
Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?

Ronald Kuangge transmigrates into an urban novel called "The Dragon King in The World" as a Rich-Second Generation that has to properly play his role as the Villain according to the plot in order to return back to earth. After finishing his villain role accordingly to the plot, instead of going back to earth, he ends up going back to the beginning of the story where he has do everything over once again. In order to go back to earth he once again acts like a villain according to the story, little does he know that the heroines have also regressed... *** Author's Note: This is my first novel ever so I hope you guys can give me constructive criticism on what I can do in order to become a better writer This novel is heavily inspired by other CN

Dudedude5000 · Urban
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128 Chs

Unexpected Visit

After Ronald had woken up from his nap and checked on the time to make sure he wasn't late for the auction house, he started to head towards his garage while his face was full of determination.

Ronald was determined that no matter what, he will get face slapped by Ye Fan today and complete the plot properly today.

Just as Ronald was about to hop onto one of his cars and drive to the auction house, he noticed multiple black cars with tinted windows and a Rolls-Royce Cullinan he didn't recognize outside of his household gates.

Ronald wasn't too sure why his family guards and bodyguards haven't driven out those suspicious looking vehicles yet so he decided to go over there and check it out for himself.

What he saw next made his eyes wide open and almost gave him a heart attack.

Yep, he saw Luna waiting seemingly right outside the gate.

'SHIT! What is she doing here? She's not waiting for me right... RIGHT?' Ronald couldn't help but panic.

'Isn't Luna suppose to be a workaholic? How can she have time to spare waiting for a single person?'

'No, more importantly how long has she even been waiting for?'

'Just how much did my dad pay you in order for you to be this active?'

He knew he couldn't continue the plot if Luna saw him exit his household and decided to follow him into the auction house.

So after briefly thinking about what to do next, he decided that he should try and avoid confronting Luna and exit through the backdoors instead, but before he managed to leave his front yard, all of a sudden...

"Hey! Hey Ronald! I'm over here!" Luna waved and shouted the moment she noticed movements infront of the Kuangge's front yard and saw Ronald.

'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! HOW DID SHE NOTICE ME?' Ronald shivered while slowly turning back around and walked towards Luna.

"Hey Luna... this is the first time I've seen you come over here, you could have told me you wanted to meet me and I would've gladly headed over to your company instead, do you perhaps need something from me?" Even though Ronald doesn't really meet much of the heroines outside of the plot, he still has to maintain his shitty character and personality whenever he does meet a heroine outside of the plot.

"No, I just heard that you were visiting the auction house today, and so I wanted to give you a ride!" Of course Luna didn't need anything from him, she just wanted to find an excuse to be with her adorable Ronald.

"How did you know I was going to visit the auction house today?" Ronald was flabbergasted, how did Luna know he was going to visit the auction house today?

Nobody else should've known that he was going to be visiting the auction house today besides Ye Fan and the actual auction house.

"That's a secret~" Even if Luna wanted to tell Ronald everything now, she knows that she still has to hold back in order not to risk putting his life in danger.

She was aware that in her previous life, Ronald had visited the auction house and spent much more money than its market value obtaining her favorite painting 'The Scorching Phoenix.'

Even though she still liked the painting to this day, now she would rather have a portrait of Ronald instead...

"Come on in! What are you waiting for?" Luna signaled one of her bodyguard to open the door for Ronald.

"No no no it's okay Luna, you've already done so much by coming to visit me today. I know you've always been busy with your company so you don't need to push yourself further!" Ronald really wanted to drive Luna away now, he felt like his head was going to explode if she decides to stick with him for even a single second longer.

Luna started tearing up in her eyes after hearing that, she knew Ronald had a kind hearted soul and was always thinking about others no matter the circumstances he was in.

"Don't worry Ronald, I won't attend the auction house. Like I said, I just wanted to give you a ride, that's all." Luna knew that Ronald was thinking for herself even at this time and that he was afraid that her reputation would decrease if she was seen being with Ronald out in the public like this.

Luna wanted to tell Ronald that she doesn't care what the public thinks, but she would've felt even more guilty for him if she had came along since more people will end up badmouthing him.

If this occured during her previous life where she was much more stronger and had more influence, she would've just made everyone who badmouthed Ronald completely disappear from the face of this earth.

"Oh okay, although I do feel bad about you bringing me somewhere, I'll take up your offer on it." Ronald sighed with relief while reluctantly hopping on the backseat of the Cullinan, it would've been extremely bad if Luna had also attended the auction house, but Luna wouldn't be able to interfere with his upcoming plot as long she didn't attend.

While sitting on the backseat of the Cullinan, Ronald was thinking to himself about what could have possibly made Luna pretend to care about him this much.

At first he thought that it was his father that offered Luna a bunch of benefits in order for her to act like this, but there was no way his dad was willing to take that huge of a loss.

He also had a strong feeling that Luna wouldn't tell him the reason why even if he asked straightforwardly anyways.

So throughout the rest of the entire car ride Ronald decided to talk badly about the protagonist, Ye Fan in order to test the waters to see if she showed any hostility towards Ronald.

Every time he mentioned Ye Fan's name, it seemed like she was showing more and more killing intent, almost as if he wasn't even worthy to mention Ye Fan's name.

'Wait, is that also bloodshot eyes I see?'

After seeing the bloodshot eyes, it also made him certain of it.

'Luna doesn't love me.'

Ronald was now fully relieved and it felt like a massive boulder was just taken off his chest, but he still couldn't help but wonder why she visited his house today, well he doesn't want to think about it for now.

After they've arrived at the entrance of the auction house, he waved to Luna goodbye and headed into the auction house.

'Thank god, seems like her personality didn't collapse after all, now time for the actual plot to begin.'