
Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?

Ronald Kuangge transmigrates into an urban novel called "The Dragon King in The World" as a Rich-Second Generation that has to properly play his role as the Villain according to the plot in order to return back to earth. After finishing his villain role accordingly to the plot, instead of going back to earth, he ends up going back to the beginning of the story where he has do everything over once again. In order to go back to earth he once again acts like a villain according to the story, little does he know that the heroines have also regressed... *** Author's Note: This is my first novel ever so I hope you guys can give me constructive criticism on what I can do in order to become a better writer This novel is heavily inspired by other CN

Dudedude5000 · Urban
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128 Chs

For Free?

"Where the hell is 'The Scorching Phoenix?' Wasn't it suppose to be placed up for auction today? This painting was suppose to be a present for Luna!" Ronald was extremely aggravated and directly yelled at the auctioneer.

How was he suppose to actually finish completing this shitty auction house plot if he doesn't have a bidding war with Ye Fan and get humiliated afterwards?

If he had gotten kicked out by Li Wanruo before the second section of the auction plot had actually started, then it wouldn't of matter as much since he would've had 'officially' completed the auction house plot by getting face slapped by both Ye Fan and Li Wanruo.

"I'm really sorry Young Master Kuangge, Miss Wanruo will personally come out and explain it to you in a bit." The beautiful auctioneer bowed down and replied in a respectful tone.

Her boss, Li Wanruo had specifically told her to treat Ronald as if she was dealing with a person far superior than her own boss.

"I have a question about a sword that was suppose to show up as well, may I inquire you about it?" After hearing the auctioneer's response to Ronald, Ye Fan wasn't satisfied with the answer as well and questioned the auctioneer in a respectful and well-mannered tone.

"Whatever this auction house does has nothing to do with you, now that the auction has officially ended, please leave the premises this instant." The auctioneer replied in a cold manner and didn't even bother looking at Ye Fan.

Her boss had also told her and every other staff to treat Ye Fan as if they were dealing with an ant.

Hearing the unceremonious words of the auctioneer, Ye Fan was completely stunned.

He didn't understand why when Ronald showed aggression towards the auctioneer, she had a respectful attitude towards him but when he asked respectfully, she practically gave him the middle finger.

Even though Ye Fan really wanted to show the auctioneer who's boss, he had to get his hands on the magical weapon no matter what, as it would undoubtedly make him even stronger, so Ye Fan could only swallow his pride and hear about the situation once Li Wanruo comes out.

A lot of the attendees also quietly stayed behind in order to see what Li Wanruo wanted to tell to Ronald.

Most of them speculated that Li Wanruo didn't want to do anything to Ronald before the auction started in order to not ruin the atmosphere.

But now that the auction was actually over now, they all thought that she had planned on 'fixing' Ronald's arrogance.

While everyone was still speculating about what Li Wanruo was going to do to Ronald, Li Wanruo had stepped back on stage and was slowly walking towards Ronald.

Even though everyone knew that Li Wanruo was coming back out, with the domineering and ruthless aura she was emitting out, everyone had became instantly terrified even though they knew nothing was going to happen to them.

Ronald on the other hand had a relieved look on his face, because he had also felt the aura that Li Wanruo was emitting out and knew for a fact that she was angry at him.

'She must've wanted to wait until the auction was over before coming over and beating me up, seems like the plot was on the right track after all and I was just worrying too much.' Ronald nodded in his heart, knowing Li Wanruo's personality, there was no way she was going to end up letting him go after everything he has done.

"So? Where is the painting? Don't make me waste any more time in this hellhole and bring the painting out this instant!" Ronald shouted in an arrogant manner while secretly waiting for Li Wanruo to start beating him up infront of the entire auction house.

Nobody wanted to blink after listening to what Ronald had said as they didn't want to miss the frenzy that was about to occur, but to their surprise, something else unexpected had happened.

"Don't worry Young Master Ronald, I brought it out for you." Li Wanruo signaled two of the maids to come out from behind the curtains and handed to Ronald both the painting and a normal looking steel sword that had random giberish engraved on the blade of the sword.

"I will give you these items to you for free as an apology for one of my maid's insolent manners today, do you want me to get someone to deliver these to your house?"

Looking at the sword that one of the maids was holding, although Ronald got kicked out from the auction house in his previous life before he was able to see what Ye Fan had auctioned for, he knew in an instant that this was the weapon Ye Fan had originally visited the auction house for.

'Wait a second, why the hell is she giving me these things for free?' Ronald didn't even try to hide the confused look in his face, he really didn't understand why Li Wanruo would go this far for him.

He really wanted to open her head right now and see what was going on inside her brain.

But after thinking about it logically, Ronald had came to a possible conclusion that Ye Fan and Li Wanruo had teamed up in advance in order to beat him up.

It may not sound logical at first, but thinking about the sheer influence that the Kuangge family had, Li Wanruo must've wanted to pretend to care about Ronald, and then get Ye Fan to beat Ronald up, completely leaving the Wanruo family out of the crossfire.

Plus the system had told him that the heroines had started thinking for themselves this time around.

Although Ronald didn't like the sudden change to the plot, he doesn't really mind as long as he can complete the plot.

Looking at the confused look that Ronald had on his face, the corners of Li Wanruo's mouth slightly raised up.

She wanted to show Ronald her sincerity and prevent Ronald from getting face slapped.

Although she knew that Ronald on the outside seemed like he didn't care about the face slap he was receiving every so often in the previous life, she knew that inside of him he was hurt and saddened by it.

But in order to try and protect herself and everyone else that Ye Fan had cooperated with, he decided to throw away his pride as the Young Master of the Kuangge family.

So Li Wanruo wanted to help out Ronald at all costs, with the first steps being to give the painting to him for free and saving him the humiliation that had occured in her previous life.

As for the sword, even though she still kept her knowledge of her past life, she still didn't understand the effects this sword had, but since Ye Fan wanted it, she won't let him have it.

At this time, Ye Fan, who was currently on the sidelines clenched his fists.

The magical weapon that he had originally came here for was now being given to his enemy instead.

Ye Fan really wanted to just murder Ronald now, but he still decided to hold back.

If he murders Ronald right now, he knew for a fact that he wouldn't be able to stay in China without getting constantly hunted down since he has no influence or connections in China yet.

But even if he hadn't decided to kill Ronald yet, he still has to get his hands on the magical weapon at all costs.

Then Ye Fan had realized that he managed to get Iris to stay by Ronald's side.

So he decided he was going to send her a text message later to tell her to secretly deliver the magical weapon to him the moment she gets her hands on it.

After Ronald had concluded that Ye Fan and Li Wanruo was teaming up with each other, he didn't hide his inner feelings and started laughing.

"Hahaha, no need. I'll tell the maid that you had also handed over to me to bring it back home. Thanks to you, my Luna will definitely be happy with this gift!" Ronald ordered Iris to take the items and then he turned to the crowds.

"Do you guys see the almighty power of the Kuangge family? This should be an eye opener to you guys to never offend the Kuangge family, otherwise you'll get what's coming to you." In order to maintain being a brainless villain, Ronald told the crowd and smiled arrogantly.

After seeing everyone's gloomy faces, Ronald was satisfied with the outcome and knew that Li Wanruo would also get more pissed off after seeing her own guests become depressed in her own auction house.

So without even bothering to look back at Li Wanruo, Ronald started heading towards the exit of the auction house.

Just as he was about to step foot out of the auction house however...

"Wait! Young Master Kuangge! Can you give me your phone number?" While Li Wanruo was still immersed at staring at Ronald's face and figure, she realized that he was actually about to leave the auction house so she ran up to him just as he was about to leave the premises and hurriedly spoke softly while looking down and blushing.

"Huh? Can you say that again?" Ronald slowly turned back and wanted to make sure that his ears wasn't decieving him.

'Phone number? Why the hell would she want my phone number?'

'I must've heard it wrong.'

'Yeah that's it, I must just be tired from the plot acting weird lately.'