
Transcending Paragon

WARNING before reading: the story has a massive harem like Pokemon! if you don't like it then this fix is not for you. this is wish fulfilment and don't expect character development. I write this for fun. A young man whose life met a cruel fate. his father died, his mother diagnosed with a unknown disease and face financial problem. when he ask why fate was cruel. it answered him "I need you to be my husband" "....." Wish fulfillment story, I write this for fun. world travel, anime world and manhua world first world: Black clover Second world: Nanatsu no taizai Third world: Highschool DXD and Testament of Sister new devil. Fourth world: Wu dong Qian kun, Battle through the Heavens and Tales of Demons and Gods.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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375 Chs

chapter 66 - Devourer vs absorption

Samshiel running around while dozens of pests tried attacking him. He devoured all them making sure to not leave traces of their body.

He arrived where Acier was and she was currently fighting Mars and Ladros who was tricky to fight because of his magic absorption.

Samshiel had sealed Acier's full power to further increase it to make it more of an explosive growth using this method. It was harsh but he did not want to spoil his lovers too much.

"Dear it's seems that you're in trouble."

"Oh, is this your lover miss?? How adorable, trying to save his lover from utter death!!!??"

"Haha I know right? Here why don't you have this!?"

He summoned a barrage of shadow bullets that was promptly absorbed by Ladros. He just laughed greedily absorbing the magic. Acier moved aside as she took care of other supporting mages.

Samshiel dodged as Mars attacked him with a giant crystal sword. He created a shadow blade slicing the crystal sword and launched it towards Ladros who evaded it because it contained too much mana.

"Ain't you a tricky one? Your master Fanzell taught you well!"

"You know about the traitor!? Hand him over and I would make this as agonizing possible!!"

He proceeded to blast his energy towards Samshiel's direction who just looked at him as a giant blade blocked the attack. Ladros was shocked but chuckled.

"So, you decided to betray us huh, Mars??"

"No, I have never been on your side and master's lessons had reached me."

"So, your that diamond guy that Asta talked about huh?"

Then Mars turn to Samshiel with widened eyes. He knew Asta as someone who had helped him realize the past and how his only friend Fana sacrificed her life for him to be free.

"Don't look at me like that. Any way you seem to be forgetting something."

Ladros evaded as Acier appeared from out of nowhere and started to pierce him with her lances. He just smiled as he absorbed the magic and blast an Omni-directional spell.

"Woah that one cool firework you got there!? Ever considered being a circus clown!?"

Ladros took a step back as he saw his enemy unharmed while the one who spoke had two old blades with menacing aura radiating from them. Mars was shocked to see another person with the sword that defeated him.

"A-anti-magic!? How do you have that when your have magic!?"

"Anna(Acier), dear can you help our friend here while I take care of this guy!? You, I know your history and your female friend is still alive I recommend going where there are flames, she needs your help."

Mars was shocked that someone knew his past but much more stunned learning about Fana being alive. He knew full well she died because he had used his magic to kill her like the other children.

"I-Impossible I saw her die in my arms!!"

"Calm down you'll know if I'm lying look!"

Out of no where a powerful fireball was directed at them. Ladros seeing the opportunity jumped at the attack absorbing it in the process.

"Kukuku this magic is amazing!! You are no match to me now!!"

He dashed at Samshiel who just lazily dodged and kicked him in the head. His speed was too fast for his own good leaving him open.

"Go now!!"

Mars and Acier nodded as they went to help Asta with fighting Fana. Samshiel was now alone fighting Ladros. His eyes narrowed revealing his eyes with alpha and omega symbols.

"Daaamn you!!!"

Ladros used his magic launching insane number of blasts that Samshiel sliced using the anti-magic sword. He leaped forward slicing his chest and evaded as Ladros tried to claw him.

He ducked down and kicked him straight to the face launching him a few meters back. Samshiel could not enjoy the fight anymore and stored the anti magic sword.

While Ladros was knocked out he was devoured by the shadows. He wasn't as merciful unlike Asta who just used shounen speak. It was the last time people would see Ladros.

["You have acquired Magic Absorption!"]

After their battle Samshiel reunited with the other Black Bulls. It was the same as the canon with Fana remembering Mars.


They returned to where the witch chamber was. Unlike the original the witch queen was not foolish to try and manipulate Asta because of Samshiel.

She knew the anomaly would be able to stop her if she were to try to get Vanessa again.

Samshiel whose origin was somewhat revealed by The Witch Queen to Asta did not hesitate to use his power to return the forest back how it was.

The witches were staring hungrily ready to devour Samshiel any moment if not for Vanessa glaring at them. Most the witches only wanted him to be their slave.

"First of all, I thank you for the helping my forest. As for you Vanessa I know you don't like me as family but at least let me give you my blessing to you and your lover."

The Witch Queen felt utter defeat after realizing that her daughter could unlock the red string of fate without her help. She turned to Asta and began to explain the origin of his blade that came from Litch.

"As for the magic stone you desire, here. I don't have any used for it beside being my accessory."

She threw a small tear shaped stone to Asta. Samshiel decided to tell Asta the truth about who he is but not in full detail. He knew eventually he needed to tell them what he is and his purpose.

He could always use the sharingan to erase Asta's memory, but he felt it was useless as many people would learn of his origin.

"Asta what I'm about to tell you is the truth, who I truly is but remember I am Samshiel who sees you as a younger brother."

Samshiel gave a smile and began to tell them his story and how he came to this with Sapphire. Asta was mind blown about his otherworldly history and couldn't help asking more but Samshiel pushed him away.

"And you devil, I know you could hear and know this Asta is the child Licita."

Asta was confused at first but felt the devil trying to escape his body. Samshiel used his [Wheel of Samsara] to split their bodies temporally.

{How do you know that!?}

"I know more than you could imagine, young devil."

The devil was frustrated and wanted answers as he summoned Asta's swords, who was shocked to his weapons fly away.

Samshiel just smirked and summoned his Gate of Babylon for the sake of flexing. The devil could not move as dozens of demon slayer and demon dweller were pointed at him.

"Impatient young devil, but do not worry as long you help Asta grow stronger I'll make sure to reward you."

The devil did not say anything and went back inside Asta. Samshiel retracted his Gate of Babylon and opened a portal to his empire while gesturing for them to enter. Asta and Noelle were hesitant at first but proceeded.

Noelle was held by Anna(Acier) to enter knowing the intention of her lover. They said their farewell to the queen but not before Samshiel put a powerful barrier around the forest.

"Think of this as a last gift and don't worry I will make sure to make her happy unlike you."

The queen was now left alone to remember he past actions. She was regretting how she treated her child and how neglectful she was. The Witch Queen wanted to fix their relationship, but it was too late.


Returning to Jade Empire, Asta and Noelle were surprised to see the mythical place unlike the places they had seen before.

They went past by many servants who bowed respectfully upon the arrival of Samshiel and Co as they all said at the same.

"Welcome back my liege."

"Yuri what are my lovers doing?"

"They are currently with Cereza-sama training their Dragon God forms while Sally-sama is currently creating a potion with Demiurge."

While wearing a secretary attire, Yuri gave her report without fail. Samshiel nodded and gestured to follow him. Yuri was delighted being at her master's side, being with him gives them utmost pleasure. Her sisters always bicker among themselves who will be the first to lose their virginity to their master.

They arrived in a large room; a place used for when a guest arrives. Asta's eyes were sparkling seeing such a noble place for the first time while Noelle stared at Anna(Acier) who was smiling tenderly.

"Now then this is my empire that I built from ground up therefore I want to ask do you wish to join my empire or not?"

Asta paused for a minute but only gave a wide grin. Samshiel only gave a small smile after hearing his reason.

"That would be awesome, living in this world where it is so peaceful but I want to be the Wizard King and remove the discrimination, making everyone equal!"

Asta was not as stupid as the original series and he knew that plot armor would only get him so far as he still needed to show result from his labor.

"Not to mention I still need to beat Yuno!"

"Haha I see but promise me that when I leave this world can you protect the people from Hage village for me?"

"I promised don't worry about it!"

Samshiel nodded and turned to face Noelle who felt nervous somehow. Anna(Acier) chuckled seeing her lover scaring her young daughter.

"Anata you're scaring my daughter."

Noelle eyes went wide as she saw Acier change her appearance becoming a mature version of herself. She never knew her mother, but Noelle instincts told her this was her mother.

"A-are you my mother? How is that possible!?"

"My dear daughter, forgive me for leaving you."

After hugging her youngest child tightly, tears fell down their faces while both Samshiel and Asta watched their reunion.