
Transforming into unknowns

An unknown experiment and a hidden truth makes you into something you never expected! And you realize the one who you loved the most is your biggest enemy. Enter in the game of lust, love and lies where everyone loves money, have lust for body and can lie to their own souls for the money! Beware: Trust not one!

thesarcasmbae · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


YES, I am as real as the air you breathe but I am in disguise, I can't live freely, I can't let my self out freely and here I am thinking to giving birth to this baby.

As the moon started to rise up, I come near to the shore and decided to swin in the water for few more hours until I realised it's too late and I should probably head home.

I get out from the water, and as my feets touched the sand of the beach, the pain started to overpower me again, I wanted to scream... scream my lungs out - the pain it was so overwhelming like every bone in my body is breaking one by one.

Every bone of my legs, breaking into two to form those two legs which make me able to live in this human world. My scales started to shed making me bleed from each and every pore of my body.

Bleed until the new hair comes out from these pores.

After the transformation completed, I started running toward the public toilet present on the abandoned beach, I open the tap and let the fresh water run over my legs, taking away the traces of blood from my legs. I started to move my hands over my legs touching and feeling my human self...

I took a deepbreath and looked at my all wet clothes. Water is dripping from my top making a tip-tip sound, my pants which got all rugged due to the transformation... Seems like I need to prepare nyself for spending more time in water.

I closed the tap, and started moving toward my house which I left all open a few hours back.

As I reached the front door of the house, the door was still open, the lights are closed and the soul soothing sound of wind chimes hanging in the window beside the door starts knocking in the door of my ears. The cold breeze touch my wet body sending me shivers down my spine.

I took a step inside the house, and go straight toward the switch board to open the lights of the room.

As I opened the lights, I saw him...

I saw him after a month, sitting on the couch, spreading his legs, with the eyes constantly looking at me, one hand over the thighs and other on the chin.

He started to scan me from head to toe and the disappointment can be easily seen in his beautiful silver eyes. I am afraid... out of everything in the world, I surely didn't expect him to be home.

He stood up from the couch and started taking small steps towards me... I started to scratch my arm unaware of what might will happen in next new minutes. He stoped before me, and took one more look over my wet body.

Why are you so wet? James said, crossing his arms and looking at me like I am some disgusting piece of shit.

I... I go out to beach for swim... I said, in my hesitated voice trying to convince him.

It still doesn't explain why are you all wet? James said, taking the towel and bathrobe in his hands.

Well... actually swimming was not really my plan but it just happened... I said, as he started patting my wet hair with the towel.

And what happen to your pants? James said started to remove my wet top and making the covered parts of my body visible.

As he removed my top, leaving me only in my bra and rugged pants he glared at my boobs for few minutes.

Leave all this! What didn't you told me that you are coming today? I said, trying my best to distract him from the pants and swim part.

It was very last minute. James said, holding my waist from his rough, firm hands and pulling me toward his broad chest.

Oh, that's great. I said, as he started to unhook my bra.

Wha - What are you doing? I said, a little hesitated with my face buried in his huge chest.

What does it looks like? James said, removing my bra and letting my boobs free.

I- I don--

Go and change, you will catch cold! James said, interrupting me and making me wear that bathrobe.

Ugh! for a moment I thought he was going to have sex with me and I am not really ready for sex! After the pain fron the transformation, I can't handle him... Perks of being half human and half fish!

My genitals are not like humans completely or you can say I am the connecting link between human and fish that's why they are sort of under developed.

And James... He can be real wild when he comes home after a month or two service at the borders.

Yeah! James work in the Army!

Go and change, what are you waiting for? James said, crossing his arms.

I nodded to him and go straight to the bathroom.

I pat dry my body and looked at my legs which are fully healed now. I took out some night wears from my closet and covered my naked body with it.

As I go to the living room, I saw some take away food lying on the table, James must have ordered it.

We eat and he never take up the swim matter again that night.

2:30 AM

I opened my eyes and take a quick look at James... He was sleeping sound and it's time!


I gently removed his hands over from my boobs and got out from the bed. I took a breath of relief as I looked him sleeping sound from the corner of the room. I just hope he won't wake up until I am back.

I took the keys of my car and accelerated it.


Mom? I said looking at the old women sitting on the rocking chair.

Come here, Brooklyn... Mom said, without looking back at me.

As I stand in front of me, She punched on my belly making me SCREAM my lungs out!