
transmigrate into a merman in apocalypse world

a university student passed through into an apocalypse world packed with zombies, mutated creatures, aliens, and many more .but who would've thought that he not only has to deal with this world horrors but he also has to accept that his current body is useless. mc: what can I do when I'm a mermaid now ?!! the sea is full of mutated monsters, the land is also full of many more !!! thank goodness I had my golden finger or I'll die of hunger ...............huh?!! someone is falling from the bridge, let's go save him!!

alexDna · Urban
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123 Chs

i wrote a book ,i named it "the classics of kabedon"


his hand slams the wall right next to my head and a hot breath falls on my face, bewildered I look up to meet the eyes of the man

"then that wouldn't be good for you now, would it?"


"if you're not her then I can only take you as her son or offspring ", the man's face got closer almost touching my ear,

"if that was the case then I'll really have to kill you, except she won't dare" after the man finished this sentence his face softens, his eyes bend and a kind smile appears on his face then says,

"I'm sorry I just got agitated, you don't mind me "

I shake my head hurriedly not planning to interact any longer with him, even my imaginary tear is about to be spilled out !! so I push with my hands his chest, unexpectedly the man's chest is harder than the wall behind me, and I couldn't help myself but grope a few times.