
Transcending Abyss

Read along as you live among a girl’s tale of transcending in the abyss. Even starting all the way from birth! This world of Zueria is brand new never seen before creative addition to any novel. Even thought the first few chapters feel weird keep reading cause I assure that it will get better. Especially when you start seeing the world through Aurra’s eyes.

Npmaster69 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Years

Chirp Chirp

I could hear the birds singing outside the window as the sun struggles once more to encapsulate the world in its glory. Poetic.

Honestly, these years have gone by so fast and much of it is me just reading and learning about the world. I mean today's my 13th birthday and I started reading books when I was seven. Time does fly, and it's spring again.

"Aurra are you awake! My birthday princess!"

"Yes, mom." Honestly, I don't know why my mom keeps calling me a princess. I don't think I'll ever be one because we are living far from the center of the kingdom. Though it does make me wonder who my father is? Mom says that my dad is someplace far away hoping that when I grow up I will find out where he is. I do hope that he is still alive and waiting for me.

I got up out of the bed, upgraded from straw to fabric, and walked towards the kitchen. Time to make some breakfast.

Cordelia already got up early to work at the church and my mom just recently found a job at the local bakery. Now we have loaves of bread every day, which gets boring but it is what it is.

Traditionally we celebrate birthdays at night and Cordelia would buy a small cake with the little money she gets from the charity at the church. That's why my mom insisted on getting a job these past years to ease the burden on Cordelia.

Bleh, the bread is as bland as ever, but I don't want to tell anyone that I don't appreciate being able to eat every day. Welp, time to go read more about history.

"Aurra are you going to the library again?"

"Yes, mom."

"Okay stay safe."

I opened the door and left the house. As I started heading towards the library people were opening up their shops and yelling out their products.

"Apples are on Sale! Two for one Bu!"

"Get eggs here! One egg costs three Bu!"

Maybe I should go and look at some stuff instead of reading all day.

Changing my route I headed towards the marketplace where everyone has their shops and stalls on the streets. There were many people with their shops open selling everything from food to everyday items like bowls, baskets, and knives.

I wonder if Simul has found work yet.

Simul a year back started to become pretty sick and so I barely see his energetic side anymore as he stays at his house. Right now I don't know exactly what he is doing anymore. Maybe I should go check on him.

After skimming the items around the street without bringing any money, sighing I walked towards Simul's house.

"Hello? Simul you home?" I knocked on his door, but it seems that no one was home. Seeing the door opened I pondered for a second.

I should probably leave and just go read. I found a really good one about how these people are in a world where they can't use magic. It is really interesting to read about some other universe with different properties than our universe.

"Hold on there peasant!" Someone behind me shouted.

Ugh, not this again. The last time a royal stopped me he kept talking on and on about how they were better, blah blah blah.

I don't want to listen to these spoiled and entitled people again.

I turned around to face a group of royals who looked older than me. Why does this happen to me! They probably want a fight or something.

Then I saw one of the royals pull out a training grimoire.

"Remember us,"

I remember them alright. Several years ago I found a grimoire used for training on the floor and these bastards took it from me.

"What do you guys want?"

"For you to not exist." Ugh, this speech again.

"You see if we get rid of you then that's like getting rid of trash in our kingdom, and everyone else will have a better time once we off you."

They all sneered at me as if I was under their control. Laughable.

"Try me." I read some books on martial arts and how to kick butt. I can probably take these pigs.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast. You think we will get our hands dirty from touching you?"

Laughter filling the street I felt my head get hot. Oh, I wanna punch one of them SO hard right now.

Watching them laugh I also see that they started to take something out of their pockets. Are those wands?! What is the point of learning magic just to bully me!

"You will never accomplish anything in life as a peasant! Take this as a favor for finishing your life before you regret being born!"

The tip of his wand pointed directly at me. So I took my fighting stance. Arms up, legs bent, and focus...



Gasp! Thank god I ducked! I can't win this fight I have no magic.

My legs bounced up and started moving carrying my body away.

"After the mongrel!"

I heard behind me as I ran through the market place.


I cried for help hoping that people would help me. But they all just stared with faces of pity. Darn cowards! I know that messing with the royals in the kingdom can get you into trouble, but I might die here! Does no one care!

I felt another shot of fire zooming past me. I can feel the heat from here! Can't let that hit me!

"Dang I missed."

"What a bad shot, watch this!"


"Ack!" My back blew up with intense burning pain. The force knocked me down into a puddle of mud. Oh, that hurts so much! I think my back's on fire!

I started to roll on the ground trying to put out the fire. As the pain started to dissipate I heard many footsteps getting closer to me.

"With one shot! Wow what a let down for target practice."

I heard them spit and felt it in my hair. Ew, I hate these people so much! Curse them! WHY ME!

"I'm bored! Lift her up I want to relieve some pent up frustration!"

I lifted from my hair struggling to find the strength to fight back.

"Ouch! Darn bastards let me go!"

There were two royals holding me back. I can't move!

"Nah ah ah, not so fast. We haven't even started to have fun yet!"

The oldest one of the group revealed a creepy evil grin and he walked right to my face. So I did the most reasonable thing in my situation.


"You! Imbecile!"

His right leg winds up for a kick and...


He knocked all the wind out of me, all I feel is pain. My ears started burning and I couldn't hear anything. I felt them release me into the cold wet ground, losing the ability to fight back. AH it hurts! I can't breathe!

Just kill me already! I don't want to live!

I slowly pulled my eyes open and saw a familiar figure shining brightly next to the royals. This person's white aura filled my vision. Then I heard a shout:


Darn, it move body, move! I want to go home!

I can't feel my arms. I feel like I'm bleeding all over.

All of a sudden my whole body was jerked upwards into someone's arms. Without the energy to fight I just accepted my fate right here.

Oh well, it has been fun. Not.

"Aurra! Stay with me!"

This voice...


My raspy voice managed to pronounce.

"It's going to be okay now."

I opened my eyes more and seeing him here made me forget about all my pain. He was holding me in his arms and I could see his heaving chest and pale face.

"Simul... Where h-... been."

"Don't worry now we have to-"


I feel something warm and wet on my face. And I saw what I could only describe as despair. An arrowhead was protruding from Simul's chest.


He started to falter and fall to the ground.

Thunk Thunk

"SImul! NO!"

My eyes instantly started to swell up and I couldn't begin to comprehend why. Please let this be a dream!

"Simul! Don't leave me! There are so many things I wanted to tell you!"

I felt his hand patting my head. Mouth dried he managed to say...

"Happy birthday Aurra."

The horror in my eyes as his head limped and drooped.

"NOO!" Those bastards!

I looked up and saw some silhouettes of people armed with weapons pointed towards me. And that evil smirk...

"Curse you!" I said with the last remaining energy in my body.


Moments later I felt my soul knocked out of my body.

Feeling nothing.

Seeing nothing...

Hopefully this not too boring

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