
Transcending Paragon [ Dropped ]

Note: This is a rewrite of my first Fanfic. WARNING!!!! THIS FANFIC IS A POKEMON HAREM WHERE IT JUST GET GIRLS WITHOUT MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. DO NOT READ IF YOU GOING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. A young man whose life met a cruel fate. his father died, his mother diagnosed with a unknown disease and face financial problem. when he ask why fate was cruel. it answered him "I need you to be my husband" "....." Wish fulfillment story, I write this for fun. world travel, anime world and manhua world First world : Black Clover Second World : Fairy Tail

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 66 - Archeapeiron

Caelum remained unfazed knowing she was the progenitor of the dragon slayer magic based on the information he had acquired. He knew the risk of learning dragon slayer magic which is why he's been trying to change their weakness like motion sickness and dragonification that would be impossible to return into a human without proper knowledge.  

He's been researching not only all magic but also the One Magic which is the essence of all magic in this world. However, what Caelum found disappointed him considering the magic comes from the emotion of Love. This is utterly full of bullshit that he couldn't help but laugh when his clone researched it. 

Caelum is certain that there is more to it than just that. If he is able to learn the true One Magic then he'll eventually be able to recreate something similar to Ahura Mazda or Akashic record skill. Regardless, it would improve his magic skill when he uncovered the secrets of The One magic.

"I thought the same thing, however, there are a few flaws that could result in many problems when learning this magic."

"You have!? Then can you teach me?"

"I could, however, you must first have the dragon transfer their essence into you. Luckily, you have Belserion and may help you acquire the magic."

He could use himself to give her dragon slayer magic and turn her into one, however knowing that his body is not normal could be dangerous if he tried doing it. Caelum had yet to turn into a real dragon and would need until his confidence that he could turn someone into a dragon. 

"Flaws? Can you tell me more about it?"

"Well, using the power for dragons could lead to becoming a dragon themselves and would permanently be one unless they have control over their magical power. Furthermore, you get motion sick for some reason."

"Wait, how did you learn this? I haven't seen you speak with a dragon regarding learning their magic without me knowing."

"Hahaha I guess it's a perfect opportunity to let everyone know huh? How about this let's head to the kingdom where the rouges dragon are terrorize and show you what I truly aim?"

Irene grew curious since they have grown intimate for only a few months and could be considered close friends at this point. She always says that there's more to him than meets the eye. However, it was confusing that he wanted to head to the other kingdom right that very moment. 

On the other hand, she was eager to know what he was about to show him. It made her heart move that he began to open up to her even further than before. Caelum took her into the sky, placing space where she could stand while he moved farther away from her. 

Caelum closed his eyes, taking the moment that caused every dragon in the kingdom to feel it. The one that binds them all and causes them to look up, sensing something more 'Ancient' than any of them could imagine. The circulating [ Dragon ] energy flowing through his flesh and also forming a dragonic scale from his body surprising Irene. 

She could see his teeth sharpening and claws growing. It only took a few moments until his body started to grow larger than before. Caelum transformed into his [ Ancient Dragon ] form that had slowly gained what it truly represented. 

He recalled Acnologia meant [ Prophet Of the End ] which is why his dragon had been dubbed something similar and the opposite of what he is. Caelum called his element to be [ Archeapeiron ] which meant Source of Everything and nothingness. 

This is what he aimed to be in the end. A being that would transvend this and become the Paragon of it all. The dragons in the kingdom felt both joy and awe upon seeing Caelum. Meanwhile, Irene was taken aback that the person that he's been spending time with was actually a dragon in disguise. 

'This presence!? I've only known a few have something similar yet they rarely interfere in the world!! Is…there a new Dragon god!?'

Belserion who senses the presence of something that surpasses every dragon and dragon king. The rank of dragon base from there element would be Dragon king and those who above are called Dragon gods. They rarely interfere in the world and one of them is rumored to be within the gap of worlds. 

The energy emanating from him was dazzling for humans and dragons alike since he represented not just one dragon but everything.

"My title is Archeapeiron and I am an Ancient Dragon aiming to unite the dragon under my banner. This why queen of dragon, do you wish to be my consort?"

"Y-You're consort!?"

"Yes, we will build an empire of dragons and humans. There is no one better than you and me."

"I…I'm not too sure but…I accept."

Caelum knew it was the perfect moment to take her as his and finally gain the rewards. Of course, he also grew to love her seeing that she worked hard and always felt pain when her people are affected. 

"Then let's go and show humans hope while taming the rogue dragons."

"B-But shouldn't I wear a more appropriate attire?"

"It's more than enough. You will only help me show humans that I could be trusted and that I am your ally."

"Then…let's save them." 

Caelum roared, calling for all the dragons in the kingdom who heard the cries of their god while Belserion left, finally witnessing the appearance of the empowering presence and baffled finding out he is not one of the dragon gods then notice Irene on top of its head. 

'is he…I knew that he was not normal but to think he was a dragon god.'

If Caelum heard him then he would laugh since he was far from a True Dragon god. He was far from it but once the reconstruction of his body then it would result in that. 

Regardless, Caelum dragon form presented itself for the first time in this world for all to see. His size was far the largest Compare to any of the dragon and the crown-like horn show that he was the superior than any of them. 

The humans below were awe seeing all the dragon's flying in one direction and found the largest dragon they had seen. However, they did not have any fear rather hope we're instilled into them. Caelum roared that the dragon only understood and flew into the direction where rouge dragons were. 


The sky has turned into colored crimson, with black smoke rising up from the ground. The ground was burning, trees, houses, the lands, and everything. It was a hellscape where everyone draw their last breath. 

The cries of despair could be heard throughout the battlefield where none had hope to win and yet they fought until their last breath looking at the sky where dragons blasted them with their immensely powerful breath. The humans were running and praying for help while those warriors did their best. 

Those dragons were laughing and enjoying terrorizing the human. They devoured those humans while playing with those who struggled. 


"Pathetic humans should die in our hands!"

"Weak humans think that they can stand equal to us!"

Boastful words came out of the dragon's mouths while chasing humans who were running as fast they could. The human tripped, unable to run any further to look at the ground who were laughing. This was the end of their life now crying in despair hoping for someone or something to save them. 

"Nothing can save you now, human! Die!"

The dragon opened its mouth gathering a massive amount of Ethernano preparing to blast them only to feel a powerful presence coming their way. Every dragon turned to face the incoming hordes of dragons that clearly was not their ally. 

Fear soon ensued when they witnessed enormous dragons far bigger than them were leading the dragons. It is massive with six wings and has horns that look like a crown. They all could feel the pressure from its presence that it made them wary. 

"W-Who are you!? Are you the shameless dragon that joins hands with humans!!?"

Once they were close enough, they began to confront the dragons. The rogue dragons were clearly outnumbered by one to ten thousand yet knew it was only a number when face against a dragon made them instinctually bow down. 

He did not answer, merely spreading his presence to all the dragons, causing them to descend into the ground and bow down. The dragons only bow down to their king and god but those are only titles and anyone who could make every dragon bwo is called the Alpha. 

"Foolish dragons, I shall give you a choice to die here or serve me for eternity in exchange for your freedom. All of you have done an unforgivable act forgetting the difference between pride and arrogance." 

Dragons were prideful and looked down on other races yet should never relish in the suffering of them. Caelum vaguely senses it whenever turning into a dragon. 

"What!? You will enslave us for just killing mere humans!?"

"Dragons should not relish in vainglory!? You are all a disappointment of true dragons!"

Belserion shouted being the wisest among the dragons since he alone knew the existence of the dragon gods. He knew that dragons are prideful but this is just shameless to kill without reason. 

"We refused and rather die than be enslaved!"

"Then so be it! Irene, are you willing to change the name of your kingdom? This will be the end of the war."

"I am. I know this will open up a new era for humans and dragons alike."

"Then the Dragnof kingdom shall be the capital of our new empire, Archeapeiron!"

Caelum roared, causing his allies to do the same and began the all out war against allied dragons and rogue dragons. He used magic to gather all the humans and let Irene take care of them. Meanwhile, Caelum fought the dragons leaving a destroyed land that would come to be called Fiore. 

The rogue dragons who realize they were outmatched fled while Caelum let them know that those dragons would eventually come to him for forgiveness. He stored the flesh of the dragons and thought of making pills when he acquired the [ Divine Alchemy Knowledge ]. 

'It would be better and considering my skills of [ Ambrosia's Divine Heaven's Fruit Creation. ] that might help me make ingredients and herbs. I have knowledge and skill to create them. The only thing I might lack is energy and the law of this world.' 

Caelum thought returning to his human form while the dragons were eager waiting for his next command where belserion at the front.

"What is that you want to ask, Belserion?"

"Lord Caelum….are you one of the dragon gods?"

[ A/N: I know that they are yet dragon god in this timeline but whatever ]

"Dragon gods? What do you mean? This is the first time I heard of them."

"What!? Then what are you, lord Caelum?"

"Just use my title, Archeapeiron."

Caelum decided that to show his dominance was to only give those who are truly close to him. He had slowly felt the essence of a dragon awakening inside his body having what it means to be a dragon. 

"As for what I am? I am not sure. However, can you tell more about these dragon gods you spoke of?"

"My knowledge about them are merely rumors as they are elusive and rarely interfere in the world. I, the Sage dragon, had lived longer than any dragons and only knew Five Dragons gods."

"Five Dragons gods…"

Caelum ponders how powerful these dragon gods compare to the Dragons gods in DxD but throws it out since Great Red and Ophis never showed their true might. Their power could easily be planetary if they actually cared. The most powerful dragon is Acnologia who has yet to exist or will exist because of his interference.

"Do you know their names?"

"Yes, there are only a few that I know of."