
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A meeting by fate?

'After the sudden burst of pressure that the boy had released. He fell to his knees to his knees and started panting heavily'.

'After his heavy panting the boy looked relived as the people who were after him had gone unconscious for some reason that He didn't seem to know about'.

'Hmm it seems like he is unaware of the power that he contain inside of him'. It's not a common knowledge as many people don't know about conqueror haki'.

'Only one in a million people have the power of conquerors haki'. 'I have a feeling that this boy has a huge potential behind him' i thought as I got closer to him'.

'I guess in the original timeline he couldn't have possibly survived till his prime as his body looked more like a skeleton with almost no mussels in it'.

'As he saw me approaching him his body tensed up and sweat started dripping out of his forehead'.

'I looked at the eyes of the boy as he had a look of total fear on his face but his eyes were shining with determination'. 'his expression screamed about his will to live'.

'As he stood up ready to run away from me'. 'I quickly caught on to his solder menecingly'. "Oi listen to me you don't need to runaway from me. I am not going to harm you". I said with a forced smile as I tried to calm him down.

'Which was doing everything except calming the guy down'. 'I guess he will not listen to me this way'. "sigh"

"Listen man I am pretty sure that even if you tried to runaway from me. you wouldn't be able to do so in your condition'. And I am far stronger than I look I said as I made a hole in near by rock using my finger'.

"so listen and listen carefully as I am asking peacefully, I can put you down any moment I want'

"Because you are too weak".

'Seeing no other option other than follow what I said to him he sat down Unwillingly, hoping for the best outcome'.

"I will start with asking you few questions and if you don't answer me under ten seconds then, what will happen to you after that will be horrifying. You got that?". I said as tried to maintain my persona to get answers out of him.

"So here's my first question are you hungry?". I asked with a serious look. the boy widened his eyes at my question but stayed silent for more than five seconds'.

"Oi Oi Oi the time is ticking i don't have all-day" I said him to hurry up as'. 'I ain't helping someone one, if they don't want to help themselves'.

'Some people might think of this as a childish behaviour but it is the way I am'.


"what did you say I couldn't hear you" I said with a smirk.

"YES I AM HUNGRY. SO HUNGRY THAT I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT" he said as tear started flooding out of his eyes.'

"Don't worry"I said to with as I passed him A loaf of bread' 'He started devouring it like a man who hasn't eaten for a long time which he actually was'.

'After devouring it completely he looked at me as his eyes conveyed to me that he wanted even more'. "I promise to give you as much food as you want but before we go to next topic".

"what's your name?".