
Transmigrated in Danganronpa as the Ultimate Ninja

Transmigrated into the world of Danganronpa with the abilities of ninja from Naruto. Taking on the Identity as the Ultimate Ninja. How will the world change? *NOTICE: I don't own the picture of this fanfic. Leave me alone about it.*

Shinto_no_Kami · Anime & Comics
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My wishes and my choice

Long story short.... I died. Now I am in this void waiting for something to happen, but knowing those fanfics I constantly read, I was secretly hoping for a random omnipotent being to pop up.

Who knew that would be the case.

*Hello child, I am the origin. The beginning of existence and a being with power above infinity. I am going to go straight to the point, I want to transmigrate or reincarnate you into a world of your choice with 5 wishes that contain infinite power. Meaning you could wish for virtually anything you can think up. I am doing this because it was a random choice. I took interest in the imagined concepts and stories your people came up with and decided to actually do it. Now don't ask me questions and just choose*

Completely dumbfounded I just decided to get this over with as I had thought of what to do in a situation like this before .

" I wish to be Transmigrated into the world of Danganronpa at the start of the first killing game (Trigger Happy Havoc) and my wishes are

1. I want to be recognized as the ultimate ninja along with that I want to have an adequate background for it. Also give me the memories of my backround and such so that I won't be entirely clueless.

2. I want to have infinite amounts of the chakra from Naruto as well as complete control of that chakra

3. I want infinite knowledge, proficiency, and experience regarding all Naruto techniques. Along with this make it so that I can always keep calm. Kind of like gamers mind. ( Meaning he knows and is infinitely proficient in Fuinjutsu, Iryojutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu ,Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu. Also making him the best assassin to possibly exist. The keeping calm thing is have him adapt to death faster.)

4. I want my body to be Vitally strong, physically strong, fast, flexible, and dexterous enough for me to use physically taxing techniques infinitely.( meaning eight gates don't hurt him at all my boii)

5. I want to be wearing the classic anbu outfit with a hidden mist tracker mask like haku's but give my anbu outfit sleeves and take away the chest armor. Along with this please make me extremely handsome with a buff body build and extremely defined muscles. I want my hair color to be a bluish silver and my eye color to be grey.

*That's it? okay. Im sending you to the classroom you will wake up in now. Bye have fun and entertain me*

Entertain me. bye have fun.

Shinto_no_Kamicreators' thoughts