
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"Heaven defying dragon?"

Everyone in the area was going crazy. The name signified rebellion. Everyone in the area was outraged.

"How dare you! How dare you guys name yourself such outrageously. This is unacceptable!"

A scream could be heard.

I was calm within all the chaos. Surprisingly I was looking back and thinking about my father Suma Hua. He taught me well. He was a good man, truly worthy of his position.

Just you wait Bai clan. After I deal with the Bai clan I'm going to personally destroy Xing and ling clans.

A ruthless gaze had unknowingly taken over me. The banquet went quiet.

Silence took over.

"HAHAHA, such courageous junior. Nath Hua was it?" Hou Zen spoke.

San Rei and Xiang Lin tried hinting me at something.

I was feeling the pressure but I had to speak. I need those to survive this.

"This unworthy junior is honored that senior remembered this insignificant one's name. Senior let me introduce myself properly. I am Zhou Meilin's disciple. He personally asked me to attain this banquet."

I had used Zhou Meilin's name because he was a rank-1. He was the perfect bargaining chip currently.

After listening to my declaration everyone remained silent. No one wanted to offend a rank-1 immortal.

Unfortunately for me, I was not as close with him as I had just described

This was a classic of using the tiger's strength to scare the fox.

"Brother Nath should have just said that. Brother Nath how about a toast? This banquet is meant to be lively. Let's not be gloomy and all. Right?"

Hou Zen was really shameless. Just a few moments ago he was going to kill me right away but now he was acting friendly. He even started to call me "brother Nath".

But I had no choice but to go along with him. I laughed it off.

"Yes, Brother Hou this is supposed to be a fun and lively banquet. Let's drop the honorifics."

I proceeded to grab my drink and gave a toast. Following my lead, everyone followed.

This was the power of connection. Even borrowing the name itself could save you from any crisis.

Hou Zen was a sneaky fox, he wanted to gain information from me.

"Brother Nath, did senior ask me to do anything?"

He was trying to find out the reason why I would make an overbearing statement in the public.

It was simple. In this banquet, he was going to subdue everyone and be the big boss in the business of the black market.

Now that I just suddenly appeared as a sore thumb. He had no choice but to act carefully.

I then spoke,

"Brother Hou, you don't need to worry much. Senior had sent me here for friendly relation establishment. I came here for partnership. Senior had some disputes with Fin Lan."

I had a smile inside me.

Hou Zen understood something. He understood what I meant.

He had a big smile on his face. He had sharp jaws and hair that only reached up to his head. He was wearing a luxurious cloth made of silk. Finely crafted. He had sharp eyes and a flat nose. He was not that pretty and handsome but he surely had charisma. He would stand out where ever he was.

They had gotten a private room. They went in after ending the banquet


"Today I was going unify the entire black market but now it got even better." Hou Zen thought.

A few weeks ago.

On this day I was finally going to use my iron fist to take control of this pest. So I had held this banquet. There were many fractions waiting to be unified to make a giant black market.

It was like China before unification waiting to be unified but it was extremely difficult to unify.

My major problems were those guys who were close to rank-1 immortals. The limit of average talent was estimated to be rank-3. But there has been no news of a rank-3 immortal appearing in this area.

I had entered this hell hole years ago. My friend had already reached rank-1 but I am still in my blockade. I can't condense my immortal consciousness to 100%. I'm still stuck at 90% condensation of immortal consciousness.

I needed more resources to cultivate. I need to quickly control this black market and reach rank-1.

On the next full moon let's organize a banquet. Invite everyone, Mei Hou.

"I understand." Mei Hou replied.

I have to prepare against everyone.

Even if I manage to take over the black market, it would be impossible for me to dominate everything. This damn Zou Jie won't help but be a pain in the ass.

If I invite him to the banquet I won't be able to take over smoothly. There is no point in sending him an invitation. This bastard has been my rival since we entered this place. I want him to die so badly. If not for him I would have already been an immortal.

I was making up my scheme deep for the upcoming event.

Finally, it was the day I was waiting for. I made sure that I was in my best possible state.

I entered the banquet 10 minutes late. Under the full moon, I walked in slowly.

Everyone looked at me. It was not bad being the center of attention.

I looked at everyone and spoke as gently as I could. I made sure that my voice would be heard by everyone.

"I am Hou Zen. Welcome to the banquet I am holding. Make sure to enjoy this to the fullest."

"Let's start from the introduction."

After that people started to introduce themselves and the institute or the organization they were from. It was quite boring to look at them.

I then thought. Is this all? it's quite boring. I thought there would be some special ones. Apparently, they avoided the banquet. I'll take care of them later.

Right after that. A slim and tall youth stood up. His expression was tranquil without any ripples. His silky hair went down from his abdomen and his sharp eyes were as deep as the ocean.

He cleared his throat after a short silence.

Right after looking at him. I could sense some majestic aura from him. It was not the aura of war veterans or the sages. It was the aura of royalty.

He spoke with plainness.

"everyone present here. I express my humble greeting, I am Nath Hua representing 'Heaven defying dragon'"

After listening to him, I could not help but feel dumbfounded.

someone spoke, "Pardon?"

The boy named Nath Hua spoke again.

"I am representing a heaven-defying dragon."

Everyone present there was expressing their displeasure openly. There must have been a reason for him to exclaim that openly.

I laughed.

"HAHAHA, such courageous junior. Nath Hua was it?"

Soon afterward, he went on surprising me. He was backed by a rank 1 immortal.

Now he was offering me an offer to destroy his eternal rival Fin Lan. I still have my doubts but they all went away when he gave me a token. It was the information about Fin Lan and Wen Lihua.

He then spoke, "senior let's work together and destroy this threat. Enemy of an enemy is your friend."

there was no reason for me to refuse him so I spoke gladly,

"you are right junior. If you need any help from me in the future then you can proceed to contact me. I will naturally try my best to help you."

We both exchanged our greetings and discussed over the plan. I could see him hide some details because he seemed to not trust me completely. That made me more certain that it was not a trap laid by others. I still went ahead and did check his information. The fact that he recently entered this area made his actions more impressive. The thing that bothered me the most was that he was never seen in the selection area. That was really weird.

Nath Hua was returning to his room. He had deliberately not exposed all the information to Hou Zen not because he did not trust him but because he wanted Hou Zen to think that he did not trust him.

In the end, it really worked out well.

Everything had gone according to the plan. Thanks to Fang Xiuying helping him plan his actions he finally went ahead and accomplished his goals.

Firstly, he had just done a partnership with Hou Zen, who controlled a large part of the black market.

Secondly, he had publicly established his organization, "Heaven defying dragon".

Finally, he could establish his standings in the normal disciple area.

Nath Hua still had a cold gaze throughout this all.

After returning he had to take Fang Xiuying on a date. He had to take care of his people.

Fang Xiuying was really happy about this.