
Transmigrated as the villainess Step-Sister.

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Lemon_is_sweet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Having dinner with the unknown Duke.

Akari blankly stared at the old aged butler. She didn't know what to call him though (probably slave?). She looked down at her feet, which were five times smaller than her real ones. Is this her's? Her hands, legs and even her head seems to be smaller. She flexed her hands to confirm whether they were really her's.

How troublesome, she needed to experience the cycle of growth (again). Anyway, how old is this body? 10? 12? (she's not good with age). She felt a little bad that her soul snatched (or entered) an innocent child's body, atleast it wasn't som...

"Young miss". Akari (a.k.a young miss) snapped her head up towards the old age butler but remained silent, her eyes hazy but deep and lucid. The old butler seems to be startled of something, but he quickly adjusted his expression and said with an indifferent smile, "the duke has requested your audience".

Duke? Like duke duke? Akari absent-mindedly stared at the old aged butler. Duke? Did she died and transmigrated into some kind of European or Victorian era? Is there a prince? Yumi would probably suicide if she knew that she(ak) had transmigrated into some kind of princess and Prince era. Judging by her obsession for the princess games, she(y) would probably try to kill herself.

"Young miss", the butler called out again. There was an obvious disdain and disgust on his face, making him look more older than he already was. Akari jumped down the bed and nodded, "Ok". The old butler was startled. Usually, the young miss would throw a tantrum and avoid seeing the Duke, she would also lock herself if she had to but how come the young miss was willing to meet the Duke today. The butler kept his questions within himself.

The young miss was an evil girl, worse than the despicable woman, probably the young miss was planning to do something. The butler hummed and turned around. He didn't bother to see whether the young miss was following him or not. From the day the girl entered into the mansion, there were only troubles and disasters. It even made the Duke furious that he grounded the young miss for a month. The butler wouldn't be so respectful if not for his loyalty to the Duke.

Akari silently followed the butler. She was uncomfortable with the dress (she didn't change her dres from previous day). Geez...how is this 'young miss' wearing these clothes. Isn't she feeling hot. The dress was so heavy and the sparkling ornaments were making her eyes blind. She gripped the heavy necklace and frowned, the 'young miss' seems to love gold and rubies. It was so many that she didn't want to count the number of ornaments on her body. Hair, neck, leg, wrist, ankles, ear and even her pinky finger have a ring around it.

Akari really wondered whether this 'young miss' was a human or 'walking gold mine'. Isn't she scared of robbery or kidnapping, even stepping out of the room would make her shiver if she had this much gold on her. She needed to either sell or safeguard this jewels (maybe sell).

"Young miss" Akari shook her head and looked up. When she saw the ridiculous extravagant door, she gulped her saliva, 'this young miss is freaking rich'. Even the door seems to be made of pure gold. She now understood why this 'young miss' was wearing these many ornaments made of gold (comparing the door won't do much).

The butler pushed the door opened and went in. His posture was proud and straight, if not overly straight. Akari wondered whether the old butler's spinal cord was a steel, if not an iron bar. He was unbelievably straight!

"Young miss, the duke has ordered you to come in", the butler came out and said while stepping aside. Akari walked in and was surprised to see the study room (study room or room?, who knows). There was an mahogany desk, an expensive looking chair behind the said desk and bookshelves surrounding the entire room. Wait, is that a fireplace? Who in the world would keep a fireplace with so many books around it?!!

Akari stood in front of the man (probably the said duke) and performed a small curtsey. She hoped she did it right. She didn't learnt about these things but she usually saw Yumi doing it for her (more like-showing off). Thankfully Yumi's 'princess syndrome' wasn't a waste afterall. If Yumi was here, then she would probably be laughing and patting her head, with the word 'proud' written on her face.

Lost in her thoughts, Akari didn't see the flabbergasted expression of the Duke and the old butler. They were probably shocked and horrified. They didn't expect the girl, who would always act high and mighty to do a curtsey in front of her enemy. Did the kidnapping cause damage in her brain? Duke Cyril snapped out of his thoughts and asked his daughter, "How is your health?". Even though the girl wasn't his main wife's daughter, she was his daughter afterall. It ached him whenever the girl looked at him with undeniable hatred in her eyes.

Akari felt fine. If not for the feeling of heart ache for her past family, she was probably feeling fine. She looked at the Duke amd nodded, "Good". Unaware that the Duke trembled in shocked, she lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers. This was her usual act of showing that she was thinking. She didn't know who the Duke was? well, she didn't even know who she was.

She was slightly curious of her identity. Was she the Duke's daughter? adopted daughter or mistress daughter? Well, it didn't matter as long as she was someone's daughter. Adopted or mistress daughter seem somewhat refreshing for her mind. Real daughter seem troublesome. What would she do with these many gold ornaments and luxurious queen- like bedroom? Thinking of the Duke kissing her goodnight, she cringed in fear. She hoped that she's kind of old abandoned daughter.

The abandoned daughters had more time than the real ones, which was what she needed. She needn't worry about people visiting her for tea parties and annoying chit chat. She would rather stay in her forest like mansion and garbage like room. It would atleast give her a sense of home.

Duke Cyril and his butler were shocked that the young miss answered without a sneer nor intense hatred written on her face. She answered with almost soft and weak voice, which was soooo unlike their 'young miss'. Cyril furrowed his brows and asked worriedly, "Are you feeling sick?". Did the kidnapper put a spell on his daughter? Or else, who could explain the sudden change of character?

Akari halted her action and raised her head. Staring at the Duke with her deep and readable eyes, she lightly smiled, "No". She then lowered her head and continue fiddling with her fingers. Did the 'young miss' have some kind of sickness? If so, what kind of sickness is it? Amnesia, cancer, diabetes? Sigh....how troublesome... she had transmigrated into a sick body. She had to drink all those bitter medicines and eat those disgusting tablets. Are there even tablets in these era? (maybe) Wait, she didn't know what era is this?

Cyril turned to his butler and eyes his daughter, 'what is wrong with her!'. The butler rapidly shook his head in reply, 'I don't know'. The 'young miss' was really, really, really, acting strange. She never smiled nor looked at the Duke so casually. She would rather spit and scoffed in disgust. Was this all an act?

Cyril looked at his daughter and asked again, "did you have your breakfast?". His voice surprisingly soft, but Akari didn't catch it (nor would she care about it). Akari thought about it. Breakfast? probably missed it. She didn't see the time, more like- didn't want to know. Now thinking about breakfast, she was really hungry. Did she eat dinner? (probably not). She looked up and shook her head. Will the Duke offer her food? he better be or else.....(she would just go to sleep).

Cyril fiddled with his fingers and asked nervously, "Will you like to have breakfast with me?". This was his first time asking his daughter something. Even though his wife had called the child for family dinners, the girl would rather starved then eat with them. He didn't hate her though, he just lost the patience. The girl was stubborn and hot headed which took all of his energy of the day. Thus, he stopped trying to be a good dad for her. Now thinking about his decision, he couldn't help but curse himself. He should have treated the child with more love.

Akari looked up and nodded, "Ok". How could she said no to a duke. Isn't the punishment treason? She didn't want to go to the dungeon. It was dirty and smelly, which woul maker her nose sore (and that's the least thing which she wanted). Saying ok was the best choice. Does she have any other choice, rather than Ok? probably 'yes', but it was also had the same meaning. No wasn't in the choice box.

Cyril was ecstatic. He waved his butler to get out and prepare for the dinner. The butler snapped out of his daze expression and rushed out. The 'young miss' was surely up to something. Cyril stood up and walked out of the room, "let's go". During the walk, he made sure to keep a proper distance. Whenever he used to go near the child, she would scream for maintaining 50 m distance, so he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. It was his first time that his daughter was willing to eat with him, how can he not be excited.

He clutched his hands, stopping it from trembling in happiness. He tried really hard to remain stoic, but practically jumping inside. He fist his palm and let out a cough, hiding the huge smile on his face. The smile was more like a man getting a child after 500 years.

Akari was absent-mindedly following the Duke. She didn't know what to do? What if the Duke ask her something serious? She didn't even know what was this 'young miss' name? How frustrating... her energy is depleting more than usual. If this goes on, she would have no energy left for doing other stuffs. She had to save her energy goddammit!

Snapping out of her thoughts, she looked at the long and sturdy legs moving in front of her. It really looked meaty and strong. She wondered how much the Duke ate for having such meaty legs. His body wasn't fat nor thin. He also looked young (maybe around 30? not sure). His body was more meaty than Yoshida, who probably looked like a chicken wing. Thin with no flesh.

Sighing, she pitter-pattered to the meaty leg. Hugging the huge meaty leg, she whined, "tired". She didn't hate walking, but she had no energy for that. She also haven't eaten, so she was really tired.

Cyril would have almost kicked the girl in shocked and fear. Thankfully, he didn't. He rubbed his chest and looked down, only to find a small Koala- like thing, hugging his calf. Twitching his lips, he asked "what are you doing?".

Akari looked up and stared in the Duke's eyes. Her clear and deep eyes startled the Duke. He haven't seen those clear pleading eyes and it greatly startled him. Akari let go of the duke's calf and stood beside him. Leaning on his leg, she raised her tiny arms "Up". She hoped that she doesn't get treason for ordering the duke, but she didn't care cause she's very tired. Cyril understood what the little girl wanted. She wanted him to carry her.

Flexing his plams, he stiffly bent down and took the girl in his arms. With her legs dangling on either side of the duke's waist, Akari adjusted her position and leaned on his chest. She inhale his scent and drowsily closed her eyes. Since the Duke usually stayed in his study room, he smelt like old books and blood....? (probably she's overthinking).

Cyril's body was tense and stiff. He didn't even dare to breathe. He slightly looked down and found his daughter relaxing in his embrace. Seeing her quivering long eyelashes, her pink small lips and flushed cheeks, he couldn't help but sigh in defeat. This girl was so troublesome yet so adorable that he couldn't bear to punish her.

Either way, while walking to the dining room, the passing maids and butlers stood still in shocked and horror as they watched the 'young miss' being carried by the Duke himself! Their gaping mouth and wide eyes would make a funny picture, but the two culprits didn't really care about it. Especially Akari, who was trying very hard to not sleep in the Duke's arms. The Duke was really warm, which soothe her inner cool temperature. In an unladylike manner, she leaned on the Duke's neck and sniffed it. The scent of old books were one of her favourite.

Back in her world, she liked to buy old books and breathe in the old scent. It was really refreshing, which could calm her mind and her soul. It made her remember home....

She missed her books, she missed Yoshida Reding for her. She missed them all. She tried hard not to cry, but her tears fell on the Duke's shoulder and made the clothe wet. Thankfully, the clothes were thick, so the Duke didn't notice it. Akari wiped her face and buried her face in the man's chest: 'I miss home'.

-Time skip to dinner-

At the huge and large dining table, Duke Cyril sat with his daughter beside him. The surrounding maids and Butlers stood with shocked and flabbergasted expression on their face. They were confused by the sudden behaviour of the 'young miss'. The 'young miss' didn't like the Duke in any way. She would rather starved then eat with the so called family, but what is this?! The 'young miss' was sitting and happily gobbling all the food in her mouth! Did the kidnapping cause any traumatic events or was the 'young miss' pretending to achieve something?

Cyril cautiously placed the vegetable salad in front of his daughter. He hoped his daughter would remain like this, obedient and clam without showing any means to cause a disaster. Whatever cause the change in his daughter, he was somehow grateful to it. His daughter seem more sensible and childlike of her age.

Akira picked the vegetables from the salad and put in her mouth. She had no limits for food. She loved food. Hana would usually scold her for eating food like a cow, but she didn't care. If someone gave her food, she would eat it. Imagine how many people are living without food and you have food but you aren't eating. Isn't that bad?

Akira glanced at the Duke's plate and slightly frown. The duke was eating so little and giving her most of the dishes. Even though she loved food, she wouldn't make a person starve because of her. She took the meaty cutlet and placed it on the duke's plate, "Here". Unaware that everyone was staring at her with horror, she calmly took another cutlet and placed it on her plate. Messily cutting the cutlet to her eatable size, she shoved it in her mouth.

Her chin and the area around her mouth were covered in greasy oil and the colourful flavours of cutlet. With her right cheek bulging with meat and her bright sparkling eyes glued on the cutlet, she really made a funny scene. Cyril turned to the side and let out an inaudible cough, but one could see the wide smile on his face and his brighten eyes. He signalled the nearest maid to hand over a towel. The maid snapped out of her daze expression and hurriedly went to grab a towel.

It didn't take long for the towel to be brought. Cyril took the towel and turned to his daughter, "Emma". Akira (a.k.a. Emma) turned to the Duke with bulge cheeks. Looking at the towel in his hand, she had the idea of what he wanted to do. She lifted her chin and stared at him with her bright brown eyes. 'Hurry up, I want to eat food'.

Cyril twitched his lips and gently wiped his daughter's mouth. He didn't imagine doing these things one day. He was really happy that his daughter was getting comfortable around him.

Akira was now happy. One, because of the food. Two, because she finally got to know this body name. Emma. Nice ...She's now Emma and also Akira.