
Transmigrated As The Villain in A Frustrating Love Novel

Wedding planner and ethical hacker, Zhi Ruo dies but gets a second chance. She asked to have a pretty, healthy and rich body who never gets fat no matter how much she eats, who has a nice and warm family and so on... " And finally who has a peaceful life! Nothing much! " Zhi Ruo smiled to God. God:...Sure...( Yeah, that's not going to happen...) Well, it actually happened, kinda... She did get a pretty, healthy and rich body who doesn't get fat, a nice family and... but she needs to work...and she is the villain of the frustrating romance novel she just read... And what happened to her peaceful life? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Sigh...Let's just seen how it goes... Oh! And she received a nice big teddy bear who she always like to cuddle with! He is actually human but whatever, he is her exclusive teddy bear!

White_Rose_Queen · Urban
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89 Chs

Get A Table For Two

After the incident, Li Wei' security quickly handled the matter and made sure he didn't come out of prison for the next twenty years.

As all of this was still happening, Zhi Ruo had already casually strolled out of the room and got herself a drink to continue checking the pieces of information about this world.

Zhi Ruo wanted to bang her head on the table as she read the information about the male lead and other side characters: there was no doubt, she was in that freaking frustrating love novel she just read before dying!!!

She pouted her lips unhappily, her rosy and moist lips sticking out, attracting Li Wei's attention when he came out of the security room.

He slowly walked to her table, as he observed her cute facial expression.

Sensing someone was looking at her, Zhi Ruo peered up and warmth filled up her heart, she slightly smiled.

Seeing her action, Li Wei felt his heart beating a slight tad faster and his eyes calmed down, seeming to soften.

He confidently walked to her but when Zhi Ruo stood up and gently waved her hand his way, he felt his coldness trying to break away.

Yet, the next second, his slightly softened heart shattered into pieces and rebecame the cold and usual one.

Zhi Ruo naturally passed him and walked to her brother, Zhi Chao, who came to take her home after the 'horrifying' incident and who stood behind Li Wei.

Zhi Ruo thought that it felt very nice to have someone like an older brother who would care so much about you. As an orphan, she always sought family love and a sibling relationship was what she never got so it made her very happy to have a brother while coming to this world.

For now, he was still a stranger to her but in the future, she hoped they would have a closer relationship just like a real pair of siblings.

" Brother! Did you come to pick me up? " Zhi Ruo asked in a light tone.

" Hmm, I heard what happened and I was worried. Are you fine? " Zhi Chao answered as he patted his sister's hair.

He and his sister had a really close relationship since she was born. Zhi Chao treated her like a little princess since she was born and Zhi Ruo treated him as a model figure who she really enjoyed spending time with whether it was to play, to learn or to work with.

Zhi Ruo smiled and obediently nodded, " Don't worry, I am fine. Thanks for coming."

Seeing her looking so obedient, Li Wei felt his eye twitch, " The change of attitude is way too drastic..."

Yet, the thing that concerned him the most was that she completely ignored him, him, the great CEO of Li Corporation! Nobody has ever done that! Nobody!...except her....◉_◉

Feeling that he was slowly being forgotten, Li Wei instantly shifted and walked to their side.

Noticing his approach, Zhi Chao immediately wanted to turn around and avoid him: he disliked this arrogant person who thought he was the king of this world and so on...

However, Li Wei caught up in time and saluted him, " Greeting to you young master Zhi. "

" Greetings. What do you want? " Zhi Chao coldly answered.

Li Wei felt slightly offended by his tone but still maintained his calm and responded, " I was just checking if Miss Zhi was fine, I was afraid that she suffered a fright."

Sensing the hypocrisy in his words, Zhi Ruo gave a slight sneer and said, " Thank you for your concern. How about you? You must have been scared by his sudden appearance, after all...you couldn't sense his presence even after I told you. "

Li Wei inwardly cursed her but still replied, " I am a busy person so I leave those minor problems to my security team but as I forgot their absence, I was still less cautious than usual. "

" Really? Then why didn't you refuse your mother's invitation and even accompanied me to the mall? " Zhi Ruo smiled but her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

" I am a faithful son, even if I am busy I will make time for her. " Li Wei's iciness augmented a few levels.

" You didn't seem that willing on the phone. " Zhi Ruo responded.

Li Wei: "..." !!! Why the hell do you need to keep attacking me like this?!? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

(Author: even though you started it ?!?ಠ_ಠ )

Witnessing his face slightly scrunching up, Zhi Ruo inwardly praised herself and decided to give him one last blow before letting him go, " You are right. Even though you are so busy, you are truly a faithful son to make time for your mom...but I think someone else also needs your attention..."

Zhi Ruo's lip curled up and she dealt him the last blow, " And I'll help you with that. I'll get a table for two, for you guys to talk it out...for you and your ego. "

Without waiting for him to react, Zhi Ruo happily dragged her brother out of the mall, feeling extremely contented.

" Muahaha! I hated you from the start of the novel! You made me suffer too much with your arrogance and selfish pride, now look who is crying of pain! ", Zhi Ruo laughed evilly in her mind.


For fun! Thanks for voting and commenting!

The thing about the table for two is actually a lyric that I really love from Maggie Lindemann' song Obsessed: Get a table for two, your ego and you ;)

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