
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
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21 Chs


There is a legend about heavenly destiny.

Every human has their own predestined path and way of life.

It is all arranged before the person was even born and some even call it fate.

It's like the restriction of life but also freedom. While many can't accept the fact about fate.

But It's just a legend that has never been predetermined.

The path always did not mean fate it also mean one's ideology and beliefs. A way of living.

The true way of a true human without any fakeness, very few walk this path.

Only the greatest figure above countless could only find their way.

Normal disciple area

"Nath Hua I knew you were smart, welcome!"

Lin Xiang spoke with a warm attitude.

After Lin Xiang suppressed normal disciples with his power, Nath Hua directly joined him so he could avoid trouble.

With Nath Hua's experience as a young master, he had political and financial skills.

He managed to become Lin Xiang, right-hand man. But Nath Hua did not trust him at all, in fact, he even wanted to suppress Lin Xiang and take charge.

Nath Hua was thinking of ways to deal with Lin Xiang but he thought what's the point of actually thinking of that.

He regarded thinking and scheming as boring.

This showed his naiveness and his young attitude.

There is a saying young fear nothing. It was because they had not gone through life and accumulated experience.

Naturally, most of the youth were naive while only a few exceptions were crafty.

But this kind of nature would soon change many of those or else their fate would only be death.

In a distant place.

"Fezco, oh Fezco you are truly a genius."

It was a person with a mighty aura talking.

Fezco was happy and excited to hear the praise but even so, he did not understand this was a scheme from the sect.

He could only become a puppet vessel for the sect and to be at their disposal.

The talented are not who rules the world but the ones who rule the world are those who know when to act and when not to.

In normal disciple hall, the grand turbulent of time had moved and a month had passed.

The situation in the normal disciple hall was stable, currently, the old seniors in normal disciple were in charge with higher accumulation and their status.

The new disciple was suppressed by them naturally, Nath Hua also continued his cultivation to reach rank 1 semi-immortal with the sect's resources.

But life was not really ideal for him right now as it was very hard to even survive.

The killing was not forbidden so he would not dare to offend anyone here. He wanted to be at peace but of course, how could he live in peace.

To cultivate one would need to slowly maintain their consciousness where they would store their immortal essence.

Immortal essence was mainly categorized into 10 categories from rank 1 to rank 10 immortal essences.

Right now most of the seniors were old and crafty with rank 1 semi-immortal cultivation or even some exceptional with rank 2-half immortal.

They were currently at top of the world according to the normal disciple area's status.

But even if they were rank 2 it did not mean that they were powerful, there were nothing but mere ants.

Only among normal people would they be special, it was quite ironic from a different perspective.

Nath Hua needed to first condense his immortal consciousness so that he could start producing his immortal essence and his vital essence.

Vital essence was like the life of an immortal, one could devour it and instantly devour others' foundation and add it to their foundation, it was like reaching heaven instantly.

But it was very hard to devour an essence. With one thought immortal could destroy it. After vital essence, there was immortal essence.

Immortal essence was extremely important to immortals. Immortal essence allowed an immortal to use his moves and defy heaven. It was like fuel but had more use than just to fuel themself. They could be used to refine immortal weapons or even condense an immortal killer move.

Nath Hua only had the most basic way to make condense his immortal consciousness.

He of course only had the method to condense it. After that, he had to rely on himself to grow.

It had already been a month and he still could not condense his immortal.

This was where he could see the difference between talents. Even grade 4 talent had a gap with grade 3 talent. It was as grand as the difference between Heaven and Earth.

It would take him at least 50 years to condense his immortal consciousness and reach rank 1 semi-immortal. Similarly, it would take rank 3 talent 10 years at minimum and 20 at maximum, this itself showed the difference.

And as for second-grade talent, it would take them less than 5 years to reach semi-immortal.

This showed the gap between Fezco and Nath Hua.

As Nath Hua realized this he felt envy while he also felt dejected.

He was depressed but he decided to go along with how life takes him.

This was the boundary of talent. The grand wall blocking your way indeed obstructed many and it was the same for Nath Hua.

Nath would have to spend his youth and his middle life to some extent to reach rank 1 semi-immortal.

This itself showed that his future was not promising.

He did not give hope up because he thought he was special but everyone thinks they are special until they go through life.

Naturally, Nath would not realize this but even if he did it was unlikely that he would accept it.

Nath was there sitting at his rented place, it was not good and resourceful as disciple's hall which only had 100 disciple's at max.

The most depressing fact was that senior disciple took over the place having complete monopoly.

Nath could only find a shabby place to rent and live on but compared to others it was already good.

He had to pay rent and he had extremely less Immortal stones.

Immortal stones were the currency for immortals.

Nath Hua had no revenue he only had expenditure he could not help but feel like he could not sustain himself for long.

He suddenly remembered Lin Xiang.

"Sigh." Nath Hua could not help but sigh. He thought he could rise with Lin Xiang but not only did he not, Lin Xiang was in way worse condition than him.

After he forcefully controlled the situation with new disciples, he quickly face revolution but after Nath and Lin worked hard they finally suppressed it.

Only to be blocked by the senior disciples, they quickly defeated Lin Xiang easily, they could kill him but they did not.

The seniors could easily kill them but they did not. It seemed foolish but there was a reason.

Every end of the month disciples would get 100 immortal stones so seniors could plunder their immortal stones as protection fee.

Xiang Lin was indeed very different from ordinary disciples but in front of those seniors what could he even do.

After his iron fist was suppressed and his plan was ruined he was extremely suppressed by the seniors as they wanted to make sure he had no threat.

He was suppressed and his situation was getting worse.

Nath Hua on the other hand not facing oppression but from the month he lived here he had started to be wary and cautious.

How long until they find trouble with him?

Even if Nath knew what could he even do.

Nath could only sigh about it and live under them for the current time being.

Eventually, trouble came in.

Some new disciple came to plunder him, seniors were busy cultivating so they would let these new disciples be the minions for them.

5 disciples came in and said,

"Nath hand over the resources now or you would be in trouble."

Nath sneered inwardly, he did not want to give up on his immortal stones so he put up on a fight.

Two fists cannot defeat 4 palms.

One of the disciples attacked Nath, Nath got kicked in his ribs,

another disciple extended his hands and HIT THE TEMPLES, "AGHHHH"

Nath Hua screamed in pain.

Those attacking disciples were new too like him so they felt bad but they still continued.

BREAKING THE NOSE another disciple kicked him.

At this point, Nath Hua was bleeding. He fainted after exchanging a few moves.

He got plundered.

This was only the start.

Enjoy this chapter and i may not post for a while cause of exams.

Lord_Tancreators' thoughts