
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

052 – Right-hand man

The three were at the Gold Rank, a couple in their thirties and their son who was at the end of his teenage years.

There were blood strains on them, clearly the proof of fighting with the other group.

After them were one Black Gold Rank and eight Gold Ranks.

What surprised Xiao Yan was that he knew the teenager, he was Duan Jian.

{In the story, the group chasing him would caught up and kill his parents in front of him}

{They would then bring him to the Silver Winged Family to torture him until the arrival of Nie Li four months later}

{Looks like he won't have to endure all of that in this time-line}

Contrary to the story, none of them had wings on their back, they just looked like normal humans.

He didn't want to use the Shadow Devil in front of the little family of three, so he took out a sword before going down to kill the guards.

Even if there was a young woman among them, he didn't hesitate to kill her because he knew her name was Sikong Hongyue.

She was the daughter of the Patriarch and also one of the most vicious members of that family.

When the three felt that they were no longer followed, they turned back and were shocked to notice a youngster landing a killing blow on the Black Gold Rank elder. The others were already dead on the floor.

Xiao Yan kept the body of the elder and also all of the storage rings.

Quickly checking the rings, he found thousands bags of food. There were some other things like equipments, medicine and blood crystals.

{I guess that's to be expected from the daughter of the Patriarch and also one of the three Elders?}

He put the food in the same storage ring, he would soon need it.

Looking at the couple, he noticed that they were still afraid, so he put his sword back to his ring and talked to them to quickly clear up the misunderstanding, "Hello, my name is Xiao Yan, I mean you no harm"

Hearing that, they breathed a sigh of relief, they knew that he was much stronger than them and that they wouldn't be able to flee if he decided to kill them.

The man walked forward, bowed deeply and said, "Young Master, I'm Duan Yun, this is my wife Sikong Yin and our son Duan Jian. Thank you for saving our lives. If you ever need anything in the future, please tell us"

"Don't mind it. Rather, may I know why those people were trying to kill someone from their own family?"

Even if he already knew the reason, he still asked them, to be sure that it didn't change.

Sikong Yin said, "They wanted to kill us because my husband is from the Black Dragon Family. His family can't protect us since the Silver Winged Family is much stronger". She clenched her teeth and continued, "I already left that family long ago, it was when they learned about the birth of Duan Jian that they decided to kill us"

{Most likely this group was going to kill Duan Jian's parents in front of him and then torture him for months}

{Yes, they are exactly that kind of people. That's why I won't feel any regret from killing them all}

{In a few months all the people of the Abyss Prison Realm would live in Glory City, there's no way that I'm bringing these kind of people, that would be like bringing another Sacred Family}

Xiao Yan asked her, "I was going to kill Sikong Yi, do you have any relative that you want me to save from there or you don't care?"

She instantly replied, "Duan Yun and Duan Jian are my only Family"

He nodded, sent them three cultivation techniques with his soul force and then also gave them a Caltrop Pill each.

They each swallow the pill as they knew that he didn't even need poison if he wanted to harm them.

After just a few minutes, the three of them reached the Black Gold Rank. They were full of sweat and other impurities, but they didn't care.

Duan Jian, who was silent up until now, stepped forward and knelt in front of Xiao Yan. "Master, thank you for saving my family and giving us the strength to protect ourselves. I swear to forever be your loyal servant"

His parents didn't stop him, as if it was the right thing to do.

{Well, in the future I would like to have a right-hand man, just like father with uncle Tian, so I should accept him}

After he agreed to be Duan Jian's master, he took out dozens of rings, made them float in front of the three and said, "These are Legend Rank storage rings, take one each and it will then belong to you"

Once they took their rings, he took back the others and said, "You should head to the Trading Town, I'll find you guys once I finished what I have to do"

He didn't wait for their reply and rapidly flew in the direction of the Silver Winged Family, leaving the three in a daze as they realized that he was in fact a Legend Rank.

Duan Yun said, "Since he knew of Sikong Yi, he should also know of his daughter. To kill her like this without hesitation, it doesn't seem like he care about the power of the Silver Winged Family. I don't know how they offended someone this powerful, but they are doomed this time"

Sikong Yin added, "Yes, from now on we'll finally be able to happily live together without the fear of someone wanting to kill us"

She started to cry of happiness and her husband hugged her, they were both dirty and needed a bath, but they just wanted to enjoy the warmth of their love.

Once they calmed down, they ran towards the trading town together with their son. Even if they were now Black Gold Ranks, they were still in the Abyss Prison Realm. Only once in the town would they be able to relax a little.