
Interactive Livestream, Start!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 171 - Interactive Livestream, Start!

Time passed by second after second.

When his watch displayed 9 AM sharp, Chen Yu, who was leaning against a coconut tree, adjusted the camera angle, and started the livestream.

[Advertising livestream rooms are being activated…]

[Bilibili, DouYu, Youtube, Kuaishou, and Tiktok activation complete!]

As these texts flashed by, eager viewers swarmed in one after another.




The total viewer count instantly broke past a million!

Without question, out of all live streamers in the world, his fans were definitely the most "loyal."

[Ahhh! An interactive livestream! It's mine!]

[Screw off. The spot is mine.]

[I can finally see you again.]

[UP, you're awesome! You're the ruler of the world!]

[Greetings, my lord.]

[Greetings, my lord. +1]

[Daddy, I'm here! Look at me!]