
Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?

Ronald Kuangge transmigrates into an urban novel called "The Dragon King in The World" as a Rich-Second Generation that has to properly play his role as the Villain according to the plot in order to return back to earth. After finishing his villain role accordingly to the plot, instead of going back to earth, he ends up going back to the beginning of the story where he has do everything over once again. In order to go back to earth he once again acts like a villain according to the story, little does he know that the heroines have also regressed... *** Author's Note: This is my first novel ever so I hope you guys can give me constructive criticism on what I can do in order to become a better writer This novel is heavily inspired by other CN

Dudedude5000 · Urban
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Hyatt Casino (4)

"BWAHAHAHA!" Grant couldn't hold in his laugh any longer and started to laugh uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" Ronald asked in a slightly nervous voice.

All of the attentions that had been on Ling Feng and Lai Meiyun this entire time had now shifted onto Ronald and Grant, which was definitely a bad thing for Ronald.

After all, Ronald only intended to just secretly monitor Ling Feng for a bit without making his presence known in order to see if Ling Feng being in this world was going to affect his future plots.

But now that Grant had decided to shift everyone's attentions towards him, wouldn't Ronald eventually get in the crossfire if Grant decides to offend Ling Feng?

'And just when I thought that my second life in this world couldn't get any harder.'

"Haha sorry Ronald, it's just the fact that these guys are acting like a bunch of clowns in a circus right now is absolutely hilarious to me, there's no way that this can't be some sort of a play!" Grant stated while still crying with laughter.

He didn't know that Sheu Fei, who pretty much had a god-like status in this casino was willing to actually stoop so low and lose so much face just for a woman.

And not only that, but the woman that Sheu Fei had stooped so low for is acting like an obedient dog towards some poor loser that nobody has heard of before.

Of course, he knew who Lai Meiyun was, which made it all the more funnier to him.

"..." Hearing that Grant had called him a clown, Ling Feng stared at Grant in disdain.

Ever since Ling Feng had rebirth back to when he was still in highschool, he had promised to himself that he won't let anyone humuliate and harass him and anyone close to him ever again.

So after staring at Grant in disdain for a bit longer, he decided that he should at least teach Grant a lesson he'll never forget.

Just as he was about to walk over to Grant and teach him a lesson however...

"Don't." Lai Meiyun placed her hand on Ling Feng's shoulder and shook her head.

"Why?" Seeing the concerned look on Lai Meiyun's face, Ling Feng decided to show her some courtesy and hear her out.

"I know that you're extremely powerful and all, but the person you're about to go up against is Grant Griffin."

"So?" Ling Feng said in a casual manner.

"He's one of the four Gods of War in the Western World, which means that he's incredibly strong, has much more experience, and has killed more people than we could ever imagine! Not only that but he has countless subordinates working for him and has much more connections than all of the 10 major families in the capital city." Lai Meiyun stated in a slightly worried voice.

Although she was slightly worried that Ling Feng was going to get beaten up badly, she wasn't mainly worried about that.

What she was mainly worried about though is that if Ling Feng does end up getting beaten badly, with her Grandpa's upright personality trait coupled with the fact that Ling Feng is deeply respected by her Grandpa, she knew that her Grandpa would try and avenge Ling Feng.

And if that happens, then the Lai family would most likely go in shambles and collapse.

"Don't worry about it." Ling Feng swiped Lai Meiyun's hand off of his shoulder and started walking over to Grant.

He knew what Lai Meiyun was exactly worried about, however, he was 100% certain that he had the ability to take Grant and all of his connections head-on and come out victorious.

"Mr. Ling! Get ba-" Just before Lai Meiyun could hurriedly pull Ling Feng back...

"It looks like you've gained some confidence in yourself after fighting with those pathetic weaklings, and now you think you're so cool all of a sudden, huh? Ronald, watch this." Seeing that Ling Feng was looking at him in disdain, Grant decided that he'll just kill Ling Feng right now and demonstrate to the entirety of China what happens if they decide to try and mess with him.

So Grant stood up from his seat and then instantly appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Make sure you learn to not offend someone you can't afford to offend in your next life!" Grant than instantly formed a fist and threw in a punch with all of his might at Ling Feng's face, with the intent to kill and obliterate Ling Feng's skull.

Just before Grant's fist could even actually land a hit on Ling Feng's face however, Ling Feng caught Grant's fist, and then started twisting Grant's hand, completely breaking his wrist.

"OW! LET GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Grant tried to yank his fist out of Ling Feng's hand, however, Ling Feng was gripping it so tightly that he was hurting himself even more every time he had tried to do so.

"How about you learn how not to offend someone you can't afford to offend instead?" Ling Feng smiled with a wicked look on his face, and then used his other hand to flick Grant on the forehead, completely sending Grant flying right out of the casino building.

"..." Everyone who had been watching this interaction on the second floor couldn't help but widen up their eyes in shock.

During the fight against Sheu Fei's bodyguards, since Ling Feng wasn't even trying at all, everyone just assumed that Ling Feng was just a normal martial artist that knew a thing or two here and there.

But after seeing that Ling Feng had easily made a hole in the casino walls and sent someone completely flying with just a flick of his fingers, coupled with the fact that the Lai family was extremely respectful towards him, they all started to see Ling Feng in a new light.

Some of the more influential people who even knew that Grant was actually one of the Gods of War in the Western World started to take snapshots of Ling Feng in order to run a background check on him and see if they could get acquainted with him.

"W-wow! You're amazing!" Lai Meiyun shouted out like a fangirl and her admiration for Ling Feng had increased even further.

She honestly thought that Ling Feng was going to be the one that would end up getting completely overwhelmed by Grant.

But the fact that he had manage to subdue Grant just by flicking his finger is absolutely insane.

After all, although not many people knew about this, but since Lai Meiyun had came from a family background who dedicates themselves to practicing martial arts, everyone in her family knew that Grant was actually the youngest Grandmaster alive right now.

"Thanks." Ling Feng didn't bother to look back at Lai Meiyun, but just stared cautiously at a certain individual who was sitting down still munching on popcorn.

That certain individual was of course, Ronald.


'You suck some actual as- who am I even kidding?'

'I've already seen it coming from a mile away.'


'Now I'm going to have to put this shitty protagonist in his place, aren't I?'