
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Messed up

Desolate desert Chae, in the smallest possible corner of the desert.

It could not even be considered a portion of the desert. It was more like the lowest possible replica of the desert which contained a part of the true Chae desert.

A large black bear with a large scar on its face was attacking two mortals.

In a few breaths time, the large bear was throwing its huge body toward the mortal.


Nath Hua was sent flying.

Soon he hurriedly woke up despite the pain, if he did not he would die. He had cold sweat on his forehead.

He was panicking, he was truly going to die. His heart rate was increasing as the moments passed on, his breathing got hastier and faster after a few breaths of time Nath wanted to find shelter as soon as possible.

Nath was panicking a lot, it was the same with Xiang Lin. They were both experiencing this kind of situation for the first time.

Fortunately, this was just a normal bear and if they met with an actual immortal beast they would have died as soon as they met.

Neither of them was a genius nor were they experienced with fighting.

A human cannot outrun a bear if being chased. All bear species could easily chase down the average mortal human.

Humans were limited from their birth so they had to defy heaven.

Nath Hua had read about countless animals and birds along with immortal beasts but currently, he could not even use any of that knowledge.

A bear's claws could shred a human to bits and their bite can crush bone while a human's punch would do nothing to the bear except piss it off making the bear even more motivated in winning a fight. So unless the human has a weapon there is no chance of winning a fight with a bear.

Fortunately, Nath and Xiang had prepared a lot for this mission.

They had expected this to be very dangerous and they may even die but now when they met a bear they had to run for their life.

Nath even had mortal killer moves but Nath was not very confident so he could even die doing it.

Nath had a cold sweat and Xiang was in the same situation. Both of them wanted to escape from there as soon as possible.

Nath and Xiang slowly moved side by side from the bear.

The bear was extremely angry expressing its fury towards the pair.

Nath and Xiang moved in different directions so the unlucky ones would suffer.

After a while of slowly moving the bear came towards Nath.

"FUCK!" Nath was extremely scared. He did not want to die while he had not even completed his revenge.

Nath ran as fast as he could.

Nath naturally could not outrun the bear.

Knowledge is not about knowing but it's about utilizing it and moving forward.

Nath knew that he could not outrun but still, he panicked and ran for his life.

Slowly few breaths time passed. "Huff Huff!" Nath was already tired, as he ran he exerted himself more and he was already both mentally and physically exhausted.

Nath Hua looked behind to find an enraged bear coming with full force.

Seeing that Nath was scared he screamed and ran as much as he could.

Humans try but heaven destroys it.

Bear caught up to Nath and slammed him down. Nath was looking at the bear with a scared expression.

The bear used its huge claws to slam Nath's hand.

"AGHHHH" Nath Hua screamed with tears in his eyes, his bones were broken and his flesh was destroyed.

Nath wanted to survive, but suddenly Xiang stabbed the bear from behind and it directly pierced the head.

The bear was screaming and it attacked Xiang. The sudden movement was unexpected so the sword fell from Xing.

Xiang screamed, "Nath, pick the sword up and kill the bear FAST"

Nath was trembling with fear and he couldn't even move because of fear.

Xiang pressured Nath to do it more.

With the pressure, Nath picked up the sword.


The sword pierced through the bear's brain and blood flew out.

Mortal killer moves sword amplification.

The bear was caught off guard and the bear screamed in agony, after a while the bear died.

This was truly an experience that was engraved in Nath's and Xiang's life.

"Brother Xiang this is just the first day we came here and it was already this life-threatening. We both are injured so we should go back" Nath suggested.

After a while, Xiang agreed with him and they returned back.

They made an agreement about going back for the mission after they were ready.

The first mission ended in failure.

Nath Hua cried when he reached a safe zone.

Nath could not help but remember those hellish times. He was born with a golden spoon and he had never fallen into such situations. This was his first time and he almost died.

Every time he thought about it he would feel deep fear and a chill in his heart.

After this, he did not want to die so he practice killer moves till he almost died.

Deep down he wanted to kill those three women brutally.

He was getting exported and was being bullied by the seniors too.

He could only endure for now. He did not want to create trouble for seniors because if he did he knew that he would die a dog's death.

Nath could deal with those groups of new disciples with his killer moves but he did not want to do it.

Nath was weak-willed and naive but he was smart to understand basic things.

Nath continued to endure this, he was acting weak waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

He needed to quickly get some immortal materials to raise his cultivation and get out of his passive state.

He was truly pitiful.

Xiang Lin was having the same thoughts as Nath. Eventually, both of them decided to go to the sect mission next month after gathering some methods to protect life.

The best possible thing was to find people to act as cannon folders to them. While they would sacrifice them, Nath and Xiang would retreat in face of danger.

After coming to an agreement Nath and Xiang looked for many people.

They found quite some people like them so they knew that when a person was going through a tough time, they could manipulate them in face of hope.

This was a manipulation technique. Eventually, their mentality would be trained to be loyal to them.

Nath learned about these things but Xiang did not.

Nath was slowly waiting for his chance to recruit some people who were loyal to him.

He was trying to get the greatest benefit but he had developed brotherly feelings toward Xiang after they went through countless situations.

They had become sworn brothers in the name. Xiang and Nath's relationship had improved so much that both of them trusted each other.

Nath did not tell him about his inheritance, he was smart enough not to.

Nath and Xiang discussed the plan to recruit some people.

There were ten suitable people for the recruitment.

They decided to take action soon so after a while of discussing they parted away.

A few days had passed.

In a barren place,

a young boy that looked normal and uncharming was lying there with nothing to eat.

He had nothing to sustain his living after he came to this hell, he was helpless after his immortal stones were plundered.

He couldn't even cultivate properly.

He was there with an extremely solemn look, he wanted to get out of this living, he wanted attention, he wanted fame and he wanted to get out of his current lifestyle.

He was looking for the hope he never found.

He saw a male with a royal demeanor and a majestic aura. It was a boy who looked plain but charming, he looked quite good.

It was Nath Hua.

"San Rei, you look extremely weak. How about talking after a meal?"

San Rei was not suspicious, how could a commoner with an average kid mentality with no prior experience doubt this all?

He was doubtful at first but after Nath's kind and charming words, he believed him.

Nath offered Rei some food, Rei ate food very quickly as he had not eaten for days.

Nath looked at him deeply,
