
Transmigrated as the villainess Step-Sister.

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Lemon_is_sweet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Second Sto-Wait, Esmeralda Elmstone?

As young Nicole ordered the owner of the store to send all the fluffy toys in the store to the Elmstone mansion, the customers and staff in the toy store stared at him with agape mouth and dizzy head. They didn't expect nor imagine encountering the future duke of the Lennox kingdom in a normal toy store.

For all the commoners and nobles knew, that the young duke didn't enjoy visiting places nor attending parties. Except attending banquets held by the royal family, the young duke disliked mixing himself with the nobles. Therefore, the nobles rarely get to see the appearance of the young duke. So when the nobles in the store realized that the young duke was dressed as a commoner, they were surprised. Later ashamed and terrified of their wrong doings.

Akari drowsily yawned and slumped on the white couch. Her misty big round violet eyes tiredly looked around her. Seeing the various types of expression on the people's face, she got even more tired. She looked at Clara, who was standing beside Nicole and selecting the toys which seemed best. Alone and tired of waiting, she decided to take a short nap. But with all the grumblings and envious stares from the children in the store, she couldn't help but furrow her brows in discomfort.

She always had the habit of sleeping in a quiet and peaceful place, so she really couldn't fall asleep with all the whining and cries made by the children.

If God asked Akari a wish, then she'll happily ask for eternal sleep. Sadly, God placed her soul in an unknown world with unknown people.

With full reluctance, Akari sluggishly slid down from the white couch to the white floor. She drowsily rubbed her misty round violet eyes and looked around.

Finding her napping pillow, she stood up and went to sleep on it.

Felix always had the tendency to avoid crowded areas. So when the young master Nicole called him to help him (N), he nonchalantly sent the knight, Sebastian. As he was standing alone at a corner, he felt a light tuck at the bottom of his cloak. He lowered his head, only to find the small Miss Esmeralda stupidly looking at him, as if he owned her a debt of life.

Akari ignored her prestigious status and clung on the mysterious man's leg like Koala. Since Clara and Nicole were busy dealing with toys, she had no other option but to clung on her new pillow.

Felix felt the corner of his lips twitching in disbelief. He heard of the small Miss's sleeping syndrome, so he wasn't surprised that she soon got tired. But, clinging onto someone's leg like a monkey to sleep was ridiculous! Although he never met the small Miss of Elmstome, he have heard the maids and chefs discussing the sudden change in the small miss. He usually heard words like, 'she's so adorable', 'I want to carry her', 'I want to marry her' and various praises of her young beauty.

Felix glanced around, seeing the weird and judging stares of the people in the store, he somewhat became annoyed and irritated. He never believed the words of the maids and chefs, but after seeing the small Miss, he had no other option but to believe. Young Miss Esmeralda was small and cute, just fitting to her age. He bent down and took the small Miss in his arms. Although he could send the small Miss to young master Nicole, he didn't want to. Reason? He wasn't sure.

Akari exhaustively slumped on her new pillow and began to doze off. When she sniffed the man, she smelt fresh soil and some soothing medicines. She rested her left cheek at his shoulder and closed her eyes to sleep.

Her new pillow smells really nice.

Since Akari rested her left cheek on Felix's shoulder, her right cheek was faced toward Felix. Her cheeks were glowing with rosiness, causing her to look as a newborn baby. Her tiny pink lips were slightly apart, occasionally exhaling the bad air (lol, its carbon dioxide). Her long eyelashes seemed to be touching her cheeks, as it gently hid the bottom of her eyes. Some strands of her hair naughtily stuck out from her braided hair, causing it look messy, but increasing her charm. Her legs dangled on each side of the man's waist, constantly making a ting sound when in contact with an object.

She was asleep, yet an indescribable adorableness covered her whole being. Felix couldn't help but softened his stern expression. Since he was the captain of the Violet mage brigade, he always had a stern and cold expression on his face. But he didn't know why he couldn't maintain his stern look when it comes to small miss.

A small smile was on his face, as he gently patted the girl's back.

The mysterious man holding the adorable child in his embrace caused the people in the store to squeeze their hearts in adorableness.

When Nicole ended his talk with the owner of the toy store, he eagerly turned his head, only to witness his trusted master stealing his small sister while he was busy. If he wasn't jealous or angry, then he would willingly bang his head on the wall. He bit his lower lip and tightly gripped the sword by his waist.

Clara wanted to weep in sorrow. She first thought of the young master as her rival, but she didn't realize that there was a hidden fox among themselves. Now she had to contend with her young master Nicole, and master Felix for her Miss. Ahhh, why can't they all just leave her Miss alone!?.


Ada was anxious to reach the city. She was afraid of Esmeralda harming Nicole. Nevertheless, she remained calm on the outside. She elegantly sipped her tea and glanced at her fiancé, who was sitting across her with a book on his hands. Although she hated this boy to death, she knew that he was still a kid.

He was 10, and she was 6. There were still kids. But, were they innocent? Ada believed that she wasn't, neither the prince. Since she already experienced a life of love and hate, she wasn't innocent to the world surrounding her.

Whereas the life of the prince was difficult and unthinkable. Born in a royal family, Edward had to get used to political issues before he even reached 5. He always had to be cautious with others. He wouldn't even trust his own friends. What he speaks, what he does, where he goes, who he meets and how he acts, were all investigated by his enemies, who were yearning to bring him down.

"Your highness, pardon me for asking this. But, do you really wish to engage yourself with an annoying and clingy girl like me?." Edward put his book down and looked at Ada, surprised.

Was he? Of course, the answer was No.

Nevertheless, he chuckled and said, "Miss Ada needn't worry. This prince doesn't wish to break our engagement just based on your annoying personality. I believe that you will eventually change, under your mother's guidance."

Ada wryly smiled and said, "your highness, I wish to make a deal. From today on, I will not attempt to sway you romantically, unless you, as my fiancé makes the first move. We will keep our distance in private, while we pretend to be a couple in public. In other words, I want our marriage to be a political one, without love nor hate. Your highness, please rest assured, I'm not trying hard to get. I realized the feelings which I have for you was not love, but admiration and respect. So I hope his highness will respect my decision, as I respect you."

Edward was amused. The girl in front of him wasn't the same Ada he knew. The Ada he knew was dumb, annoying, clingy and a chatter box. But the Ada in front of him was thoughtful, calm and silent. She had the aura of a noble lady, while the previous Ada had the vibe of an unscrupulous person.

"How interesting...." Edward chuckled. He looked at the six-year-old girl with mirth in his eyes. "As you wish, Miss Ada Lace Elmstone."


Akari was the happiest person in the world for now. After randomly visiting various stores, the group finally entered into a well-known restaurant. Akari didn't bother to check out the dazzling decorations in the restaurant. For all she cared was now FOOD.

Right after the waiter brought the menus, Akari grabbed one of them and expectantly asked Nicole, "can I have all of this, please brother?." Her face was full of excitement and anticipation, unlike her drowsy and sleepy expression.

Nicole fondly smiled, "as you wish." He took the menu and handed to the waiter, "please bring all the dishes written in the menu." The waiter blinked in surprise. He hesitantly asked, "a-all of them?."

"Yes, all of them." Nicole said and chased the waiter away. Since the food was going to take time to be prepared, Akari finally took the time to check out the restaurant. The restaurant was clean and more comfortable than staying outside. Although the decorations were grand and dazzling, the brownish gray background gave out a comfortable feeling. The restaurant had three floors.

The first floor was for the commoners, the second for nobles and the third for high rank nobles. Akari and her group were currently on the third floor, sitting around a wide table and waiting for the food to appear. She placed her hands on the table and rested her chin on her palms. Thinking of the delicious foods, she drooled in anticipation.


Akari's eyes brightened in an instant. Before the people in the room could react, she was already opening the door. Nicole and Felix were surprised, while Clara had to cover her mouth and repress her laughs. Her young Miss was really crazy for food.

When Akari opened the door, she was greeted with the scent of Lavenders. Surprised, she looked at the person. Edward was surprised, later stunned by the small girl's cuteness. He crouched down to her level and smiled, "forgive me for suddenly disturbing your time. I didn't know that the room was already occupied." Akari innocently blinked and said, "ok."


"Your highness."

Akari and Edward turned their heads. Seeing Nicole, Akari cling unto his leg and whined, "it's not the waiter. I'm very hungry." Her whining caused the people in the room to burst out in laughs. They didn't expect the small miss to be so a active when it comes to food. Nicole let out an exhaustive sigh. He bent down and carried his small sister.

Clara suddenly came forward and took her small Miss from young master Nicole, saying, "young master, his highness is here." Nicole furrowed his brows, "ah, then take care of Emma. I'll speak with his highness and come." Emma inwardly rolled her eyes, 'I know sir, you don't have to say it.'

Nicole left Emma and went out of the room. Seeing the crown prince and his sister in front of the room, he was surprised.

"Brother?." "Nicole!."

Nicole rubbed his forehead and asked in a tired voice, "you both, why are you here? And where are the guards and maids? Don't tell me you avoided all of them." Ada giggled and said, "brother's always right. We left the guards and maids back in the mansion. Duh, I don't want them to always keep an eye on me. It's so annoying." Edward turned to Ada with a shock expression on his face. How could a noble lady speak like that!

Nicole wryly shook his head and said, "since you both have already come here, come and join us for lunch." He opened the door and invited both of them to come in. When Edward came in, his eyes immediately fell upon the small girl in Clara's embrace. He smiled and asked, "is she your daughter? She's really adorable."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned awkward. Clara's eyebrows twitched in annoyance and disbelief. Does he not know who the girl is?

Ada showed a stiff smile, "your highness, she's my step-sister, Esmeralda Elmstone."


Akari froze.

'Es-Esme-Esmeralda Elmstone!? The step-sister of Ada Lace Elmstone and Nicole Ives Elmstone!! No wonder Ada and Nicole sounded familiar!.'

'Wait wait wait....I'm Esmeralda Elmstone. The wicked step-sister of the villainess who died before her 6th birthday!?. THE FUDGE!!!."