
Transmigrated As My Crazy Alpha's Assassin! [BL]

[MATURE CONTENT ALERT] “You are like a dagger stuck deep into my heart…and I feel like I might die if I remove you apart, my little lamb!” … What possibly worst can happen when an ordinary man with aichmophobia gets transmigrated to the ancient time into a body of an assassin? Living his ordinary life was always fulfilling for Noah, but his life takes a fatal twist when he faces a grave betrayal, that leads him to transmigrate into an unknown scary world, even worse in the body of a deadly assassin, Sheoran! The only vision he retained in the last few moments of his own world was the gaze of a dazzling golden pair of eyes that swallowed him whole! Crown Prince Xanthus, the mightiest true blood Alpha was always admired by his entire pack. But, beneath his drop-dead enchanting charm, cold heart, and crazy bloodthirst, he suppressed an innocent soul that was broken and butchered with pain! But his whole world turns upside down when he confronts Sheoran, an assassin who shivers at the sight of a knife! What happens when unpredictable destiny brings two polar opposite hearts together, omitting the boundaries of their inevitable existence? Can two wounded souls embrace the warmth of their yearning love? Will they survive deadly turmoils across their path or the fatal love will exist as a forbidden obsession bordering on insanity? >>>> (Don't forget to check the review section where I am leaving eye candies for you all. The cover strictly belongs to me and designed by my beautiful artist: @Bea_Cortez

ShadowPrincess96 · LGBT+
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230 Chs

Chapter 3: The Golden Eyes!

Watching the tainted frightful look of disbelief and anxiety on his pale face, Kirin retained a frustrated sigh as he scoffed at him in an angry tone, "Why do you seem so surprised, you punk!? You have been making a mess of my head since the moment you woke up!! Now you don't fuckin' tell me that you have forgotten how many people we have murdered together! You better not test my patience anymore, Sheoran!"

A cold, spooky chill ran down his spine, making Noah almost wobble his balance to stand still anymore. His feet staggered a bit before he tripped down on the ground. He was trying his best to hold a grip over his shivering body, along with his heart that had raced to its pounding limit.

Sweating profusely, he met his eyes before mumbling, "W-We b-both…murdered people?"

But this time, Kirin retained a puzzled look on his face as he grumbled before him. "Of course we did! It's our livelihood…or else how would we have fed ourselves? Besides, we have been staying here for the last 17 years of our life and this is how we were raised here! I…I can't believe it…why am I explaining all this to you?"

"N-No…this can't be true…" Noah gulped his saliva as he tried to wipe his sweat drops over his forehead with his fingers trembling on their own. He exhaled a heavy sigh, as his tone stifled a bit, "This is a misunderstanding. Look, I think you might be confusing me with someone else. I am not any Sheoran…I am Noah, a mere kindergarten teacher and I don't know how I got tangled in all this mess!

I don't even understand myself what the heck is going on!"

"Teacher?" Holding a cryptic look in his brown eyes, Kirin glued his cold gaze upon him as he claimed, "Only the rich nobles or royal borne have been granted the privilege of reading or writing! It's something people belonging to the lowly status like us can't even dream of! And you claim yourself to be a teacher? Did you really lose your mind?"

"Rich nobles? Royals?" Noah quickly repeated his words holding a baffled gaze towards him as he murmured, "What are these crazy discriminations? Why do you sound as if we are in the 14th century?"

"Because we are in the 14th century!" Kirin uttered aloud, frowning his brows deeper.

Like a jolt of shock hitting him hard, Noah forgot to breathe for a few seconds as he stayed numb, like a block of ice. For a second, he perceived as if his ears were ringing or he misheard any sentence, but when his gaze unknowingly laid upon the clothes both of them were wearing, the extreme realization caused a turbulent rush of palpitation to grow stronger inside him.

"14th century? That means…we are in the medieval period?" Rolling his ocean eyes in immense disbelief, he repeated again.

"I don't know why you are reacting like this…but get a grip over yourself, Sheoran! Can't you reminisce a single thing?" Kirin protruded a nervous gaze towards him as if some kind of fear was growing vivid in his eyes.

Without uttering any word, Noah stayed numb on the ground, trying to process the unexpected reality before his eyes. Everything felt like a hazy nightmare to him, but no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to defy.

Fidgeting his fingertips, he wondered, 'How can this be possible? I drowned in the pool and came back in time? That means…Did I wake up here in this Sheoran's body? My soul transmigrated back in time into an assassin's body, just like I had read in comics and novels? Wait…then what happened to my own body? And…what happened to Sheoran's soul? Why did I come here? W-What the fuck?'

However, watching him suddenly becoming numb for a while, Kirin impatiently flipped his hairs above his forehead and squatted down on the ground before him. He gently tapped his shoulder once and asked in a serene tone, "Sheoran, can you remember anything now? Are you getting your memories back? Are you feeling better now?"

Reviving his senses back from his gentle tap, Noah lifted up his confused gaze and stared deep into his eyes as he confessed. "L-Look Kirin, I know I may sound crazy to you…but, I am not Sheoran. I am Noah, just an ordinary kindergarten teacher. I don't know how or what happened, I didn't lose my memory but my soul seems to have transmigrated here from the 21st century, in this body!

I…I have aichmophobia and I can't stay near or touch sharp objects! There's no way someone like me can be an assassin! Please…believe me!?"

Holding a startled look on his pale face, Kirin didn't even blink his lashes while listening to his confession. As soon as he finished, he breathed a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes with immense fear as he stated. "Gosh…I can't believe you have totally lost your memory and mind, Sheoran! Do you even have an idea how our Chief will react if he learns about your condition? What if he kills both of us?"

"W-What?" Swirling his fearful eyes wide, Noah shuddered a bit as he raised his voice a little high, "W-Who is this Chief now? And why would he kill us both? B-Besides…I am telling you, I didn't lose my mind or memory! I am someone else…I am not Sheoran! Why don't you believe me—"

"SSSHHHH!" Before he could wrap his sentence, Kirin immediately covered his mouth with his palm, forbidding him to speak any further. He carefully tossed his glance around, especially outside the door before he whispered to him, "Don't you dare to speak aloud about such nonsense! You might have forgotten how fatally dangerous is this place…but it won't take seconds to send your head flying in the air if someone happens to overhear you! This place is full of assassins, you dumb idiot!"

Startled at his interruption, Noah didn't protest anymore and nodded his head, with his ocean eyes filled in fear. As he removed his palm down from his mouth, he quivered in a husky voice, "T-Then…what shall I do now?"

Kirin scratched the back of his head and frowned his brows a bit as if he was contemplating something. After a brief pause, he lifted his gaze to stare at him as he concluded, "Go outside! Go to Lake Blues where I found you last night. You might get your memories back before the Chief visits you…that's the only way both of us can survive now!"

Finding a dim ray of hope amidst the heavy chaos surrounding him, Noah nodded his head before mumbling back, "Umm, I will go…b-but…the direction?"

"Ugh, goddamnit!" Kirin scoffed an annoyed glare at him as he snarled, "After you reach outside the boundary, go deeper inside the forest to the west side. When you reach an ancient oak tree, go to the right side and after walking a few feets, you will find Lake Blues. But…don't you attempt to try anything funny or before the Chief kills you, I might chop you to pieces! Return as soon as possible!"

Being a bit anxious about his threat, Noah didn't defy him anymore and hurriedly sprang up from the ground. Without wasting a further second, just according to his description he managed to escape out of the province and rushed deeper into the forest, in a clumsy motion. While watching him disappear from his sight, Kirin exhaled another heavy sigh as he wondered, 'did I commit a mistake by letting him go alone?'


After an anticipated rush for a while, following his instructions, Noah managed to reach the Lake Blues, almost hyperventilating from the long run. Just as he had imagined, it was a huge lake with blue waters in the middle of those deep woods, surrounded by mysterious tall trees around. Only dim rays of the sun could enter inside through the vague trees that made him grow a bit nervous.

That lake was the only clue remaining that tangled him with the messed-up reality. Reaching it closer, he tried to glance all around him, and even inside of the lake only to find that it was quite deeper than he had imagined it to be.

"Wait…is this really this lake where Kirin found me last night?" He fretted while asking himself before he took a few small steps ahead to reach close to the lake. The ambiance was quite silent and spooky. "But how can all this be possibly happening with me? Wait…then did I die there at the school pond and so my soul transmigrated here? Huh?

But as far as I remember in that blurred vision…someone had come to save me! Someone…with golden…


Before Noah could finish his words, suddenly one of his feet slipped its balance. But before he could trip and fall down into the water, a strong grip of arm grabbed around his waist from behind and pulled him backward, saving him at the very last moment again!

Surprisingly, his body could sense the touch quite familiar to him as he immediately turned his neck around, holding a grip over his pounding heart. But the sight was remarkable enough to make his jaw drop in shock.

A tall, muscular yet dazzling handsome man with shimmering golden yellow hair and radiant white skin held him tight in his embrace and saved him from getting tripped. Moreover, the man had a rarest, unique pair of big, beautiful eyes with golden eyeballs which he had never seen in a human before.

The gaze from that mysterious man was so strong that it almost froze Noah in awe, as he could hardly imagine a man to be this lethally attractive!

However, meeting his awestruck pair of ocean eyes, a tiny, crafted smirk sliced the corner of his crimson red lips as the man asked him in a witty, deep voice, "Were you aiming to jump in the lake, little lamb?"

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