
Transcended as Lord Buggy

Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. Clown as the strongest being on One Piece alongside God Usopp. His hate suddenly bring him to his death and even worse, his soul got transferred into Lord Buggy's body. How will Bob live as our Lord and Saviour Buggy? _______________________________________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) _______________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am not the writer of One Piece and it's characters. It is fully owned by Oda-sensei. English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. _______________________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain Fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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517 Chs

447. Red Hairs' Arrival

Teach hasn't died yet, but he surely can't fight anymore. Even with his Darkness Darkness Fruit that can nullify other devil fruit abilities, facing Whitebeard who hasn't gotten injured that much and the Division Commanders is still too much. His crewmates aren't at the level of the commanders yet, after all, so they can't help him.

With Teach's defeat, Whitebeard now can join the war again. The Marines are worried about it now, but the old man himself doesn't intend to join. Teach was strong enough to inflict serious damage on Whitebeard that make the old man unable to fight an Admiral again even if he joins the war.

Well, Whitebeard's sick body has started to reach its limit too. Mamba's treatment has made it better, but he has forced himself too much in this war. Even with Buggy's help, the old man's body can't handle the strain of his own power and the damage inflicted by his opponents.

Teach who has kept his real power a secret for years surely has many trump cards to use. He also has lived with the old man for years and has seen a lot of the old man's battles. So it will be strange if a smart & cunning guy like him doesn't know how to face the old man.

The only miscalculation he made in their battle was the old man's condition which was better than he thought. He also didn't get new comrades in level 6, so his crew's overall power isn't that high. It made his crew an easy targets for the commanders who then helped the old man defeat him.

"Marco, don't disturb them. Just take care of the other marines who aren't fighting those clowns."

"I know, pops. Those party-loving clowns are the type of people who'll kill you for disturbing their fun time. But, are you alright?"

Marco looks at Whitebeard who's very exhausted right now. But the old man just waves his hand to tell Marco to just go and fight. Marco nods and leaves with the other commanders to fight the remaining marines while Whitebeard is looking at Buggy with a frown.

"What are you plotting now, red nose brat?"

Clown Pirates' involvement in this war will surely causes a big impact on the world. They can easily flatten Marineford if they want, which will make this world even more chaotic than it already is. But Whitebeard knows Buggy isn't someone who wishes it to happen, that's why he is wondering about Buggy's motive right now.

Right when he thinks about that, his attention is drawn by the ruckus on the side. Everyone is now looking at a ship coming from afar. It's a red ship that powerful people know very well. Red Force, the ship of the infamous Red Hair Pirates is coming.

"Good timing, Shanks."

Buggy doesn't look happy when saying that though. He hasn't had a lot of fun yet, but the Red Hair Pirates have appeared already. 3 Emperor Crews are involved in this war now. Although Buggy knows Shanks doesn't have any intention to let this war goes on for whatever reason he has.

That's something that Buggy can't allow to happen though because he needs to make this war continues. He can't let Shanks stop this war no matter what. If needed, then he will even fight Shanks and the whole Red Hair Pirates.

'Hmm? Wait! Maybe I can use him.'

Buggy has an evil smirk that makes his crewmates shiver in fear even though they haven't seen it. They've always fallen into his evil plots for years, so they have developed a unique sense of danger toward his evil plots. Although now they can feel that it is not directed to them, which makes them feel sorry for the targets.


"Eh? Buggy? What are you-?"


"Huh? But I-."


Buggy shouts his nonsense speech dramatically as if he is introducing heroes. But in fact, he is just blocking Shanks's way to escape from this war by telling the world that they came here to join the war and destroy the Marines too even though it wasn't their intention.

The geezers on Marie Goise must've watching this war now, so this will surely make them flustered. With 3 Emperors getting involved in this war, the Marines' destruction is almost guaranteed, after all. So they need to do something about this.

Buggy looks at his crewmates who stay on the ship and gives them some hand signals only they understand. They sigh and nod before all their Fishman members dive into the sea. A moment later, the Red Force, Red Hair Pirates' ship is moving faster toward Marineford.

Clown Pirates' fishmen are pushing the ship to make it move faster. Buggy can't let the Red Hairs turn back or even stop to make them join the war. The still flustered Red Hair Pirates can't do nothing now because the fishmen have pushed their ship too close to Marineford before they can do anything.

"Leader, what should we do?"

Shanks can't answer that question because the members of Clown Pirates have jumped onto his ship and cheer happily about their participation. Forcing these clowns to get out of Red Force is also out of the question because they are more slippery than snakes.

Then suddenly, one of their cannons is shooting a cannonball into the bay. Obviously, it's the doing of Clown Pirates who fired the cannon on the deck when the others distracted the Red Hairs. The Red Hairs' faces are getting stiff because now they really can't say they aren't participating in this war.

"Leader, your brother got us good."

"Right, I don't even know if I should be impressed or pissed. This must be the biggest trouble he ever made for me that it makes me speechless."

The Clowns return to their ship immediately after creating that ruckus. It makes the Red Hairs' faces darken because they really can't believe what has just happened.

"So, what should we do now?"

"Sigh, there's no choice, we'll-."

Shanks can't continue his talk because suddenly the water near them is getting violent. The water level increases in that area and the Marines who look at this are stunned. This is the same thing that happened when Moby Dick appeared, after all.

The Marines have a very bad feeling about it and they have the right to feel so. After all, a ship really comes out of the sea, and it's not just any ship. It's a very infamous ship in the New World, the ship of the only female Emperor, Big Mom's Queen Mama Chanter.

Buggy grins gleefully when he sees Big Mom Pirates appear here. He & his crew aren't surprised by this because they already knew that Big Mom Pirates would come. After all, it's them who made Big Mom Pirates come here.


Big Mom suddenly shouts angrily. Her voice is amplified with her Conqueror Haki, making it very powerful that the ground is shaking. Those with weak will are passing out almost instantly. Her range of Conqueror Haki isn't as wide as Buggy and Shanks, but everyone is gathered here, so it hits all of them.

"Well, well, well, Linlin, it's good to see you here. You must've missed me very much, huh?"

"Shut your crappy mouth, Clown! Hurry up and return it! I know it's your men who took it."

"Oh dear, I don't know what you're talking about. I really want to listen to you, but as you can see, I am quite busy right now."

"Don't play with me, Clown! I know you know what I meant. Mother's picture, hurry up and return it to me before I crush your head."

"Ah, picture, is it? I think I remember it now. It's the picture of an old woman, right? Must be the one I gave to Shanks."

"Huh? Me? When did-?"

Buggy shifts the blame to Shanks and the Red Hair wants to protest. But he doesn't have a chance to finish his protest because Big Mom attacks his ship with a powerful slash attack. He sends his own attack to stop it because only he can stop it now.

Big Mom's anger is shifted to Shanks now, forcing the Red Hair to fight her. He looks at Buggy who laughs evilly. Shanks knows very well that it was all Buggy's schemes. But he can't do anything about it now because he has fallen right into it.

"What should we do, leader?"

"Sigh, we can only fight. Let's stay on the sea and just take on Big Mom Pirates. Joining that war there is much more troublesome and dangerous. Also, I don't want to fall into Buggy's games again by getting too close to him."

That last reason really convinces the Red Hairs to just fight Big Mom Pirates now even though it wasn't their purpose to come here. They know just how mischievous Buggy is anytime he's with them. He has made them suffer many things that gave them deep trauma sometimes.

The Marines are in big trouble now with all 4 Emperors of The Sea here. They never thought this war would escalate to this. Even the 5 elders on Marie Geoise are starting to panic now because they can't let the Marine get destroyed, so they need to do something.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 484. Compensation (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)