
Transcendents - The Pursuit of Time

An unorthodox group was selected for a time travel experiment, which inadvertently led to them gaining supernatural powers as they stepped into the past. While uncovering the anomalies of this scientific breakthrough, several members of the group were brutally murdered by a 'mystery man'. The survivors of the group are now tasked with solving the murder mystery as well as ensuring the very concept of time itself is preserved.

J_Falke · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 2 – Faith or Apathy

Skylah steps into the teleporter after having one last glance at his home, keys in the twelve-digit coordinates to the meet-up point. The cylinder instantly fills its entire internal space with violet flame, engulfing and incinerating Skylah in milliseconds.

As Skylah regains consciousness, a jovial Hassim, standing right outside the teleporter's transparent door, greets him with excitement.

Haasim :

"Skylah! Finally, you're here! Alright, now we can move out!"

Skylah :

"(There's not even a hint of fear… This guy feeds on pure adrenaline.)"

Dr. Sofia :

"Actually... before that... I'd like to explain the science behind this experiment before we begin. I'm sorry that I have not done so, because I was on the fence about it. To be honest, I was worried that you guys might back out on the experiment if I were to tell you all the truth, but my conscience just wouldn't allow me to proceed otherwise."

Haasim :

"You told us that you were going to conduct an experiment on time travel. After the experiment, you will give us all the choice to travel whenever and wherever we want to. I think that's all I need to know."

Julianna :

"There is no need to second guess yourself now. I believe in you, Doctor."

Andreia :

"As long as it doesn't change our bargain, it doesn't matter to me either."

John :

"I have faith in God, and I have faith in you, Doctor."

Haasim :

"Looks like all of us are good to go!"

Skylah :

"I'm not."

Haasim :


Skylah :

"I said I'm not. I would like to listen to the explanation."

Haasim, Julianna, and Andreia all turn their heads to Skylah.

Julianna :

"We are THIS close to departing."

Andreia :

"Or is this a pretext to back out at the last minute? I certainly wouldn't mind if this experiment could be carried on without Skylah."

Haasim :

"Come on, have some of that 'childlike faith' that John talks about all the time."

Skylah :

"First of all, why would people actually think having 'childlike faith' means believing in everything without questions? Have you guys ever seen a normal child that has no curiosity?

Secondly, what you guys have isn't 'faith'. It's apathy. Doctor Sofia wants to tell us something that she thinks is important. That's why her own conscience led her to this conversation. Refusing her explanation on the pretext of faith is really nothing but apathy."

Julianna :

"That is not at all what we meant… I'm sorry, Doctor. Alright, we'll listen to the explanation."

Haasim :

"Let's get this over and done with then!"

Andreia crosses her arms and breathes a sigh of acquiescence, which incidentally accentuates her biceps intimidatingly through her sleeveless white singlet.