

Is it wrong that I envy you? Don't I want to look pretty too? Who stole Cassie's body? Is there still love for me? As well as many other questions in Carren's head. A beautiful woman who loves her twin sister very much, but that was then. Prior to the tragedy, a fire in their home caused him to become a victim of that incident. Like the story in the fairy tale Princess Goose. Her twin sister named Cassie grew up beautiful like Princess Swan who was admired by many princes out there. What about Carren? Of course everyone can guess. Yes, he is the figure of the Ugly Duck. Will any luck befall him? Can he switch places with his brother? Even before the fire happened to him, the two of them had always been extraordinary figures. So why does fate seem to be playing a toy on him? People now always compared the two of them, causing the previously cheerful Carren to become a quiet person and didn't want to see people anymore. Envy, revenge, envy and disapproval of the circumstances that befell him, made Carren make a very fatal mistake in his life. Will Carren still be able to finish everything? Will be delivered in this 'TRAITOR' brotherhood story….

NadNadia28 · Urban
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15 Chs

Similar But Not The Similar

Matthew poked his head out. "Yeah... what's wrong, honey?"

"Tomorrow's a walk to the park, right?"

Matthew was silent. Tomorrow is the last day of school holidays. Many tourists have to return to their hometowns. Many passengers will need a ride to take them to the airport, bus terminal, or train station. Taxi drivers generally rarely miss this opportunity. To be honest, Matthew had intended to go to Hotel Le Meredin very early in the morning, and park his car in the front row.

But apparently he forgot that he had an appointment with his children.

'Ouch...!' thought Matthew, rubbing his forehead.

"Then buy some Abacus Chips, okay, Pa?" said Cassie.

"Yeah..., ice cream too!"

Cassie said again, "Mama's invited too!"

Matthew was silent for a moment, before he came to his senses, before he realized that his two children were waiting eagerly for an answer. He shrugged. There is no other choice. The children scared him even more.

"Okay..., we'll see how early you guys can get up tomorrow!" said Matthew hoarsely.

This month, obviously his income will decrease. Matthew quickly closed the door and left.

"Fun...tomorrow we go to the park!" Cassie shouted. He couldn't contain his excitement.

"We can show off with friends!"


They were both silent. Cessie hides in a Barbie printed blanket on a red background.

"Good night, Carren!"

Carren replied. Then they didn't speak at all. Each thought the other had fallen asleep. Carren looked up at the ceiling above him which was no more than a meter away. Then he fell asleep. As usual, Carren couldn't stand the sweet silence. His legs began to fluctuate to the right, and a second later the other way. The sheets immediately became a mess, and were torn from the side.

Cassie heard the crackling of wood. Immediately he woke up. Just when he was about to get new shoes as a gift in his dream. He looked up and was horrified.

"Carren....! Don't move!!! You will fall, watch out!!!!!"

Cassie did hope to buy new shoes, but she'd be happier if she got a new bed without Carren on it....


Twenty minutes past nine, Matthew came out of the house. He wore a red hat with the words "Fadrich Docker" on the front. Fadrich Docker is the name of a famous football team in western Australia. The hat was bought during a big discount on Murray Street, about two months ago.

Matthew looked at himself in the mirror. It tasted like it was just bought. He rarely wears it. Camphor smell. Matthew smirked. Was that a sign that he very rarely had time to relax? He glanced at her dress with colorful flowers that Vera had just bought. Matthew shrugged. Up to you! In fact, he felt too flamboyant to wear a model like that.

Carren and Cessie emerged from behind him. They wear clothes of the same color; White. Matthew thought their clothes would soon be dirty. When they got to the park, they definitely wouldn't be able to stop themselves from rolling on the grass, especially Carren.

Vera followed last. Her slightly brown hair, and not passed down to her children, she rolled up. She looked beautiful in beige lace overalls with a mimosa floral motif. In her hands she held a wicker basket filled with a Vegemite sandwich, a kind of chocolate and savory jam. It tastes great, as long as it's not mixed with honey. For most Europeans, such a mix makes no sense.

Vera waved at Matthew. He tells her to lift the plastic mat. Matthew froze. He seemed to have just realized that they really intended to go on a picnic today.

They immediately got into the car. Carren immediately commented how stuffy the room in the car was. Matthew was silent. He immediately got out of the car and opened the rear trunk lid. He put a wicker basket and a doormat inside. When he poked his head out. Vera is leading her children to sing.

Matthew took a long time to start the car engine. Last night a heavy rain caused the car to be a bit cranky. The kids started making noise from the back seat. Matthew easily panicked again. Fortunately, soon the engine started, and he immediately blew the engine loudly.

He took the route past Santruk Street and then around the back of the Philadelphia Gardens. Turning right, he passed two hospitals, Xafier Hospital and Zaberth Hospital, which were not far away. On the right side of the road, they could already see a line of Eucalyptus trees with sparse leaves and only long trunks and branches.

Matthew's childhood was spent in eastern Australia. At that time Eucalyptus trees were very easy to find in the yard of the house. It has a fairly large Eucalyptus tree. It was so big, the branches could fall against the window of his room which was located on the second floor. When night fell and the silver moonlight came in through her bedroom window. He imagined the shadow of a Eucalyptus tree branch like a wizard's fingers. Long and skinny.

Arriving at the Philadelphia Gardens section, Matthew looked for a parking space. Luckily he arrived early enough, so there was still plenty of free space left. Even in the A3 section one long side is blank.

They (Matthew, Vera, Carren and Cessie) walked hand in hand towards the main entrance of Philadelphia Gardens. Matthew seemed to have forgotten the tacky pattern of his clothes. Several people who were in the place noticed him and were confused by the appearance of Matthew and his family.

A student who was assigned by his lecturer to record the collection of trees in this place, asked his colleague.

"Is it really summer? Could it be that I saw the wrong calendar!"

Matthew and his family pass by Cook's Cottage, one of Australia's historic buildings. Very simple building. Just a house no bigger than their house in Fitzroy. The house is divided into two parts. The front of the house has a shorter roof than the back. The walls are still original stone, not yet polished with cement let alone coated with paint.

Cook's Cottage was built in the seventeenth century in Great Ayton, England. Later the house was rebuilt in Philadelphia Gardens to commemorate Captain James Cook, a British sailor and traveler who is believed to have discovered the Australian continent. That is why in front of this building the British flag is always flown.