
Tranquil Fiend

The sound of the wind was clear, it was a lucid reality. I keep on walking, I have no choice. Succumbing to my fate? Who knows. Despite the sound of death and the breeze of love, I abandon it all, therefore I embrace the emptiness. Withering with time and stuck in the pathway of it all. Fated to be a young master, doomed as a commoner. The sky fell to the ground but despite all of that he is bound to realize that everyone is equal in face of heaven and earth, in face of him including everyone. Journey of a mortal to an indescribable change, an indefinite trace of the trail of the chaos itself. The absolute chaotic neutrality. He shall be the fiend himself, and the saint himself in the gist of his situations.

Lord_Tan · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Black market

I have this deep hatred inside me, hiding in me like a slumbering tiger and a hidden dragon, I cannot explain this hate. Neither can I control it nor can I eradicate it.

Deep down me, I seem to hate everything, the deep malice inside me that is as deep as an ocean of abyss waiting to swallow anything. It is developed by all of my experiences in my life. I can see that deep down inside I hate everything.

Nath Hua was cultivating and realizing the deep malice inside him. Even though he could understand his inner malice, he could not eradicate it.

He had to deal with it because this would later turn into a qi calamity or even an inner demon that will hamper his progress.

Since I came to this place, I have been practicing and trying to take revenge but it feels like I am not making a progress at all. It has already been a year and I can barely even condense some amount of immortal consciousness.

I feel like I am not even making any progress. I want to stop right now and enjoy my life a little.

But I should practice. If I stop right now then I will always be weak and I won't be able to protect myself. I swear to the heavens that I will destroy anyone that tries to take what is mine.

Nath Hua had a gaze that had a deep meaning radiating his firmness and his desires.

After I failed to complete my sect missions with Xing ling, we decided to search for cannon folders and people with whom we can take over the disciple's hall.

Xiang Lin told me that,

"Brother Nath, strength rules this place. The last time we went for the mission it turned out really bad. It's our fault for not having strength."

After a deep and serious break, he continued.

"We are suppressed by the older disciples and the situation is already unfair for us. We don't even get masters to teach us unless we get accepted in the inner disciple area."

"We are destined to achieve nothing in this pace, while we don't even get proper manuals, the disciples in the inner and special area are getting teachers and top tier manuals."

"We should take over this area as soon as possible and move to the inner area by taking the test, we need to overcome the older disciples. They are already Rank-1 Immortals so we can not dare to offend them right now."

I heard him and I made up my mind,

"Yes, brother Xiang Lin we should find more people to work under us so we can slowly accumulate the faction to face off against the senior disciples."

"Brother Xiang Lin we should gather up trustworthy people to manage our situation. We will lay low and wait for that opportunity."

"We need a trustworthy source of information in the area so I confronted Fang Xiuying to climb up to the top of brothels and law low, she will slowly rise up by our support and control the information source."

"We should present her resources and help her to escape her life properly because the human heart changes according to time so we must make sure to satisfy her. We currently need a revenue source for our future plans."

Following me, Xiang Lin spoke,

"Yes brother Nath, you are not wrong but we are still getting bullied by the seniors, and our immortal stones are being stolen while we can barely even hide 20 immortal stones."

"We have gotten many cannon folders but we also have some trustworthy people like Sei Rei. We have managed to give them shelter. We also made sure to make them face the harsh reality of this place. They truly trust us but we can not forget the possibility of betrayal."

"But our major problem is that we can't find any way to generate income and we won't be able to compete with those old monsters."

Thus, I just got an inspiration and I spoke with excitement,

"brother if we can't deal with those old monsters then we will work with them. But we can't just expect them to work with us so we must make a situation where they would want to work with us."

Xiang Lin had a surprised look. He spoke soon afterward,

"Brother Nath so you do have an idea, how about sharing it now?"

"Yes, brother ling I do have an idea, how about we go to the underground area and start an underground black market."

"There are indeed many black markets in the area run by other people but we can just create a black market that can monopolize the entire business. The current black market is very small due to the constant violence and threats." I replied.

Then Xiang Lin spoke immediately,

"That's too risky, if they find out that it's us then we will die. Not only will we die but we will also be killed brutally."

I smiled slightly and spoke,

"That's why we should meet up with a senior and ask their permission. We will agree to give 70% of profit to the old bastard."

Xiang Lin just realized something and spoke with a clearly shocked expression,

"But if they reject our idea, we will be on their bad side which may lead to our plan failing."

I stared outside the window and spoke,

"The more risk we take, the more can we gain. If we don't take risks right now then we can never rise. Brother even if this sounds crazy let's try it."

Xiang Lin was silent for a while but he naturally accepted it afterward. He then replied, "let the world know our craziness."


After discussing for a while we talked to each other about how to contact them and we decided to visit the disciple's hall and talk to them directly.

A month had passed.

Today was the day we were supposed to send our money to the older disciples...

This was the perfect opportunity to meet Zhou Meilin without any suspicions.

Zhou Meilin was cultivating as usual. It had almost been 63 years since he had joined this place. Currently, he was one of the seniors who had achieved rank-1 cultivation.

He had seen countless situations in life.

Just as he was planning to continue his cultivation, he got a notice. Two juniors had dared to come to visit him. He was worried that this might have been a trap from his rivals.

Soon he made up his mind and went to see those juniors.

They were standing in the hallway. They were dressed properly. There were two boys that looked tender. One of the boys emitted a royal aura and another one looked bulky and strong.

As soon as Zhou Meilin got there, those boys greeted him with respect and care,

"Great senior immortal we have come here to greet you."

Zhou Meilin looked at them and slowly spoke,

"Juniors, why are you here, this seat hopes that you guys are not here to waste my time."

Such simple words gave a deep sense of fear to Nath Hua and Xing Ling.

Even so, they calmed down, and subsequently, Nath spoke,

"Please listen to us, senior immortal, we are here because we want to offer you something."

"Offer you say? What are you offering me?"

Nath Hua then explained their situation and their plan to run a black market that oversees all the illegal activities, including their source of information. They even offered 70% of the profit to the immortal.

Zhou Meilin could see that those guys were not minor characters. They had their own shrewdness and abilities. Zhou Meilin did not think that those guys were a trap sent by his rival.

The reasons were obvious because if they were truly something his rival had planned then they would try to befriend him as much as possible. While these guys came here taking a risk.

Again, if they were truly some trap then they would have tried to use sweet words and even try to be more likable than they were currently. Currently, these guys acted inexperienced, like a fine jade waiting to be polished.

Zhou Meilin still had his doubts but his initial judgment was gone.

Nath Hua had chosen Zhou Meilin because he had the reputation of being generous to his subordinates even in an evil and vicious place like this.

Zhou Meilin thought of this for a while, he sent Nath Hua and Xing Ling back. Zhou Meilin wanted to do a background check on them and decide.

Xiang Lin with a stressed expression expressed,


Nath Hua was also anxious but he spoke,

"don't worry brother Xiang, he won't deny us because he needs manpower and information to compete against his rivals. He can't progress right now because of the lack of resources so he will naturally try to eliminate his opponents. He will need information from us even if it may be small and not helpful. We will be a big help to him if we manage to subdue other new disciples. He won't be foolish enough to reject additional help."

Another reason Nath had chosen Zhou Meilin was that he only cared about his dao and improving his strength. He did not bother with world affairs. After his progress was stalled, he had no choice but to compete and develop his scheming skills from his experience.

Experience changes everything. He still remembered his father's word that being comfortable with anything will only lead to demise so unless he gets comfortable with nothing, he won't ever achieve something beyond.

Nath did not understand his words but he knew that it contains some deep profoundness.

After a few days, Zhou Meilin called them to meet him.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Lord_Tancreators' thoughts