
Transforming into unknowns

An unknown experiment and a hidden truth makes you into something you never expected! And you realize the one who you loved the most is your biggest enemy. Enter in the game of lust, love and lies where everyone loves money, have lust for body and can lie to their own souls for the money! Beware: Trust not one!

thesarcasmbae ¡ Sci-fi
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7 Chs

My Love

I took a deepbreath and think about all the possibilities of what could go wrong if I forgive him. I will have a roof over my head, my baby will have his or her father and most important I will have a HUMAN in my life to save me from any threat and danger. I know he don't know my true self and I don't intend to tell him anytime soon but still he can save me for alot of things. The world is cruel, and if they find a single pregnant women alone they will do every deed to break her.

I hugged him and whispered in his ear, " I forgive you."

After hearing those words, he hugged me even tighter. I no way have any doubt on James or his love but this military training and everything made him trust no one. I am heartbroken by his actions but I really don't blame him, his sister is the only family left for him and he left her for me and somehow it was my fault. He is a strong man and I have never seen him crying but he did today, he is sorry for his actions, he is guilty and weight if this guilt is making him cry. We are trying to have baby from last 4 years, it's not that we failed but I killed them as soon as they started to develop in me. I was so afraid to loose him that I never told him that I don't want to have a baby.

Maybe this baby will bring so many happiness, and love in our life because babies are the symbol of love and happiness, aren't they?

I am going to make the dinner, okay? James said, kissing my forehead.

Okay, I will just take a quick shower and meet you down. I said looking up at him.

Done. He said kissing my cheek and left the room.

I took a deep breath and decided to take a shower and let go of any thoughts with this. I entered in the bathroom and undress myself until I am totally naked, I opened the tap to the shower and closed my eyes, looking up making water to fall over my face. As I closed my eyes all those things Mom said to me starts to come before me all over again, "Don't trust anyone but yourself" and I know what she mean by it. After shower I pat dry my body and put of the silky top and shorts.

As I entered in the kitchen I saw him topless trying to manage cooking. He is sweating because of the heat of gas stove. He sweat is coming down from the lining of his defined abs, I bite my lower lip seeing him. It's been a month since we had sex and I also have my needs.

I was admiring the view in front of me until he interrupted by saying "Do you like what you see?"

Oh, Of course I do. I said, biting my lower lip, without breaking our eye contact.

Haha, Come on let's have dinner and then we can continue from here again. James said putting the plates and bowls on the dinner table.

I sat down on the chair while he served the food. We had our dinner and as soon as we are finished, James took me up in his arms and started moving upstairs to our room. He looked down in my eyes finding me already looking at him. He giggled a little and seeing his smile brings all those butterflies in my stomach. I know this night will be long. It's not like I forget everything he did few hours back but he is the only known left in this unknown world. And if I wanted to survive with aliens, I have to be with one of them atleast, right.

As we entered in our room, he throwed me up on our bed and as he was about to go up, I hold his shirt with my hand and pulled him closer to myself, filling up the little gap between us. Our lips are just inches apart, we were both looking in each other's eyes and I remembered the good old times, where I bunk my college class to see him in the basement storage room so that no body can see us. we hide our relationship for 2 years until I completed my college.

He pressed his lips with mine and I remembered the taste, I remember how much intoxicating his taste is, how much I used to or you can say I still crave him. His tongue is trying to gain access in my mouth and I like to tease him, After kissing me for minutes, I finally let his tongue inside my mouth. We kissed like we are hungry for each other.

It was not a kiss we do everyday, it was the kiss full of lust and less of love. It was a full open mouth kiss, with our tongues mingling with each other, his hands exploring the curves of my body while unhooking my bra and mine, unzipping his pants and our eyes? Our eyes looking straight in each other piercing through each other soul, a silent argument is going on with our eyes and I am sure about why it was?

He removed my top and bra, making me naked. His eyes lit up as he saw me naked. He bend down kissing my neck making me go crazy, my hands were on his head, holing his hair and pushing him to my body. He started sucking my neck, giving me love bites and marking his territory.

Soft moans started to come out from my mouth, as he bite my earlobe. He grabbed my boobs with his hands and started pressing them as he hear my moans without stopping sucking my neck.

But as they say, happiness doesn't remains for long. It doesn't remain for me as well. I started to gasp for air as I realized it's time for my transformation. James is shocked to see me gasping for air and not sure what to do, he put me up with the support of his hands, he asked "Brook, are you okay?"

Oh my god, what happen? He said, as I started gasping for air more.

I think my cover will blow up soon, because if I didn't transform in next few minutes, I will DIE