
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

070 – A clone's life - 02 - Nie Li - 02

Hearing Nie Li's words, Nie Hai and Nie En were both shocked. A fourteen years old Legend Rank Rank? Just what kind of treasure did he receive for that?

Before they could talk, Nie Li gave them one Caltrop pill each and told them to eat it.

They trusted him, directly putting the pills in their mouths without hesitation, making them 1-Star Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualists a few minutes later.

Seeing the expressions full of shock of the two, Nie Li smiled and continued while giving them three Spiritual Origin Fruits each.

Reaching the Legend Rank, they didn't know what to say.

A little while later, Nie Hai muttered, "We now have three Legend Ranks. We were truly lucky to have something that interested him. That farewell gift of his will let our Heavenly Marks Family reach new heights!"

Nie Li said awkwardly, "Err, Patriarch, this wasn't the farewell gift"

Not delaying any longer, he quickly give each of them a jar of one thousand refined blood crystals, one bottle of ten Soul Tempering pills, one bottle of ten Scarlet Body Enhancing pills, one Legend Rank sword and one God Level Growth Rate demon spirit fitting their attributes.

{That reminds me that I also need to integrate with a demon spirit. Even if I'll most likely never use it, better be safe than sorry}

Explaining the uses of each of the things he gave them, he then gave a storage ring to Nie Hai, "Here is the gift, there are nearly six thousand cultivation techniques tailored for each member of the whole family. Also, that expert gave a lot of techniques to the Holy Orchid Institute. Even if ours are more powerful, in a few years there will be hundreds or even thousands of Legend Ranks in Glory City, we just have a better start than others"

Tightly holding the new ring, Nie Hai said, "Nie En, quickly take a bath. I'll also take one and after that we'll assemble all of the Elders for an urgent meeting. Nie Li, is there anything else?"

"Yes, I'll go and see my parents, in a few minutes we'll have another four Legend Ranks"

Nie Hai eyes brightened, "So we'll have seven and not just three? Haha, good! Come and wait with them in the main hall when you are ready"

Nie Li already saw his parents when he arrived by air, they were cultivating inside of a courtyard together with his uncle Nie Kai, aunt Miao Ling and little cousin Nie Yu.

When they saw him flying to where they were, only the little Nie Yu didn't know what it meant, she exclaimed, "Big brother Nie Li!"

Looking at the cute little girl standing up and then running to him, he thought, {Hehe, from now on she'll be like my little sister, it's a pretty nice feeling}

She jumped in his arms and hugged him, "Big brother, I missed you!"

Hugging her back, he then rubbed her head and said, "Hehe, I have a little present for the cute Yu'er"

Nie Yu looked up to him and asked excitedly, "Really? What is it?"

He gave her an Elemental Crystal of her element to reach the Gold Rank said, "Cultivate while holding this crystal, you'll have a surprise after"

While she sat cross-legged to do what he said, he turned to the four others, who were still shocked as they knew he was a Legend Rank Demon Spiritualist.

To confirm their guess, his father Nie Ming asked him, "Li'er, you're a Legend Rank?"

"Yes…", he told them what he same story he told to the Patriarch, then also gave them an Elemental Crystal each.

He gave the four of them the same things he gave to Nie Hai and Nie En.

As for Nie Yu, he didn't give her any Caltrop pill nor Spiritual Origin Fruits, but he still gave her everything else.

After a few minutes, the four adults were 1-Star Legend Ranks and Nie Yu, who was the first to become a 1-Star Gold Rank, went to take a bath.

The reason why he didn't make Nie Yu a Legend Rank right now was because he didn't want her to be independent so soon, she was only nine years old.

It definitely wasn't because he felt that he wouldn't be able to spoil her as much as he wanted if she were to already become a Legend Rank.

After telling them about the urgent meeting with all of the elders, they became a little tense and went to clean themselves.

{I can't blame them, yesterday they were just farmers and today they became the pillars of the family}

{They'll surely need some time to gather more confidence}

While they were taking their baths, he integrated with his own demon spirit, raised it to 9-Fate Heavenly Fate and made some Legend Rank storage rings until his little cousin came back.

Nie Li asked her, "Yu'er, we still have some time before the others come back, do you want to fly on my back until then?"

Of course she accepted, she jumped on his back with her arms holding him tightly.

He also held her legs and he quickly floated in the air.

Gradually speeding up, he took his excited little cousin to every corner of the family territory and only stopped when the other four came back to the courtyard.

Now they already digested what Nie Li told them, their meeting before was too mind blowing for them to act normally.

When he landed, he put Nie Yu on the ground.

Xiao Yun, his mother, hugged him and said, "Li'er, welcome back"

He hugged her back and they were soon joined by his father.

They stayed like this a little, then Nie Li told Nie Yu that if she cultivated diligently, he would take her to another flight.

The temptation was too big and she could only listen to him.

She seriously sat cross-legged and started cultivating under the warm gaze of her parents.

Finally, Nie went towards the main hall accompanied with his parents, his uncle and his aunt.

It was a weird feeling to be the youngest and yet the calmest at the same time.