
Transcendents - The Pursuit of Time

An unorthodox group was selected for a time travel experiment, which inadvertently led to them gaining supernatural powers as they stepped into the past. While uncovering the anomalies of this scientific breakthrough, several members of the group were brutally murdered by a 'mystery man'. The survivors of the group are now tasked with solving the murder mystery as well as ensuring the very concept of time itself is preserved.

J_Falke · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 29 – The Meaning of Life

Julianna :

"What..... what happened?"

Julianna regains consciousness, albeit with a bit of a struggle.

Skylah :

"Johannes's bodies around you were obviously modified to rot at a much faster pace, producing all the carbon dioxide around you.

In that final moment, he used the methane compound from those rotted bodies as fuel to further burn all the remaining oxygen so you'd suffocate and pass out."

Julianna :

"Where is he now though….?"

John :

"He's...….inside of me."

Julianna :


John :

"Skylah managed to trick him into having his heart forcefully transplanted into my body.

Since the soul is in one's heart, he is technically still alive."

Julianna :

"Is that...…..dangerous? Can he take control of your body?"

John :

"It's a weird feeling, of having what was once whole to be together again after such a long time of separation.

I could feel the same internal conflict of souls that I once felt before transcension."

Julianna :

"This was your plan all along, Skylah….?"

Skylah :

"It was a contingency plan. I indeed intended to destroy the device and get rid of Johannes's immortality, even if it costs the entire hospital's lives.

If, however, I was wounded by you, which was what happened anyway, then Johannes would further underestimate me and drop his guard."

Julianna :

"You have no remorse! What now? Are you still going to try and destroy the entire hospital because they would disrupt the timeline?"

Skylah :

"First of all, I'm not going to apologise for what I did. It was a catastrophe that needed to be stopped.

Secondly, I've thought of a way to let the entire hospital live without disrupting the timeline, provided that...….."

Julianna :

"Provided that what?"

Skylah :

"That they are all neutered, and that they will have to spend their entire lives in the hospital."

Julianna :


Skylah :

"It's the only alternative. The entire building is run on our era's solar technology. That means, with your powers, you could warp the entire hospital to an obscure place, while these people can live out their remaining lives in the hospital."

Julianna :


Their arguments come to a sudden halt when the big front doors of the hospital are opened with dozens of patients walking out.

A young teenage boy steps out among the crowd.

Teenage boy :

"I do. I do call it life.

I didn't know what happened. I was dying, but now I'm alive. Because of that, I'm able to see so many miracles happening right now.

We've...….. also heard everything that happened. That all of you are from the future….. that all of you are trying to stop an entire population from ceasing to exist.

But allow me to say this. All of us here value life more than anyone else after everything that has happened.

That's why we know it's the right thing to do.

Besides, knowing we play a part in preserving the lives of others makes having ours saved even more meaningful."

Julianna's tears roll down as she rushes forward to hug the teenage boy who reminds her of Fitz.

As Skylah watches Julianna from a distance with a melancholic expression, John taps over his shoulder to comfort him.

John :

"Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Don't worry, Skylah, she'll understand."

Julianna then proceeds with the plan and warps the entire hospital together with all the patients in it to an obscure forest where they can gather food and drinks without disturbing the timeline.

A smart detection system is also installed within the hospital so that once the last surviving patient dies, and no one is left, the hospital will crumble and assimilate itself as part of the organic forest.

Once everything is settled, the trio returns to the inn in a solemn mood.

Julianna :

"So...….what now?"

John :

"There's one thing I'd like to share.

Remember we talked about how heart transplant patients have glimpses of memories of the previous heart owner?

I had some of Johannes's.

I saw him talking to the Man in Hoodie.

It was the Man in Hoodie that gave Johannes the formula to operate the device."

Julianna :

"The only two people who knew about the formula were Doctor Sofia and Doctor Salvia.

Yet, there's no way either one of them is the Man in Hoodie. I refuse to believe this is what the other Skylah was referring to as "Judas" in his dying message.

Yet, I don't understand."

John :

"Neither do I."

Skylah :

"Maybe we'll get more answers when we search for the next person in our exhibition group who might disrupt the timeline – Haasim.

For now, it's been a long day.

I'm going out for some fresh air…."

Skylah warps out of the room without giving any opportunity for Julianna or John to respond.

John :

"You're going after him? He should be in the same place."

Julianna :

"No...not this time…..

I know the patients are grateful. I know it's the right thing to do.

And I truly understand why Skylah was ruthless in his decision-making.

Yet, I felt so distant from him when he was so cold-blooded during the mission. I just need some time to process this...I'll be back in my room.

I'm sorry Father...… Goodnight."

John :
