
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Huff huff" sounds of heavy breathing could be heard. The sound of the heavy foot in a muddy area could be heard. The sky was dark with no hint of the moon. Complete darkness in the dark night was overwhelming the sky. The man was running, he could only run and not stop. He had to save his life. He was running through the woods with an injured arm and a broken leg.

He was slowly crawling trying to run for his life. There were followers behind him. He had sacrificed three of his friends to escape from the pursuers.

"Hou Zen, just you wait. I am going to cut your skin off and drink your blood. I will cut your tendrons and kill you." The man screamed out loudly in his mind.

The man had crawled out desperately and finally reached a road. Just as he was walking down the road he saw two people.

He hid behind the tree to avoid them finding his presence. He observed them carefully because he was still suspicious of them.

He carefully observed them while bleeding. He was running out of time, he was dying. His body was feeling heavy and his eyes were getting blurry. His nerves felt like it was gonna snap out any moment.

One of those people was a male. He was tall and looked young. He had long hair that reached through his abdomen. He had sharp gazes with a fixed eye. He looked beautiful. He had the plainness on his face. Next to him was a jade beauty. Her bright big eyes and her gladiating figure could make any man like her.

They were walking through the way. They did not look suspicious but the injured man had to go there.

He went there and fainted in front of them.


I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself in an unfamiliar area. Where am I? I found an unfamiliar ceiling. Ouch! My arm stings, it feels like I am burning. Oh! I remember now. I was chased by Hou Zen and his friends when I came out of the auction. Just as I was going to return, Those fuckers ambushed me.

Looking through the window, it's around evening already. Maybe a few days have already passed. Oh right. Those two guys must have rescued me.

Where are they right now? Wen Lihua must have heard the news. She must be looking out for me.

Why does it feel so weird though? I still can't move my fingers. I can only move my mouth. Let's not panic. I should stay calm and try to focus. Let's not rush to conclusions. Maybe I'll be ok after a while.

wait, what's going on. Why can't I move? This must be some kind of dream. I can't believe this. I was so close to becoming a rank-1 immortal. I want to wake up from this nightmare faster. I can't stop now. Can I? I need to meet with my love.

Yes, this was Fin Lan. He was truly pitiful currently.

After a while, he was feeling depressed. He wanted to kill himself. If my speculation is true then this must be an illusion. I must not fret from such puny tricks. In contrast, I should understand how a disabled man would feel. I need to concentrate on my immortal consciousness to escape this illusion.

Just as he was doing his best to escape this 'illusion'. A man that he had seen on the road had come. The man spoke, "are you awake? You suddenly came out of nowhere and collapsed before us."

You were heavily injured and you were poisoned.

I could not move my body but surprisingly I could speak.

"Thank you for saving my life. I will repay this to you one day. My enemies ambushed me and attacked me. Can you help me to reach the disciple's hall? I will compensate you for everything. You won't regret it. I am Zhou Lan. What may your name be benefactor? "

I did not reveal much information about myself. As he could be my enemy too. I did not tell him about Wen Lihua because I want to see his nature. If he knows my relationship with Wen Lihua then he will naturally try to get my favor. This place is a place full of betrayal and schemes. If I get careless then I will get myself killed. I should preserve and survive in this place.v Obviously, if they try to harm me then I will expose my identity.

Struggle, the struggle to survive. The struggle to move on and the struggle to climb to the top. The struggle of suffering. Even so, I must struggle. This is I, Fin Lan's struggle.

I have come this far already. I can not go down this easily.

The next moment, the beautiful girl entered the room.

"Brother Nath, is he awake? I brought an expert in medicine. It was quite costly to invite him."

Fang Xiuying spoke.

Nath Hua then spoke with a gentle expression, " it's ok Fang Xiuying. If we can save others then the used money is worth it."

The medical expert Xiang Qiao heard Nath Hua and murmured, "you have a noble ideology in this vicious place."

Xiang Qiao looked old. He looked very old. He had wrinkles on his face and the bag of skin below his eyes was extremely dark and heavy. Waiting to fall down. His eyes looked extremely lonely, seemingly it looked like those eyes had seen everything.

His back was bent with all those responsibilities he had carried. He had a firm hand and a thin body.

Fin Lan could not recognize this old senior so he thought that he must be a hidden expert. Since the old man was this old and he could

Fin Lan was old too. It had been almost 40 years since he joined this place but due to immortal consciousness, he could keep his youthful appearance.

After a while, Fin Lan spoke, " Senior, I can't move my body. Is there something wrong with me?"

Xiang Qiao carefully looked at Fin Lan with a grave expression and checked his pulse. he checked Fin Lan's medians and physique. Soon, Xiang Qiao with his deep iris and a trace of pity spoke,

"Junior Zhou Lan, you have been infected by some kind of poison. The poison has destroyed your nerves. Thankfully, it's not too late. After treating you we can cure you."

Fin Lan could not help but sigh in relief.

"Senior Qiao, please treat me. I will compensate you equally."

Xiang Qiao laughed and started to treat Fin Lan.

Central area. Hou Zen's apartment.

Mei Hou was searching for something. She was following Hou Zen's wish and was preparing for something. Hou Zen wanted her to gather a special type of poison. This poison could be hidden in the air. While these poisons could also be transmitted through blood.

Hou Zen wanted the poison called 'black death. As well as that Hou Zen wanted to hire at least 15 hidden assassins.

Mei Hou had just contacted the 'black shadow' and hired 20 assassins. The price was really heavy though. Even so Hou Zen happily provided the immortal stones.

He must have been scheming for something.

The northern area of the normal disciple area.

A few days had passed and Fin Lan could finally move his body, he could not move due to his injuries but he could finally do basic hand movements.

"Brother Nath, thank you very much for helping me. I will repay this favor. Even if this place is vicious and evil. As a cultivator, I won't ever forget the favors." Fin Lan expressed slowly.

Fin Lan was still suspicious of them.

Nath Hua then said,

"Brother Zhou Lan, I used to be from a righteous clan but other clans attacked my clan and sold me to this place. Because of this is want to make this world a better place."

Fin Lan listened to him and felt that he was naive and even had little anger within. He could not help but see himself inside Nath Hua.

"Brother Nath, I am being shameless but can I ask you another favor?"

"Can you please protect me till disciple's hall? Please, if you do that for me then ill always be in your debt."

Nath Hua immediately agreed to Fin Lan.

Nath Hua and Fin Lan decided to head out right now.

They were prepared to escape from that place which had the potential threat of assassins hidden by Hou Lan.