
Chapter 4

With that she finally fainted.

The heck its her mom. but not her mom. her mind finally broke down and fainted from so much stimulation and shock on her brain.

i guess ''the heck'' now is my common expression.urg...

after a little while she finally wake up again. her mom hovering all over her. thinking back with what happened and her fainting urg if master saw this his gonna laugh his ass out.

me fainting? really?

looking at her mom whose face has worn out from worrying for her with her dad dead. she finally broke out of her stupor and begun talking to her mom.

mom im fine...i guess with this i should grow up already and stop my follishness. im sorry mom for being selfish and stupid ill change from now on and take responsibility with my action.

its enough for her mom and dad dying on her last life she's gonna do her everything to make this life a happy life for all her love ones.

oh my dauther. i dont want you to grow up like this its enough that you know now that not everyone can be trusted but i still want my dauther to be my child and not worry. think her mom.

but.... i understand Cassandra but yourr still my dauther for them to trick and did this to you just beacause your dad is no longer around doesn't mean your grampa, brother and me are not here to make your life better and protect you. always remember that.

i know mom. but i want to do this. i dont want to be like the me anymore. i want to change for the better. just trust me. cassandra said with a serios face,

ok if you say so, just ask me or your brother for whatever you need and well help you. her mom coincided.

thanks mom, ill take rest more and ill talk to grandpa later...

ok...standing up her mom start to leave her room... rest well my daughter...with worrying eyes she went out her room..

seeing her maid...take care of your young miss, if she ask for anything have someone get it for her...

yes madam....the maid said...

satisfied the madam left to her own courtyard.