
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Forbidden Fruit of life

A youth that looked around 13 to 15 was there lying in the prison surrounded by countless people like him.

He had a charming look but he still looked plain, He had the charm of being plain itself. He could be considered upper-lower tier on looks. He had long and silky hair going down to his abdomen.

He had a deep expression. Face full of despair and pain, eyes that are deep and dead.

Indeed he looked like a man who lost hope in his life. Hope is as shallow as fear, it was an undeniable truth.

The youth's iris looked extremely dead and deep, Even somehow resembling a fish.

He was Hua Nath. He had lost hope in his life, at least he did not become a victim of disappointment.

He was lost in his memories.

He was constantly seeing a scene that he wanted to erase.

He could not help but see a man with white clothing, it was a white robe, He had dark hair but was short, it was his father Suma Hua. He looked like he was in his mid 30's but his age was at least two hundred years.

three people who had equal majestic charisma. In the middle was a man with golden armor and long shorts who looked extremely young, It was the sword immortal; Bai Tran. Despite his handsome appearance, he was a truly capable man who could use any means for his goal. He was the mastermind behind this attack.

Beside him, there was an old man precisely he looked really old. Even tho he was old he was an expert, He was Xang Gauchan. He was called the great sage, he was an immortal doing deduction against the great heaven, he was an immortal in the path of wisdom.

Besides them, there was a mysterious man in black clothing. It was probably an immortal from the ling clan. He had a tranquil expression even tho his face was not seen. You could feel the tranquil expression in his eyes.

Bai Tran was there holding his sword in his right hand.

he suddenly attacked, he did not even bother to talk, He swiftly swang his sword and expressed his sword qi. The condensed sword aura mixed with qi looked heavenly.

It looked like it could pass through heaven but it was just in Nath's mind, he was currently a mortal who would soon unravel his talents and start on his journey to becoming immortal.

But fate liked to play jokes on people.

Suddenly when Suma Hua was going to attack, the mysterious person who is estimated to be from the Ling clan, moved like a phantom and suddenly appeared behind Suma Hua. It was like the air, it resembled the great dao, it was the heavenly river going through the flow,

The claw pierced Suma's abdomen, only to be deeply injured.

He had no choice but he used his trump card, Immortal killer move"Forbidden fruit of life"

This killer move exchanged 50 years of life span for the higher rank of immortal cultivation. Which was temporary.

The cultivation went from Rank 1 semi-immortal to Rank 10-reverenced gods, the rank of true immortals that obtained eternal life.

Suma Hua would never even dare to use this move, but he had no choice, he had to live.

He was at a dead end. He went from rank 4-immortal to rank 5- immortal of calamity.

But the price he paid was too much. Life span was hard to increase as a normal human life span is 100 years.

Even if he became rank 5-immortal of calamity,

he only had 10% strength of normal rank 5-immortal of calamity but, the gap of the realm cannot be overcome.

It was the universal truth that a person will a smaller realm of immortal cultivation cannot win against you.

Suma Hua had 10% strength of normal rank 5 immortals, while he was facing three rank 4-extreme immortals, who were at peak of rank 4.

Suma Hua had 24 hours till his immortal move ended.

Suma Hua charged forward and kicked Bai Tran,

Bai Tran received a direct injury from the kick, which was heavier than the mountains.

But to receive less injury Bai Tran diverted the force of the kick while barely escaping the fatal kick, while he rebounded from the sword.

He had been using his immortal weapon, the sword of the Bai. Which was their clan's immortal weapon.

From behind Xang Gauchan used his heavenly beads to bind Hua Suma, Hua Suma avoided it while being alert to other immortals.



They were all deeply experienced with battle as battle strength decides your position in life.

The mysterious Immortal suddenly laughed

"Hua Suma just submit to us and die, I will give you a painless death, If you disagree what would happen to your clan? What will happen to these mortals? your son?"

Hua Suma hesitated for an instance, but this hesitation for an instance caused his demise.

Seeing this chance Bai Tran pierced Hua Suma's heart.

Hua Suma the genius of the Hua clan fell here.

He died.

(Authors note: If you are confused about what's going on then it's a flashback from the beginning. This is just the beginning it will be very interesting now. Just wait and see)