
Only Sanke is Cute

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 168 - Only Sanke is Cute

What the? Can she see me?

Inside the Chen abode's living room, Chen Yu held his breath as he hid within the Invisibility Cloak.

"Huh?" Tilting her head in doubt, Chen Erke set aside her crayon and stood up. She then started walking in Chen Yu's direction.

Can she really see me?

Startled, Chen Yu hurriedly backed away.

Meanwhile, after arriving at Chen Yu's original position, Chen Erke got down on all fours and sniffed the floor. "Where did this foot odor come from?"

Chen Yu: "..."

"It's smelly like Big Brother's."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Disgusting." Chen Erke frowned and stuck out her tongue. She then returned to the sofa and continued her drawing.

Chen Yu: "..."

Not cute at all!

Chen Yu inwardly cursed before turning around and heading toward the bathroom.

Maybe because he was angry, he suddenly felt an urge to pee.
