
Transmigrated in the world of Arcane

A young man willingly enters the arcane world to change things and with the power of the Black Dragon King, this definitely won't end with him just saying it.

heavenbreak · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 1


Opening my eyes, I woke up to an unfamiliar environment. The smell of cement hit my nose and I faintly hear voices from outside this place I am currently in.

A groan escaped my mouth as I felt muscle ache all over my body as I try to sit down from my lying position. Looking around, I concluded that I am in some kind of cell but why am I here? Why can't I remember anything.

As I was contemplating on these questions, a sudden wave of pain hit me and memories flowed in like crazy. After feeling like being tortured for centuries when exactly just a minute have passed, the pain was gone like it was just an illusion. He gained sudden enlightenment of his current situation.


After watching the last episode of Arcane, Jin was very disappointed. It was a super open ended ending for him, and those are the kind of ending he hates the most. Throughout the whole series, the feeling of wanting to help the sisters, Violet and Powder, who would then be known as VI and Jinx, during their childhood, permeated on his heart. It is such a shame that it ended like that. After sending that rocket, even though the scene was abruptly ended, he does think that it was nullified otherwise how would jayce become a champion in LoL when on that scene he doesn't have his hammer and I don't seem to recall that he modified his body to take on an explosion. After watching some reaction videos on the internet, he felt tired and as he was about to close the browser a notification popped up. At first he thought it was just an advertisement but as the pop up loaded, the forms generated looked more like a rating survey for the arcane series.

How would you rate the series?

Although the ending greatly disappointed me, I still appreciate the work and efforts these guys have put in to deliver this show, so 4 out of 5 for me.

How likely would you recommend this series to someone?

Highly likely, about 5/5.

If somehow you were given a chance to be there as a cast in arcane, would you be willing to? If yes, then what kind of power would you like to have?

Yes, I would. I mean I am a fan of fics that have a reincarnation tag and similar to them I am also an orphan so I don't really have any sentiments leaving here. Going to school for me is easy, I even got myself scholarship since highschool to support my needs and now, I am a graduate of Engineering.

I don't really want to have any OP powers so if I have to choose I would like to have the fighting experience and constitution of the Black Dragon King from Emperor's Domination. In the novel, he deserves so much credit for helping even to the point of sacrificing himself to free my favourite mc, Li Qiye. In doing this, I hope to honour him. I want to be a human as a race though since being of dragon race complicates things.

After filling up and clicking the submit button, a confirmation and thank you response was shown. I then closed the browser and proceeded to sleep as it was getting late anyway.

~end flashback~

Jin : So was I really transmigrated to arcane just like that? How am I so calm, is it because of the fighting experience I requested? But what about my constitution, I don't feel any difference from what I can remember though.

Heaving a sigh, I stood up and realizes something. I take it back, there was something different. I found that the muscle aches I felt earlier was gone and that is strange for sure. Walking closer to the cell gate, I placed my hands on the bar and with just a squeeze, I immediately knew I can force my way out of here. So I guess with that, the constitution part is definitely given to me. Maybe because it was a lowered down version or that I am still on my first day, my raw strength is still worlds apart from what I know about the black dragon king.

??? (Girl's voice) : I took a look at your file. There were no record of you or your crimes. What are you here for?

??? (Girl's voice) : My sunny personality.

Oh, so I'm on that part now huh. That's acceptable. Even though I would like to start on their childhood to at least spare them of their ill fate, this is good for me too.

??? (Girl's voice) : You attacked an inmate, why?


The girl should be Caitlyn, with her shoulder length blue hair and purple enforcer outfit. She's fairly discernable. She's really beautiful though and hot too. Before I lose myself in one of my horny delusions again, I leaned in to focus on their conversation.

Caitlyn : Silco? The industrialist?


Caitlyn : Does this mean anything to you?


Seeing the record, brought a tremendous reaction to Vi. The conversation

Caitlyn was about to walk off when Vi told her that the Undercity is gonna eat her alive, which her stop and heave a sigh.

Caitlyn POV

I felt helpless because of the fact that she is right. I wouldn't be able to do this alone. Brainstorming what possible outcomes and risk of my future actions held, I took the pen and wrote a forged document.

Even though I don't want to admit it, I knew that this was a rash and risky decision on my part. I know though that jayce would definitely cover up for me. That's just how he is. I talked to the warden about the arrangement and as he left me with Vi after opening her cell, I couldn't help but think if this was the right decision again. I heaved a sigh for the last time, as I lost count of just how often I did it in the last few hours. I turned my back but before I took my first step a hoarse sounding voice stopped me.

??? : wait!


Jin: Wait!

Fck. Why did my voice fail me now. This is so embarassing. I was waiting for this specific scene for quite a while so I forgot to do a voice practice before shouting. Even though I have this inner monologue in my head and the feeling of embarassment all over me, my face is definitely neutral and does not show any sign of what's in my head.

Clearing my throat, I continued my plea.

Jin: I overheard your coversation. I can help.

She walked closer to my cell and just to clarify, I am once cell away from Vi. So in no time she was in front of me, wearing a frown on her face.

Caitlyn: In what way would you help, if you don't mind me asking.

Jin: Protecting two delicate flowers should make me busy.

Vi: Delicate? Fck you!

I heard a shout as I saw Vi running up to me with her fist closing in. The short pink hair had her hands covered in crepe bandages, and sports a slightly muscular figure as she ran towards me. The design of the cell and the position where I am placed allows Vi to have a clear shot on my head with her fist. Although her running charge should be fast, I can't help but think it was still too slow. I took a step back and a metal clashing sound filled the corridor. The fist was just a centimeter away from my face but still I did not look at it amd kept my eyes on Caitlyn. She then looked at the record in her hands, it seems that the crime profile was not Vi specific and I guessed that maybe it was by prison area. I swatted the hands in front of me stood in front of the cell bars again.

Caitlyn: Another one with no record is in prison. Just like you.

She looked at Vi, and Vi seemed to realize that maybe the one in prison have the same experience as her and as she arrived at that thought her aggression subsided.

Vi: Another person punished by a shitty officer. And you dare doubt me when I accuse them of being criminals in fancy suite.

Jin: Hey, don't get so agitated. So how about it cupcake? Do we have deal?