
Transcending the Creation

In a world where gods rule with absolute power, the people have lost everything. Cities have been destroyed, innocent lives have been taken, and survivors have been enslaved. Amidst this chaos, Zhang Wei, a cultivator, refuses to surrender. He trains relentlessly to become the strongest being in the universe and seeks out ancient knowledge that will help him reach his goal. But his journey is not easy, as he faces powerful enemies and learns the true cost of his quest for power. Zhang Wei embarks on a journey to become the true god, to reach Heavenly Emperor, and to become the most powerful being in the universe. He meditates for days on end, trains his body to the limit, and studies ancient texts to learn from the wisest of sages. After millennia of training, he achieves true nirvana and transcends his mortal body to become a being of pure energy and power.

Bernkastel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Divine Trio's awaiting Mission

Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long were ecstatic. They had just won the championship in the annual cultivator competition, defeating the strongest teams in the land. The crowd roared as they were presented with their rewards: a powerful Heaven and Earth Pill and a Relic Tier Sword.

After the ceremony, they decided to take a break from their cultivation duties and explore the city. They visited various shops and restaurants, enjoying the sights and sounds of the bustling city. As they walked, they talked about their plans for the future, discussing the various sects they could join and the missions they could take on.

As Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long were walking back to the Celestial Phoenix Sect, they chatted excitedly about their victory in the competition.

"I can't believe we won!" exclaimed Li Na, still feeling the rush of adrenaline from the intense battles they had just fought.

"I know, right? And that Heaven and Earth Pill and Relic Tier Sword are going to be such a huge help in our cultivation," replied Xuan Long, beaming with pride.

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement. "Not to mention the title we were awarded as the champions of the competition. The Celestial Phoenix Sect will surely be proud of us."

They walked on, enjoying the warm sunshine and the cool breeze, until they arrived at the gates of the sect.

As they were about to enter, a senior disciple approached them. "Divine Trio, the sect leader has a mission for you," he said.

Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long exchanged a look. They knew that their victory in the competition would not mean rest and relaxation for long.

"What's the mission?" asked Zhang Wei, already bracing himself for the upcoming battle.

"There is a powerful cultivator who has been causing trouble for the sect. He is a follower of the gods who attacked your village, Zhang Wei. The sect leader wants you to take care of him," replied the senior disciple.

Zhang Wei clenched his fists at the mention of the gods who had destroyed his family and his village. "We will take care of him," he said with determination.

And so, the Divine Trio set out once again on a dangerous mission, ready to face any challenge that came their way.

As they traveled towards their destination, Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long couldn't help but reflect on the events of the past few months. They had come so far since the day the gods had descended upon Zhang Wei's village, and now they were on their way to face another powerful enemy.

The journey was long and treacherous, and they encountered many challenges along the way. They had to navigate through dense forests, cross raging rivers, and brave harsh weather conditions. But despite the hardships, they remained resolute in their determination to complete their mission.

As Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long journeyed towards their mission, they encountered several powerful monsters along the way. They used these battles as opportunities to hone their skills and grow stronger.

One day, as they were resting by a river, Li Na brought up the topic of their upcoming fight with Lu Xian. "Do you think we're ready for this?" she asked, looking at Zhang Wei and Xuan Long.

Zhang Wei nodded confidently. "We've been training hard and gaining experience. We've faced tough opponents before, and we'll face even tougher ones in the future. But as long as we stick together and stay focused, we'll come out on top."

Xuan Long chimed in, "And don't forget the rewards we'll get for completing this mission. Imagine the treasures we could find in that guy's lair."

As they continued their journey, they encountered more monsters, each one stronger than the last. They fought together as a team, using their unique skills and abilities to overcome their opponents.

One night, as they were resting in a cave, they heard a voice echoing through the darkness. "So, you're the ones who think you can take me down?" the voice said mockingly.

The Divine Trio turned around to see a tall and imposing figure standing in the shadows. It was Lu Xian, the powerful cultivator they had been sent to defeat.

"Ha! You fools are no match for me," he boasted. "I've been blessed by the gods themselves, and my power is unmatched by any mortal. You should just turn back now and save yourselves the humiliation of defeat."

Zhang Wei stepped forward, his eyes flashing with determination. "We're not afraid of you, Lu Xian. We'll take you down and put an end to your twisted ambitions."

Lu Xian laughed, unsheathing his sword. "We'll see about that." And with that, the battle began.

The Divine Trio faced Lu Xian, who was even more powerful than they had anticipated. His movements were lightning-fast, and his attacks were precise and deadly. They quickly realized that they were no match for him in their current state.

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and drew his Relic Tier Sword, unleashing a series of powerful slashes. Li Na and Xuan Long worked together, using their special martial arts to create a series of illusions to confuse and distract Lu Xian.

However, Lu Xian easily saw through their illusions and dodged their attacks effortlessly. He countered with his own powerful strikes, sending the Divine Trio reeling back.

Zhang Wei knew that they needed a new strategy. He called out to Li Na and Xuan Long, "We need to combine our special martial arts! Li Na, use your Phoenix Dance technique, and Xuan Long, use your Thunderbolt Fist. I'll follow up with my Heavenly Wind Swordsmanship!"

The three of them combined their techniques, creating a powerful storm of fire, lightning, and wind that engulfed Lu Xian. The attack was so powerful that it knocked him off his feet, but he quickly recovered and stood back up, his eyes burning with fury.

"Impressive," he said with a sneer. "But you're still no match for me. I have the power of the gods on my side, and you are just mortals. You will never be able to defeat me!"

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and charged forward, determined to prove him wrong. He used his Heavenly Wind Swordsmanship to create a powerful gust of wind that sent Lu Xian flying backwards.

Li Na and Xuan Long followed up with their own attacks, using their special martial arts to create a powerful illusionary phoenix and dragon that attacked Lu Xian from all sides.

Lu Xian was momentarily caught off guard, but he quickly regained his composure and unleashed a devastating attack that sent the Divine Trio flying backwards. They crashed into a nearby cliff, barely managing to stay on their feet.

Zhang Wei looked up, determination burning in his eyes. "We will not be defeated by you, Lu Xian. We will use all of our strength and all of our special techniques to defeat you and protect the innocent people who are suffering because of the gods!"

Lu Xian laughed cruelly. "You are nothing but fools. You will never be able to defeat me. But I welcome the challenge. Let's see what you've got!"

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Divine Trio were outmatched by Lu Xian. His power was too great, and his knowledge of the gods' forbidden techniques gave him an edge in combat.

Zhang Wei and Xuan Long fought valiantly, but it seemed as though each blow they landed only made Lu Xian stronger. Li Na, who was holding her own against Lu Xian, suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Zhang Wei and Xuan Long were now fighting with all their might, but it seemed as though their attacks were having no effect on Lu Xian. The cultivator seemed to be invincible, and it was clear that the Divine Trio were in grave danger.

Desperate, Zhang Wei called upon a technique that he had only used once before - the Dragon's Fury. This technique was said to be so powerful that it could destroy mountains and split the seas. Zhang Wei had never used it in combat before, but he knew that it was their only hope.

As Zhang Wei channeled all of his energy into the technique, Xuan Long stepped in to protect him, using a special martial art known as the Thousand Blades Technique to deflect Lu Xian's attacks. Together, they unleashed a barrage of attacks on Lu Xian, hoping that it would be enough to defeat him.

But Lu Xian was still standing, and he was laughing. "Is that all you've got?" he sneered. "You're nothing compared to the power of the gods."

The Divine Trio were exhausted, and it seemed as though their journey had come to an end. But Zhang Wei refused to give up. He knew that they had to find a way to defeat Lu Xian, no matter what the cost.

Zhang Wei's mind raced as he tried to think of a way to defeat Lu Xian. He knew that he had to use every tool at his disposal, including the artifact that the gods were searching for.

As Li Na lay unconscious on the ground, Zhang Wei retrieved the artifact from his bag. It was a small, glowing orb that pulsed with a strange energy. He had never been quite sure what it did, but he knew that it was powerful.

He held the orb in his hand and focused his energy into it. The orb began to glow brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding. He hurled it at Lu Xian, and it exploded on impact, sending out a shockwave that knocked Lu Xian off his feet.

Zhang Wei and Xuan Long rushed to Li Na's side, trying to revive her. They were relieved to see that she was still breathing, but she was badly injured.

Meanwhile, Lu Xian had recovered from the blast and was now even more enraged. He unleashed a flurry of attacks on the Divine Trio, using a powerful martial art that he had learned from the gods themselves.

Zhang Wei, Xuan Long, and Li Na struggled to keep up with Lu Xian's attacks. They were using all of their martial arts and techniques, including the Thunderbolt Fist, the Heaven Shattering Palm, and the Dragon Sword Technique, but it seemed like nothing could stop Lu Xian.

Just as it seemed like all was lost, Zhang Wei remembered a powerful martial art that he had learned from his master many years ago. It was called the Heavenly Demon Sword Technique, and it was said to be one of the most powerful techniques in existence.

He closed his eyes and focused all of his energy into the technique, feeling the power surging through his body. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing with an otherworldly light.

He raised his sword and charged at Lu Xian, unleashing a devastating attack that sliced through the air with a deafening roar. Lu Xian tried to dodge, but he was too slow, and the attack struck him squarely in the chest.

There was a blinding flash of light, and when it cleared, Lu Xian was lying motionless on the ground.

The Divine Trio stood victorious, but they knew that their fight was far from over. They had defeated Lu Xian, but the gods were still out there, and they were more powerful than ever.

As the Divine Trio stood, panting and covered in sweat, they looked down at the corpse of Lu Xian. Suddenly, the corpse began to speak in a deep, guttural voice.

"You fools," the corpse said. "You think you have defeated me? I am but a mere avatar of Lu Xian, sent to test your strength. The real Lu Xian is far more powerful than I could ever be."

The Divine Trio looked at each other in shock. They had heard rumors of cultivators who could create avatars of themselves to fight in their place, but they had never seen it in action before.

"Who do you serve?" Zhang Wei demanded. "Who is powerful enough to

The corpse grinned, its eyes glinting with malice. "I serve Ba Xian, the God of Destruction. He seeks the artifact that you possess, and he will stop at nothing to get it."

The Divine Trio's hearts sank. They had heard of Ba Xian before - a powerful god who was rumored to be able to destroy entire cities with a single wave of his hand.

"What does Ba Xian want with the artifact?" Xuan Long asked.

The corpse shrugged. "I do not know. All I know is that he has promised me great power if I retrieve it for him."

The Divine Trio exchanged a worried glance. If someone as powerful as Ba Xian was after the artifact, they knew they had to act fast. But they also knew that they were no match for him in their current state.

As they pondered their next move, the corpse suddenly burst into flames, disintegrating into ashes before their eyes.

"We have to find a way to stop Ba Xian," Li Na said. "But first, we need to make sure that the artifact is safe."

The trio continued their journey, their thoughts consumed by the revelation that Ba Xian was after the artifact. They encountered several more monsters along the way, each one more powerful than the last. But they also discovered new martial arts techniques that helped them in their battles.

Eventually, they arrived back at the Celestial Phoenix Sect and reported their findings to the sect leader. He was gravely concerned by the news of Ba Xian's involvement and immediately tasked the Divine Trio with finding a way to stop him.

Despite the seriousness of their mission, the Divine Trio couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. They had received immense praise for their bravery in facing Lu Xian and were rewarded with the coveted Heaven Breaking Pill and an S rank technique.

Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long spent the next month resting and honing their skills, eager to face their next challenge. As they trained and conversed with their fellow cultivators, they couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood.

Finally, the day of their departure arrived. They gathered their belongings and set out on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they were about to leave, the Sect Leader called them back and gave them each a special mission. They were to venture into the dangerous Demon Realm and retrieve an artifact that had been stolen from the Sect. It was a perilous mission, but the Sect Leader had faith in the Divine Trio's abilities.

Zhang Wei, Li Na, and Xuan Long were on their way to the Demon Realm. Their mission was to retrieve an artifact that had been stolen from their sect by the demons. It was said to be a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power between the demons and humans.

As they journeyed through the treacherous terrain, they encountered a powerful wolf-like creature with three heads. It was Cerberus, a guardian of the Demon Realm who had accidentally crossed over into the human world.

The Divine Trio knew that they couldn't let Cerberus roam free in their world, so they prepared for battle. They drew their weapons and began to circle the creature, but it was clear that Cerberus was a formidable opponent.

The Divine Trio marched forward, cautiously approaching the Cerberus, ready to strike at any given moment. The wolf bared its teeth and growled ferociously, ready to attack. Zhang Wei exchanged a glance with Xuan Long and Li Na, and the three of them nodded in unison.

Li Na spoke up, her voice trembling slightly with nervousness. "How do we defeat a creature like this?"

Xuan Long took a deep breath, his eyes focused on the Cerberus. "We need to attack its weak spots. Its head, its heart, and its back legs. If we can hit those, we might stand a chance."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, unsheathing his sword. "I'll go for the head," he said firmly.

Li Na and Xuan Long followed suit, each preparing their own attacks. They lunged forward, dodging the Cerberus' sharp claws and teeth.

The battle was intense, and the Divine Trio struggled against the might of the Cerberus. They exchanged blows back and forth, but they were slowly being overpowered. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Xuan Long managed to hit the Cerberus' back legs, causing it to stumble. Zhang Wei took advantage of the opportunity and plunged his sword into the beast's heart, finally defeating it.

Breathing heavily, the three of them looked at each other with relief. "That was too close," Li Na said, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Zhang Wei grinned. "We made it through, didn't we?"

As they continued on their journey, they came across a small village where they rested and restocked their supplies. While sitting at a nearby tavern, Xuan Long struck up a conversation with the bartender, asking about any recent demon activity in the area.

The bartender shook his head. "It's been relatively quiet lately. But I did hear rumors of a powerful demon lord who's been causing trouble in the area. They say he's been stealing artifacts from the celestial sects."

Zhang Wei's eyes widened. "That must be the demon who stole our artifact," he said. "We have to stop him before he causes any more harm."

Xuan Long nodded in agreement. "We need to be careful, though. He's bound to have powerful minions guarding him."

The Divine Trio continued their journey towards the demon lord's lair, each mentally preparing for the battles ahead. They knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to retrieve their artifact and bring the demon lord to justice.