
Transformers: Dawn Of A New Era

After Optimus Prime chose to primarily focus on Earth's protection, the Elite Guard's Second in Command, Shadowstorm, was appointed as his sucessor. He now leads the Autobots in a new era, as they struggle to end the tiranny of Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. However, despite their valiant efforts, the Great War continues, without an end in sight. Now, with the battles becoming feircer, Shadowstorm must fight to rid his homeworld and the universe of Mgatron's evil. Will he suceed, or die trying?

BlackViper55 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Gaining An Advantage Over The Decepticons

In A Decepticon-Controlled Sector Of Space

Deep in the far reaches of Space was a planet called Vita Seven. It was one of the mightiest Decepticon outposts during the Great War between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and now served as the central point of the Decepticon operations.

A squadron of Seekers landed at the main base on the planet, quickly going to the control room to report to their commander.

"Sir, the Autobots continue to hunt our remaining forces, scattered across the galaxy, and with Starscream and his Seekers imprisoned on Cybertron, we are unsure what to do.", The squadron's commander informed him.

"The Autobots certainly became bold, after defeating us in the Battle of Iaco, they deployed their elite forces to pursue us. Megatron may be gone, but the Decepticons still stand!"

"I will send out reconnaissance operatives to the far reaches of the galaxy, to see what those accursed Autobots are planning. Although I must admit, Shadowstorm is neither weak nor foolish. He doesn't send his troops on missions unless there is solid evidence of Decepticon activity."

Meanwhile Back In The City Of Iacon

Lightyears away, on the planet Cybertron, Shadowstorm was monitoring the galaxy for any sign of the Decepticons.

"Sir! A few Autobot soldiers managed to secure crucial information, during a mission against a Decepticon strike force, led by General Blate.", A soldier informed, rushing into the room.

The Autobot Leader nodded, pressing a button, as a bunch of cybertronian writing appeared.

"Excellent. This will certainly give us an advantage over the Decepticons. Assemble the Fleet and notify Rodimus Major to assume command over the forces. Those foolish Decepticons don't grasp the extent of the trouble they are currently in. This will be one of the greatest Autobot victories in the history of our fraction."

In The Orbit Of Gyro Six

The Autobot Fleet transwarped into the planet's orbit

Aboard the flagship, Rodimus was giving orders to the assembled troops.

"We must scout the area for any hidden traps. Strike team Alpha, you will take the north-east part. Team Beta is in charge of the north-west, Gamma the south, Sigma the southeast, Theta the southwest. The remaining forces, along with myself, will take the north part. Understood?", Rodimus questioned.

"Yes sir!", The Autobot soldiers replied.

Rodimus and his forces landed and sprang into action.

"Sir, I advise caution, there is an 89,5% chance of visual issues in your sector, due to the ferocity of the windstorms sweeping across the planet.", A trooper reported from aboard the Thunderstrike.

"Understood. Autobots, proceed with utmost caution.", Rodimus instructed.

They all activated their integrated plasma cannons, suspicious of the situation.

Back At The Decepticon Base

In the control room, the Decepticon General saw Rodimus and his troops approaching the base. He wasn't about to tolerate this and decided to notify the other Cons.

"My fellow Decepticons, code red! I have detected inbound Autobots! Prepare for battle! I repeat, prepare for battle!"

Meanwhile With Rodimus And His Team

The Elite Guard commander had a troubled look on his face.

Having faced the Decepticons in combat on numerous occasions during the Great War, he knew when to expect trouble. And this was one of those times.

"Sir, are you alright?", A soldier questioned.

Rodimus sighed.

"I just have this feeling that something unexpected will be waiting for us. We may be serving in the Cybertron Elite Guard, but that doesn't make us immune to surprise attacks. If anything, it merely helps us preparing for them a bit better.", He answered.

Meanwhile Back At The Elite Guard Headquarters-On Cybertron

Shadowstorm was monitoring their troops, carrying out various tasks across Iacon, Praxus, and other cities , along with areas in the southern part of the planet. The Decepticons' former capitol of Kaon had been abandoned for years.

He had a flashback to the Great War, between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Flashback-The Outskirts Of Iacon

Iacon was in ruins, as fires burned in the streets and Autobot soldiers searched for survivors in the wreckage.

"We've got wounded civilians over here!", A soldier yelled.

"Transport them to the infirmary of Autobot base Theta Seven! And all injured Autobots to the Elite Guard Headquarters' Infirmary! It's far too risky to bring any injured to the Iacon Central Infirmary. We cannot risk the lives of neither our troops nor any civilians in the event the Decepticons attack.", The captain ordered as a few troopers nodded and went over to help.

The war has been going on for 77 000 000 years now.

There have been heavy losses on both sides. The Autobots were battle hardened warriors, much like their adversaries, the difference between the two factions was that the Autobots valued all life, while the Decepticons, under the leadership of the merciless Megatron, deemed all life that was "inferior to their own", irrelevant and swore to eradicate all who dared to stand in their way.

The Autobots, under the leadership of the mighty and noble Shadowstorm, who had succeeded Optimus Prime, set out to protect the universe, and destroy the Decepticons forever, knowing that there couldn't be any diplomatic solution to this mad conflict.

Megatron had ordered his forces to start bombing Cybertron, he had hoped to force the Autobots into surrendering, knowing they'd have to face certain destruction, if defying the tyrant.

He was surprised to learn of the Autobots rejecting his command. What surprised him even more was Shadowstorm's fighting spirit, which he experienced firsthand when meeting the Autobot Leader in battle.

"It would seem, we have a new formidable enemy."

One Autobot victory after the next followed, Shadowstorm and his forces liberating more and more parts of Cybertron from Decepticon control.

End Of Flashback

Shadowstorm sighed in frustration. The Great War may be over, but a lot of Decepticons were still at large. So many years of fighting, so much spilled Energon, and many fallen comrades, only to ultimately have the Decepticons elude capture. He witnessed trough the screens as Autobot soldiers apprehended dozens of Decepticons across the galaxy.

Back With Rodimus And His Team

Rodimus cuffed the Decepticon General and lead him onto the Elite Guard flagship, as his troops did the same with the others.

They warped out of the sector, flying back to Cybertron.

Back On Cybertron

Upon arriving into Cybertron's orbit, the team was contacted by an Autobot soldier.

"This is the Elite Guard Headquarters, identify yourselves."

"Rodimus Major of the Elite Guard. We have returned from carrying out a capture operation, ordered by Commander Shadowstorm himself. Requesting permission to land."

There was some brief silence, before they got a response.

"Understood, Rodimus Major, sir. Please land in the fortress's hangar. Also, Commander Shadowstorm wants a detailed report, after you detained the prisoners."

"Understood.", With that, the transmission ended.

They landed and the team went to lock up the prisoners, while Rodimus headed to Shadowstorm's office to give his field report.