
Transmigrated into a Novel I've Never Read

There are several works in which someone is transported or reborn into a novel. A reader can become a villain. A reader can become an extra character. The author can become an extra character, a villain, or the main character. However, why couldn't I be transported to my own novel!? Why did it have to be in a novel that I never read?

NextageGG · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Awakened classifications introduced so far:

Beginner Awakened.

Intermediate Awakened.

Superior Awakened.

Specialist Awakened.


The sun shone in the clear blue sky, illuminating the large outdoor courtyard with a gentle and pleasant breeze. It was spring, so the temperature wasn't high enough to make anyone sweat. However, my imagination began to run wild, as today we were going to explore a dungeon. The weather and temperature inside the dungeon didn't make sense.

The dungeon was a beginner natural dungeon, cared for and managed by the Spiral. On the island where the Spiral was built, there was a forest where, deep down, there was a D-rank energy accumulation crystal. The Spiral built the dungeon and placed this crystal at the bottom to nurture monsters. The notes the students would receive would be according to the depth they reached in the dungeon before being rescued.

The Spiral prepared a team of Specialist Awakened ready to rescue and protect the students in case something went wrong. Among these Awakened, was Lumina, the Emission teacher.

In theory, everything should go well, but thanks to Lyron, I was more anxious and worried than ever.

The layout will consist of floors and passages similar to temples. I hope the internal temperature is comfortable. After all, it's my first time in a dungeon, even though I've read about it, I haven't felt or experienced anything like it. Maybe in the future they can mimic the feeling, but if such a thing becomes a reality, then everyone would just stay at home.

"...Any more questions?"

Lumina asked the gathered students, but since the details had been given to them beforehand, there were no questions from the students.

"So, do your best. And if you fail, don't worry, it's just the first exam."

She looked at all the students for a moment and returned to stand next to the other Awakened.

"Good luck."

Darya smiled, as we were standing away from the others.

Rumors started to surface that Darya and I hated each other because we were rarely seen together, even though we arrived at the academy together.

"For you too. And remember, if anything strange happens, anything at all, don't fight, I'll come to you."

"You're worrying too much, don't you think?"

"I'm just worried about my life if something happens to you."

Darya and I had made a pact in the name of Nexum. Even though I didn't agree at the time, it's a good resource to have now. Basically, every time Darya's life is in danger, I will feel it.

By the time Darya walked away from me and headed to her own platform, there were several circular platforms in the academy courtyard, each with a student's name on it. They were able to randomly teleport us to one of the various dungeon entrances, pairing us with up to four random people.

I checked my power scanner, which displayed three and a half stars. It seemed that the first time you activated your Arte, you gained a strength boost, but after that, the improvement became more difficult.

I sighed as I watched Lyron, fully equipped, on his platform. Then, I walked towards the platforms, looking for the one with my name on it, and hoping to be paired with people I knew.

As soon as I stepped onto the platform, it began to glow intensely, enveloping me in a light so bright that I couldn't see the others around me. I closed my eyes, feeling the light burn, and when I finally opened them, I realized I was no longer in the same place.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a dark, damp space.

It was a model dungeon.

Even though I was full of worry, I couldn't hide my anticipation.

'Looking at it now, it's really something unique.'

As I looked around, someone murmured as if sighing.

"Damn, why did it have to be a cave!?"

Judging by the sound of the breathing and the tone of voice, it was a girl. Praying to God, I thought about the girls I knew in the academy, and the voice was very different from Darya and Anna's, so I didn't know her.

Turning towards her, I spotted a girl with short blonde hair, she was wearing glasses and leaning on her long-range hammer, which seemed heavier than herself.

"A cave...quite interesting."

A boy also murmured as if sighing. He dusted off his clothes to remove the dust and I couldn't help but notice his gauntlets.

"It's a dungeon, did you expect marble floors here?"

Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, the last boy scoffed.

"Deyter. We were paired together."

The gauntlet-wearing boy approached Deyter, who simply nodded.

"First of all, let me remind you that the goal is not to defeat specific targets or acquire things, it is simply to pass through the dungeon. Please keep that in mind."

When Deyter said this, he raised his clenched fist forward. Then, the light gathered around his wrist and took the form of a beast. It was a magical weapon.

Seeing Lyron's sword, I wasn't very impressed, so I didn't have much of a reaction. Unlike me, applause erupted from all around.

"We will receive a score based on how far we can advance. Therefore, let's break through as quickly as possible, but don't overdo it."

Taking the lead, Deyter looked at all of us to see if he wanted us to reorganize. I pretended to reorganize on the outside and remembered Lyron's information in my mind.

I wondered if I should share, but none of them would believe me, and they were already looking at me strangely.

"Why is the bastard Mercer on my team!?"

The pouting girl murmured before grabbing her hammer with both hands and getting into formation.

I sighed and unsheathed my blades, assuming the most rear position in the group. Although I usually helped more, especially since in their power scanners, the strongest was Deyter with 3 shining stars.

'Let's forget this hatred. They are at most just extras.'

Translate to English: All I had to worry about was what would come out of the academy's plans, and surviving it.

Ready to move forward, I began to focus and adjust my Nexo energy, waiting for the right moment to act.


Watching the new students in their first dungeon experience brought a wave of nostalgia for Anna. It was hard not to remember her own first time, at the age of 12, when her master threw her into a dungeon under the pretense of needing to learn to protect herself.

As the student council president, Anna participated in these events for new students every year. But this would be her last at the Spiral, her last chance to enjoy this familiar entertainment.

As a famous personality, she was constantly approached by students trying to win her over, mainly due to her impressive appearance. She was known as the "super beauty" of the Spiral Academy.

However, even after joining the academy hoping that people would stop approaching her out of interest, this did not change. She was tired of it.

But then, one of the new students approached her. He didn't know who she was and even after finding out, he didn't treat her like the others. Instead, he distanced himself from her, almost as if he didn't want to be seen with her by others.

This made her curious and anxious.

Anna was looking for friendship, but everyone either admired her too much and felt unworthy, or feared her too much to try.

With all her willpower, Anna channeled her Nexo energy into her eyes, trying to find the student she couldn't get out of her head. But something wasn't right.

"This is weird."

"Lumina, something's wrong!" Anna said, her voice coming out louder than usual. The other awakened experts, who were sitting drinking tea, stopped what they were doing and turned to her.

Everyone noticed Anna's breathing become irregular as she desperately tried to focus her Nexo energy on her eyes to find the student she was looking for.

"I can't see them." Anna raised her hands, now full of Nexo energy, and pressed them against her eyes. She closed her eyes and focused all her energy on her vision.

Biting her lower lip was the only way Anna found to control the frustration when she realized that nothing had changed. She turned to the other awakened and shouted, "I CAN'T SEE THEM!!"

Atlas, one of the sitting awakened, closed his eyes and activated his ability by amplifying his sensory field.

"I can't feel them."

"Me neither."

Celeste Sunflower replied as she put down her cup and adjusted her whip. Next to her, Orion Shadowblaze, who had his eyes closed, stood up and picked up his dagger, which he placed on the table.

It was the same for Lumina, who couldn't feel anything. She dropped the clipboard as she started to sweat, thinking she had made a mistake.

"We have a problem."

"The Last Awakened One," he said with his eyes closed, causing everyone else to stop and listen.

They knew that of all those present, he was the strongest, and even if they all joined forces, they could not defeat him.

His fiery hair stood up in spikes and his red marks ran down his neck to his chest. His name was Xander Starfury, one of the awakened ones of the royal family, invited by the academy's director.

"The crystal has evolved," he announced, standing up and picking up his spear with his hands.

The other awakened ones widened their eyes at the news.

"But is that possible!?" Anna asked, concerned.

"Only with external help. Someone purposely evolved it," Xander replied, beginning to walk ahead.

He raised his spear up, pointing to a man floating in the sky, wearing a black robe.

"That guy did it. He also clouded the dungeon, preventing us from seeing the students."

He opened his hands and a small red bear jumped out of them, quickly growing in all directions. Sharp horns appeared on its forehead, lethal claws on its paws, and darkness took over its eyes, as if they were two blazing flames amidst the darkness.

In a matter of seconds, what was once an adorable and cute creature transformed into a red demon, a threatening and imposing creature, ready to fight and destroy everything in front of it.

It was a shocking sight for Anna, Xander was using his ability without even using Nexo energy.

"I'll take care of him. Focus on saving the students," he said, running towards the floating man, while the other awakened ones prepared to act.

"Anna," Lumina called, being one of the teacher's closest students.

"Yes, ma'am?"

With one hand on her chest, Lumina focused her energy and created a black staff, while looking at Anna. "Go to the director's office and explain the situation. Tell him we're on yellow alert."

Anna activated her energy, concentrating it in her feet. "Got it," she said before moving towards the director's office.

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