to reach the end of a novel that I refused to read, perhaps thinking that I was a reader.

The author of the number one novel, according to the letter, was not human. In that case, he couldn't have at least checked if I had read that garbage!? Those responsible for causing transmigrations are usually careful, and when they're not, it's intentionally. What's the possibility that this transmigration was intentionally caused?

"Damn, are you pissed because I used a bot to lower the ratings on your novel!?"

I was in trouble. I had become a character in a novel I had never read.

"Who the hell is Kian Mercer!?" I had no idea. Kian could be a villain, a background character, or an incredibly strong or extremely weak character. I was at the mercy of chance.

"Ah... how frustrating." That was all I could say.

I was paralyzed for a while, unable to do anything other than trying to assimilate my current situation. For the next few hours, my only thought was how to register my knowledge of the work. The synopsis provided no information about the plot, and the only clue I had was two reviews I had read out of curiosity and a large number of tags.

I sat on the couch as my hands pulled at my hair in frustration. After much reflection, I picked up my laptop that was on the table and started researching Kian Mercer.

The only news I could find was about the awakening day of the third daughter of the Mercer family, which would happen on that same day, June 15. It was the only information I had with a mention of Kian Mercer

I then decided to exclude the name Kian and only search for the surname Mercer. To my surprise, the results were interesting.

"Am I a young master, perhaps even a villain?"

It was a common cliche in villain stories, but it didn't seem to be the case, as DançarinoWei didn't seem to know how to use that character. Anyway, the Mercer family was recognized by Nexum and had their own exclusive room in the Mental Palace.

I have no idea what that means. However, the more unique terms appeared, the more I searched to better understand them.

According to the explanation I found, the Mental Palace is a state where the mind and body synchronize. To reach it, it is necessary to have talent in using Nexum, a mysterious energy that granted humans powers years ago.

Each Mental Palace is equal and unique at the same time, being a grand hall with several bubbles that contain unique abilities. Using mental strength, it is possible to burst these bubbles and acquire these abilities.

The Mercer family is responsible for leading the Dark Reverse Group, one of the largest global conglomerates. With abundant wealth, they are considered as powerful as the top five world clans.

Both Kian Mercer and the Dark Reverse Group seem to be characters used as springboards for the protagonist's development.

However, I will not allow anyone to use me as a springboard.

While conducting my research on Kian Mercer and his family, I heard a distinctive doorbell ring. With some apprehension, I left everything aside and went to answer the door.

Putting the laptop on the table, I stood up and ran to open the door, being greeted by two men wearing special black suits.

"Mr. Kian Mercer?" I squinted as a soft voice called my name.

The guard, who looked more like a second door, stepped away, allowing me to see the owner of the voice. It was an older woman, holding a tablet in her arms. She had long gray hair, just like the two guards, and was wearing a female version of the same suit, with the only difference being that she carried a brooch with two vortexes made of a highly polished gold.

I looked at the woman who was staring at me. She noticed my gaze and extended her right hand to greet me, saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Act natural..." I thought, shaking her hand and nodding my head.

I didn't know if Kian was shy, introverted, smiled or was closed off, so the best choice was to stay quiet and analyze his reactions.

"I'm Evelyn Parker, and I've been assigned to take you to the awakening room," she said, clearing the way and suggesting that I follow her with her arm.

I followed her in silence, with the guards right behind me. Since it was my first time leaving the room, I started looking around every corner, trying to be as discreet as possible. The place was quite extravagant, as I imagined coming from a powerful family. But it seemed that I wasn't important within the family, as there were several houses next to mine, and I was climbing a staircase to reach the awakening room.

In addition, there were several young people in the same situation as me, escorted by the guards.

I felt a hint of anxiety thinking that maybe I was the protagonist's friend who has a complicated past and is left behind by him but manages to get revenge with the protagonist's help. I tried to disguise my nervousness, but I wasn't very successful because Evelyn noticed.

"Are you a little tense? Don't worry, it's normal to feel that way," she said calmly as she continued to guide the way to the awakening room.

"Are you used to this?" I asked, trying to disguise my nervousness.

Evelyn smiled gently. "Well, I was much more nervous the first time. I remember the fear and insecurity I felt."

"Why did you feel that way? Is there any risk to life?" I asked, concerned, as I noticed that the young people being taken to the awakening room also seemed worried.

I began to wonder if this was a family that killed or got rid of those without talent. The thought made me swallow hard, fearing for my life.

"No, there's no risk to life, at least not directly," Evelyn replied with a reassuring smile. "But it's natural to feel afraid of the unknown, especially when it comes to something as important as awakening your ability."

I felt a little relieved to hear that, but I was still nervous.

"Can you give me some tips?" I asked, hoping for any instruction I could get.

Evelyn looked me up and down and put her hand on her chin to think. Then she looked back at me before saying, "If you don't encounter something alarming, don't worry too much and don't show fear, that will make them think you're weak."

I remained quiet as I processed her tips, making sure not to forget them.

When we reached the top, I was faced with a grand building with a unique architecture that I would never have seen in my original world.

"It may seem intimidating, but don't worry, you're in good hands," Evelyn said as she opened the door to the building. "Good luck."

I tried to smile in response, but the nervousness still consumed me. "I'll need it," I murmured before taking a step forward and entering the place.