
Come Talk A Walk With Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Liangwei shook her head. "No."

"Then why is it so bitter?" Long Yang frowned, obviously disgusted by the bitter taste of the medicine.

Lu Liangwei glanced at him in surprise.

"What?" Sensing her gaze, Long Yang asked coolly. 

Lu Liangwei rolled her dark eyes about thoughtfully.

She thought that Long Yang had long been accustomed to the bitter taste of medicine.

After all, given his physical condition, he must have been taking medicine all year round.

However, it seemed that no matter how much medicine he had taken, he still could not get used to the bitter taste.

"I wanted to say that there is no medicine that's not bitter, so please bear with it, Your Majesty. If it really is too bitter, you can eat some candied fruit to suppress the taste after that." 

She sounded as if she was coaxing a child, and Long Yang could not help but laugh.