
Trainer Among Fairies

One day, Nic Pularis is drawn into a sub-dimension, where he encounters Legendary Pokemon. He is entrusted with Plates by Arceus, and send to the land of Fiore, where he encounters Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza. He must go through multiple perilous journeys with his Pokemon and Fairy Tail, and triumph and endure hardships to master all eighteen Plates and save the universe. OcxHarem Original by Insane Dominator on FF.Net

Alistair_B22 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

An Unfriendly Game...

In The Last Chapter:

Nic and Team Natsu all make way and relax at Akane Resort, where they thought they would have a swell time, of which turned into a nightmare. At the casino, Natsu, Gray, and Juvia are ambushed by Erza's old friends. Nic shows up in time to try and stop them, but literally took a bullet for Erza and was teleported along with Erza onto a ship heading towards the Tower of Heaven. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Juvia all then go in pursuit to stop them and rescue Erza, Nic, and Happy. Nic and Erza escape their cell and the Magic Council is debating whether or not to use Etherion to destroy the tower and Jellal...

Chapter 15: An Unfriendly Game...

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Juvia had just surfaced from underwater thanks to Juvia's bubbles that contained oxygen that sustained them long enough to get to the bottom and up the tower.

Natsu leaped out with his scarf around his forehead. Gray followed behind and the two saw they were in a stone-like large room with strange and bizarre markings on the sides and on columns that escalated far up.

"Looks like we're beneath the tower." Gray guessed. Lucy, in her bikini, and Juvia had just surfaced just as Gray was finishing his sentence.

"Better hope Happy and Erza are around." Natsu gritted, wanting to get his little feline buddy back.

"They're feisty, but they sure can work when the situation calls for it." Lucy said.

"I'm surprised you're here because I purposely made your air bubble smaller so you would have trouble with oxygen." Juvia said, trying to be better than Lucy. Lucy turned and groaned.

"Gee, what a pal." She sighed.

One of the pink guard beasts then roared, signaling the intruders. The guards instantly rushed in, some on foot and few on their guard beasts. They were blocking their way and all pointed their weapons at them. "Who are you?" One of them demanded.

Gray then cracked his knuckles and smirked. "It looks like the fun begins here." He said with joy that he gets to freeze a few guys for the heck of it. "Time we fight our way through."

"I must agree." Juvia said, getting ready for battle.

Natsu's entire body emanated heat, fire raging in his fists with a stern and crazy glare that yelled for no mercy. "Who are we?! We're Fairy Tail, and we're here to pound your ugly faces in!" He then slammed his fists into the rocky island they were on, creating a vast flare that was infused with dust. He and Gray, along with the others jumped at the surprised individuals and Natsu slammed a flying beast with a guard on its back with his fists and used a Fire Dragon's Roar on the ones on the ground. Gray followed it up with his Ice Make: Lance, attacking them yet again. All of them complained at first it was hot and then cold.

Lucy made her move as some guys were enamored by her bikini. "Open: Gate of the Maiden – Virgo!" Lucy shouted, summoning forth Virgo at the ready.

"How may I serve you princess?" She asked. At this point, all of the guys were drooling over her bikini, making Lucy feeling violated.

"Punish these pervs, if you would." Lucy ordered her Celestial Spirit.

"As you wish." Virgo said, her eyes outlined in red and she barge straight into the guys with the sound of a jackhammer, knocking them all off of the bridges they were standing on.

With Juvia, the guards couldn't seem to pierce her as her body was made of nothing but water, allowing the weapons to pass through. The guards were frustrated as Juvia didn't even flinch.

"Drip, drip, drop. Water Slicer!" Juvia shouted, creating a blue seal and moving her hand in a swift arc that made a rapid torrent pound the guys into the air. Basically the team kept kicking their behinds with Natsu's flaming fury, Gray's ice, Virgo's assaults, and Juvia's aquatic Magic. It only went on for another minute and then every single guard was done like dinner.

"Well, that was easy." Gray said.

"So much for a stealthy welcome." Lucy sighed. A doorway then opened up from one of the sides, spitting forth a pathway that lead straight into the Tower of Heaven.

"Huh, guess we got invited in." Gray said.

"BLOCKHEAD!" Natsu shouted, wanting desperate payback from earlier. He charged straight in with the others following.

In Era, with the Magic Council…

Leiji hesitated, but he soon came to make up his mind. With a shaking hand and a worried expression, he voted in favor of the Etherion blast comprised by Seigrain.

"I…vote yes." Leiji said with hesitation. Org looked on with astonishment.

"Leiji, are you for real?!" Org protested.

"It can't be helped, I can't find any other alternative." He admitted.

Seigrain was pleased that one more joined his side, but he was still remaining persistent with his proposal.

With unsettlement about the others, he kept pushing. "Only two more votes are needed. Please trust me on this one." He insisted. "Jellal would soon be onto us if we don't act now. The time for action is now, and soldiers that are innocent is a liability that we can't afford. We might not have much time if he does so!"

With Natsu and co.

"HEY BLOCKHEAD! THE HELL ARE YA?!" Natsu roared about, almost shattering Lucy's eardrums.

"Geez, watch where you're aiming your voice!" Lucy berated.

"No point in stealth, not after what we caused downstairs" Gray said.

They were all devouring food at a table, probably for lunch. Juvia was eating nicely while Natsu shoved every morsel into his body, as to where Gray had his hands on some nice chicken.

"Are you guys for real?! We're trying to rescue our friends and all you can do right now is eat?!" Lucy berated. Her growling stomach was against her and she just stood there almost fixated on eating the food.

"Please, dig in before there's nothing left." Virgo gestured towards the food that was slowly being scarfed down.

"Eh…how about no…though maybe a little taste." Lucy had one piece of chicken then and then she was back on track. The entire table was then finished, all thanks to a certain flaming being and partial credit towards an Ice Mage. Afterwards, they were set and ready to go.

"The door that let us in was for certain opened my Magic users." Juvia guessed.

"Our presence is well-known at this time." Virgo said.

"But why let us in?" Lucy asked.

"Could be they're luring us into a trap?" Juvia asked.

"Possibly." Lucy said. Virgo then realized that Lucy was still in her bikini.

"Princess, you're bikini is still on." Virgo noted. "I'll help you change." Her eyes then glew red and her face darkened as she inched towards Lucy. Lucy stepped back, but was unable to do anything as Virgo proceeded in changing her.

"Don't do it here!" Lucy shouted, but it was too late.

Natsu was devouring food still and Gray saw Lucy changing. His eyes twinkled and chicken dropped from his mouth, add to that his face blushing.

"…Oh my god…" He said.

"STOP LOOKING AT HER!" Juvia shrieked. Lucy then finished and she admitted that she looked pretty good. She had on a green bandana on her head. She had on a green dress with light green on the bottom and outlined in white zigzags. Her wrists had red ribbons on white wristbands.

"Oh wow, I sure like this." Lucy said, posing.

"That dress came from the Celestial World." Virgo said.

"Looking good Lucy." Gray said, provoking and upsetting Juvia.

"No complimenting!" Juvia implored.

"He looooves her." Virgo said, rolling her tongue. Everyone, except Natsu of course, turned white.

"What are ya, Happy 2.0?" Lucy asked.

"Since when were you and Happy buds Birdo?" Natsu asked suspiciously, getting name long as always. Virgo ignored him and bowed in respect towards Lucy, having spent a lot of time in the human world.

"I wish you the best of luck Princess." Virgo said.

Lucy smiled. "Thanks Virgo, you're the best." Virgo then vanished and departed back for the Celestial Spirit World. Lucy then realized that her friends didn't get any clothes. "Hold up, did you guys need a new wardrobe as well?" She then looked to see Natsu flaming and Gray airing out his shorts close to the flame.

"Nah, we're fine." He said.

"He's not a dryer!" Lucy berated him. As soon as she turned, all ready to go, they saw guards coming their way with swords and Magic guns at the ready.

"The intruders-!" They didn't get to blink when they were instantly slashed and pushed out of the way from behind.

They all sailed and crashed as Erza slashed her way through with Nic in his Dread Plate Form and assisting with Night Slash. Their appearance shocked the team as they were glad to be safe.

"Erza, Nic, you're here!" Natsu and Gray said.

"Thank goodness you two are alright." Lucy said, glad to see them again after what happened back at the casino. Erza and Nic didn't even notice they were there, but when they did, they both gasped in shock.

"It's you guys?!" Erza said, shocked to see them in the Tower of Heaven as well.

Nic was just as shocked as her, but sounded less defensive. "Hey guys, took ya long enough." Nic said.

"We came here to save you guys." Lucy said.

Juvia then stepped forward. "Greetings, I am Juvia-."

"Go home!" Erza shouted, shocking everyone. "This place is not meant for you!" The others stepped back to hear Erza decline them.

Natsu punched his palm with flame. "Like hell we're going anywhere! I got a score to settle with blockhead for kidnapping Happy!"

Erza blinked at this news. "They got him as well? Millianna must have done this."

"Where is he?! This is war I tell ya!" Natsu sneered.

"Who are you to declare war against?" Gray asked.

"THE NIMROD WHO TOOK MY BUDDY!" Natsu then stormed away, leaving a dust trail behind and going down a hall, leaving the others behind.

"Natsu, get back here!" Erza demanded, but he was gone and out of sight.

"Idiot." Gray said. "Looks like we're going to have to help."

Erza then had a sword in front of them, blocking them and shocking them. "NO! Millianna is a cat lover. She wouldn't dare harm Happy, I'll make sure those two come back with me when this all over. You all need to leave, that includes you too Nic." Erza sternly demanded.

"But we want to help!" Lucy pleaded.

"It's my burden alone. It has nothing to do with you." Erza said, starting to walk away. Nic stopped in front of her with a dead serious look on his face.

"We're not going anywhere! We've made it this far, and we ain't backing down now." Nic said, not allowing Erza to pass him. He could easily tell she wasn't being herself. Normally, she wouldn't mind the extra help, but she was different and he wasn't going to take this.

Erza gave him a glare. Even though she had feelings for him, this situation was meant for her and her alone, at least according to her. "Stand aside and leave!" She demanded, her body beginning to tremble. Nic stomped, stating his defiance.

"Like hell I am. If you think for even a remote second that I'm leaving you alone in this deathtrap with this Jellal numbskull, you are sadly mistaken." Nic said. Erza was trembling and looking down. She had to do this alone, not wanting her friends involved, though Nic said otherwise. "Erza, this tower is making you feel different. Those guys that took us before were friends of yours; well, we're your friends too, and there's no way we leave a friend in her hour of need."

Lucy pumped her fist. "You said it Nic! No matter what, we'll always be with you."

Gray smile. "For sure."

Erza was quiet, but was still shaking. "…No. Leave this minute!" She said. Nic still didn't budge. She was almost tempted to draw her swords, but it prove to fail for if she did, Nic might use Night Slash and cut her swords.

"I'm saying this one more time. We are not leaving you. Period!" Nic angrily said, almost fed up with Erza's strange and somehow cowardly behavior. "Erza, you're a strong and amazing woman. This is absolutely nothing like you. What happened to the woman who always had her friends to help? What happened to the woman who had no fear in battle? What happened to that cheesecake loving individual who loves to be with her comrades?"

It was then that Erza turned towards her side and started to shed a tear. Gray and Lucy were startled by this change in her, as to where Nic eased himself and shifted back into himself. Erza wiped away the lone tear in her eye.

"I'm truly sorry, but you can't me, not this time." She said, calming down. This battle is with me and me alone staring Death in the face."

"What do you mean?" Gray asked.

Nic then recalled something. He then remembered when he and Erza were 'hanging out' that one time that she admitted towards her past. About her lost eye, her friends, about this one guy who he now realized was Jellal. Nic stepped forward and had a hand on her shoulder.

"Erza…is this related to that thing you told me awhile back?" Nic asked. Erza turned and showed a grin.

"Yes. I have no point in hiding it any longer." She said, now backing up to make room. Nic stepped back and allowed her to speak. "I will have to share my story with you." She then started her long story.

"This tower is known as the Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System. A decade ago, a division that practiced Black Magic began construction and use a forbidden spell that would bring the dad back to life. The spell required countless human sacrifices, so people were kidnapped and abducted from all about and build the tower as slaves." She then paused and turned away. "…I only know this because I was one of those people. Anyone who tried to run away would disappear and never be seen again. We had nothing but constant fear; however, we made friends and formed bonds with others. Though we all knew we wouldn't be together long, a boy I knew from then…was someone named Jellal."

"One day, the day I lost my eye, Jellal came and tried to take me back with him, but then we were ambushed by soldiers and we were forced to fight. They took me back to my cell, but I never saw Jellal after that. When they kept berating us and Sho was crying, I snapped and remembered that Jellal would want me to fight, so I did. I started a rebel in the name of our freedom. We hoped to save Jellal. He was a leadership figure back then, a strong sense of justice that I deeply admired and had never forgotten…however, something corrupted him. There's only a few words to describe him – unholy pure evil."

"We all fought back with everything we had. We grabbed whatever weapons necessary. Jellal was very important to us all…and me. We were going to move forward, but Magic Soldiers arrived and started to push us back. We all retreated, and we were attacked again, but then Rob saved me. He was an old friend of Makarov, and he defended me." Erza then started to shake, the memories flooding back. "Than…he sacrificed himself to save me." She then had a single tear run down. "It was only after his death that I learned to use my latent Magic powers and end the rebellion. I managed to get to Jellal, I was so happy I couldn't even describe my joy. I was hoodwinked the next moment when Jellal said he wasn't leaving and used Magic and killed someone in front of my eyes. He turned into a foul beast that I couldn't believe. He forced me to leave, not allowing the others to go. I was the only one who escaped and everyone was forced to stay and work for Jellal. He threatened to kill my friends if I ever set foot near the place again. When I got shore, I screamed." She finished.

Everyone there had absolutely zero words to describe what they've heard. Gray stood there with saddened eyes, the same with Lucy and Juvia.

'Whoa…that's heavy…' Nic didn't take it as well as the others. His face paled and he looked down in shock. He had to process everything up to this point.

This Jellal person was someone who Erza truly thought as a good person, someone who she wanted. That thought rang about in Nic's mind for only half a second and then he zoomed on towards the fact that people died in front of her eyes, not to mention Jellal turning evil and threatening to kill her friends. That was truly heavy info. He gulped and dared to not look up towards a mournful Erza. He knew she had a bad history, but not this bad. She really didn't discuss a lot with Nic back then.

He continued to still look down as Erza went onwards.

"I have to fight Jellal." Another tear ran down her face and dropped to the floor. "I have to…I have no other choice."

Meanwhile, in Era…

Still, the Council was debating, not surprising anymore. Seigrain still kept on insisting such a resort.

"The time to take action has and must be now. We must use the satellite square to direct the Etherion blast over the Tower of Heaven!" Seigrain insisted.

Ultear backed him up. "We all know that the R-System is forbidden Magic and must not allow it to sully recorded history; therefore, it must be terminated with the use of Seigrain's proposal." She said. She then looked and directed at Org. "Why is it that you cannot see such a thing?"

"The Etherion blast would annihilate any and all life forms that may or may not be in the tower." Org counter argued.

"Let's not forget that your brother's life would be forfeited. He would surly die from such a blast, are you sure you can live with such guilt?" Michello asked.

Seigrain paused and looked down. "As I said, we've chosen separate paths. I must show him the error of his ways. It's a sacrifice that I alone can't be certain to bare, but if it means for the sake of humanity, I must do what is justified."

"Lives will be lost, but it must be stopped." Leiji said.

Org stepped forward. "Can you imagine what would possibly happen? We would be going and destroying land and be classified as mass murderers!"

Belno crossed her arms and contemplated for a few seconds. "I for one would sacrifice my reputation in order to save the future." She admitted. "We have put an end to this calamity. I vote in favor of an Etherion blast." Belno raised her hand in signal of her vote.

"We need one more vote people. The fate of the world is at stake!" Seigrain pressured.

"How can we teach the future generation if the dead could be brought back to life? The R-System is to be destroyed!" Leiji supported.

With Nic and co.

Nic really wanted to say something to cheer her up, but when he had his mouth open the words shot back down his throat, forcing him to clamp his mouth continuously. All he really signaled was a constantly open mouth that Erza and the others saw.

Wiping away any stray tears, she turned towards the Mage with sunglasses. "You okay Nic?" She asked. Nic looked up and swallowed one more time.

"I-I'm sorry." He said. "I just wanted to say it wasn't your fault." He then looked away as he continued to spew out the words. "You didn't have a choice. You were forced to leave the innocent." He cut himself off from there, thinking he said enough.

Erza sympathized with Nic trying to ease her guilt, but the only reaction she gave was looking down and frowning. "Yes, but still." She cut herself off from there as well.

Gray then tried to change the subject to stop Erza from feeling guilty. "So this Zeref guy, what's the big deal with him?"

Erza then turned towards him and spoke again. "Yes, he was a legendary Black Wizard. The one who created Lullaby. I didn't mention this until now, but I suspect Deliora was a demon from the Book of Zeref as well. And Nic went up against The Nightmare awhile back." She summarized.

Gray stood still, stunned to hear that a demon from the past was from an evil Wizard named Zeref.

"Why would Jellal want to revive such a person?" Juvia questioned.

"I don't know, but Sho mentioned that when it does happen the world will be reborn and they will become its rulers."

Lucy crossed her arms and was suspicious as well. "I understand that, but what I don't get is why your old friends are accusing you." She said. "Don't they know that Jellal is the evil mastermind?"

"It's not their fault. Jellal must have filled them with lies when I departed." Erza said. "But I still can't believe I left them; in the end, I guess I did betray them."

"Don't worry." Nic assured. "When Jellal is taken down, it'll all be over."

Erza then looked up. "Yes, it will, but leave the fight with Jellal to me alone." Erza insisted.

'Is she hiding something?' Gray asked himself, remembering that Erza said she'll be staring Death in the face. 'What does that even mean?'

They all turned when they heard footsteps coming towards them. They all turned to see Sho coming. Almost instantly, Nic and the rest were in a more defensive stance when a shaken Sho approached.

"Sister?" Sho asked Erza. "You can't be serious. You're lying!"

"Sho!" Erza said in shock of his arrival.

"Do you think you're going to get sympathy from your friends?! You know that's not how it happened!" Sho shouted.

Nic stepped forward. "Then tell us what you heard." He asked.

Sho then stared Nic with angered eyes, possibly not forgetting what happened earlier. "…Jellal told us Erza blew up the boats and left on her own. We could have drowned if it weren't for Jellal. He warned us not to trust inexperienced Magic users like you." He then shifted his attention over towards a now guilty Erza. "He said you didn't want anything to do with us!"

"Did you ever think he was taking you for a fool?" Gray asked.

"If you knew Erza, she'd never do anything as humane as you said." Lucy said. Shi stepped back, seeing counter arguments and he was wide eyed. Erza didn't speak as she was feeling guilt all about her body.

"You don't know her." Sho said, thinking he knew her better than anyone else. He started to swell up tears. "You weren't there! How could you side with her?! I've spent this whole time building this tower for Jellal's sake! Now you're saying it's all a lie?!" Everyone then looked up at Sho, feeling sorry for him and how sensitive he was to this situation. "You're trying to tell me that Jellal has been lying to us this entire time?!"

Everyone then stood still for a moment when they heard a voice they recognized from before. "That's right." The voice said. A black mist then formed from behind Juvia, revealing it to be Simon.

Gray stepped forward, recognizing him. "You lousy-!" He was stopped when Juvia had her arm extended.

"At ease my love, he does not pose a threat." Juvia said. "He did not mean any harm from before. Back at the resort, he knew he was attacking a decoy."


"Since he was the one who casted the Darkness Spell, it had no effect on him." Juvia explained. "I came along to also wonder why he spared you."

Simon nodded. "I expect no less from the Element Four."

"I-I don't get it." Sho interrupted, becoming the center of attention again. "What do you mean?"

"I had to fool you and the others into thinking I killed him. I was in hopes our attack would lure them here." Simon explained. Sho was starting to tear up again, feeling betrayed yet again by a close friend.

"You too? Who could you do this to me?!" Sho said, shutting his eyes and tilting downwards. Simon came over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm truly sorry. Jella had you under his spell, so I wouldn't be able to convince you, so I faked it and played along until the right time." Simon explained.

Erza was a little astonished by Simon's actions. "So you knew this whole time." She said. Simon turned around and gave Erza a sincere smile that was blocked by his mask.

"I've always believed in you Erza, and nothing can ever change that." Simon said with sincerity. Erza then smiled back, glad that at least he believe in her. "I mean those words from the bottom of my heart." Erza then hugged Simon.

Nic could tell by his voice that he was being more than sincere. He was more loving than sincere, something that Nic did nothing of. He could guess by his tone and faceless smile that he had feelings for her as well. He chose not to care for that and just pass of a grateful smile that they had a friend that Erza was happy to see once more.

"I never knew…" Sho said shakily, making Erza pull away and they all looked at him again. "I-I can't believe I was so blind these years. I doubted you, because you left me all alone! You have no idea how much that hurts!" He shouted. He dropped to his knees and pounded a fist on the floor and started crying.

Erza and the others looked on, now sad for Sho. Nic frowned heavily at the site.

'He was innocent, like me.' Nic thought somberly. Erza looked down with a frown, with the others doing the same.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE ANYMORE!" Sho yelled, crying some more. Erza slowly approached and knelt down towards Sho.

"Sho, it's okay." Erza said, trying to calm him down. "No need to take it all in at once." She then tried to grin to lighten things. "Sho, you need to know that I never, not even once, had forgotten any of you." She then picked him up and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm truly sorry I didn't stand up to him before, but now I'm stronger. Please forgive me."

They all then took a minute for Sho to calm down before action could be taken.

"I suspect that you are ready to face Jellal, yes?" Simon asked. Erza got back to her feet and nodded. He then turned back towards the others. "I've waited all these years for this very moment, very powerful Wizards join forces and take down this tower and Jellal."

"So, what do you have planned for us?" Lucy asked.

"We'll all take down Jellal. We can do it if we work together." He said. Everyone nodded in agreement. Erza turned and looked on as her problems now became their's. She really didn't want her friends to do this, but there was no way out now. Her friends weren't meant to be here, and yet they came along for the sake of helping her. She would have to make it her new resolve to fight alongside her friends. Though there would be a chance they would all get hurt, they would take that risk if it meant saving Erza from a nightmare.

Simon then turned towards the direction where Natsu headed off. "We first have to keep Salamander and Wally from confronting the other again."

Nic stepped forward, being ready to take up this course of action. "Very well. You guys scale this piece of junk while I go and help Natsu." Nic said. He turned and shifted into his Sky Plate, using his Tailwind in a fast motion that made his back surrounded by wind. He turned his head towards Erza. "Erza, you and the others best be careful." He grinned. Nic then shifted his head back towards the corridor and flew at blinding speed towards the direction Natsu went down. Erza watched as Nic flew off towards the corridor and she instantly got worried.

'Be careful.' She thought. With the butterflies in her stomach fluttering very softly from slight worry, Erza and the others departed and left to find a staircase that lead upstairs.

With Natsu

"Happy?! Happy?!" Natsu then skid to a halt when he came across a large cat room with cat furniture. The whole thing was freaking him out a bit.

"Geez." He said, walking into the unknown chamber. "What's with this room? Somebody sure needs a hobby." He looked around, trying to see if Happy was around, but no luck, but he did find something.

As in 'something', that meant a giant green cat helmet with blue eyes, a heart on the forehead, orange nose, and red/brown stripes going about along the back of the helmet.

Almost instantly, he liked it. "Oh wow!" He ran over and picked it up. "It's like some sort of mask!" He was all excited and yanked it down onto his head.

He then began posing like a cat and much like Happy. "Let's go Happy!" "Aye sir!" He was just having a little too much fun with the mask, thinking of a few pranks. "Man, do I make a great cat." He then tried to take it off, but was stuck on his head. He screamed as he failed to get it off. He then began sulking. "This thing is stuck on my head. What am I gonna do?" He asked out loud. He then perked himself up. "Oh well, it looks cool, so it's no problem right?"

What he didn't know was that Wally was leaning back against the door railing and smirked as Natsu was talking to himself. Natsu just kept on cheering about, now thinking yet again of the potential pranks.

"Man, Happy is gonna flip when he sees me!" He laughed, posing and dancing about, completely forgetting that the mask was stuck to his face. "Maybe Erza will get a laugh at-waaaaiit a second…Lucy would just jump out of her underpants when I prank her!"

Wally then got his Polygon Cannon at the ready.

With Nic

Nic was zooming as fast as he could go, and he was reaching Natsu's destination fairly quick. If possible, he'll be there in no time, wherever "there" is. At any rate, he zoomed and was making his way.

"Hope that numbskull didn't encounter Wally yet; if so, I have to hurry!" Nic exclaimed. He made himself go by faster and then he saw something blue up ahead.

"Is that…?" He got a better look by speeding and found that it was indeed Happy and some robotic orange cat. "Happy!" Nic shouted.

Happy stopped his tracking and looked up to see Nic sailing his way. Though he was tired from playing with the robotic cat, he still had some energy to jump up in surprise.

"Oh wow, Nic it's you!" Happy exclaimed. He stopped in place and Nic slowly came to a halt and planted his feet. He retracted his wings and he knelt down towards Happy.

"Happy, I'm so glad to see you in one piece." Nic assured.

Happy smiled, glad to see someone else was here as well. "Aye sir! The same here, but do you know if anyone else is here other than you and Erza?"

Nic nodded. "Yeah. Natsu went storming off to find you and Erza, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Simon, and Sho are all making their way up the tower as we speak." Happy recoiled at the fact the enemy was siding with them.

"Wait, what?! That water lady and blockhead's accomplices are on our side now?!" Happy exclaimed, shocked that he missed something important.

"Yeah, don't worry though, Simon and Sho are good people. Juvia is a great person too. Don't doubt them as long as the rest of the team is here. He then looked at the robot that meowed. "And who's your little tour guide here?"

Happy turned to see what Nic meant and realized that this whole time he was distracted by the orange inorganic feline.

Happy sweat dropped. "Uh, he entertained me while this crazy cat lady and this blockhead went to check out something." He said.

Nic blinked at Happy's mentioning of Millianna and Wally, meaning they were close by. Nic instantly got to his feet and barked at Happy. "Happy, tell me! Where were you taken too?" Nic said.

Happy looked up, confused. "I was in this crazy cat room, why?"

Nic then had a feeling that if they went back there, the odds of finding Natsu there would be expanded with Happy's scent in the room.

"Quick! We need to get moving and help Natsu!" Nic shouted. "Odds are the enemy is ambushing him since you're not there." Nic then grabbed Happy, who held onto the cat robot as a soon-to-be weapon, and carried him while he flapped down the hall and towards the corridor Happy was directing him to.

With Erza and co.

The rest of them ran up the outside staircase that spiraled up the tower. They didn't slow down to take a break, as time was of the essence. Simon lead the charge as the others tailed behind. Simon was trying to use his Telepathy to pinpoint Millianna and Wally, but with no luck.

"I can't get a signal on Millianna or Wally to communicate." Simon informed. "I can't even get a lock on their location."

Even so, they continued onwards. Erza stopped and turned around to see a distraught Sho slugging up the staircase.

Erza looked down towards him. "Are alright Sho?" She asked.

Sho stared down, fixated on what seemed to be a blank space in his mind. His mind was all scrambled up thanks to the lies Jellal told him and how Erza was innocent this whole time.

He looked up, trying to uphold a grin with hazy eyes. "Everything's okay now that you're here." He muttered. Erza looked down with a sympathetic smile and the two went on to catch up with the others.

Gray, personally, was still maintaining doubts of Simon, still thinking of him as an enemy of sorts. "Juvia, are you sure we can trust this guy? I get he wasn't trying to kill us from before-."

"I will not make any excuses for my previous actions." Simon shouted from ahead. "Any Mage who was incapable of surviving that attack wouldn't hold a candle to Jellal. I had no doubt Nic and Natsu both could take it, I was certain they would survive with ease."

Lucy looked at him. "Uh, what about me?" She asked, but no one answered.

Simon then kept on explaining. "None of you could comprehend the extent of Natsu's Dragon powers. When they peak, evil shall be burned away; as for Nic himself, I can't even describe what he might have in store for us all."

Erza's mind then back flashed to Nic about to take off after Natsu. She was maintaining her confidence in him, but still had worry as to what this deathtrap had in store for him. She then thought back even more to that feeling she got when Nic went off to fight Jose back in the Phantom Lord Guild way back. That same exact feeling was resurfacing and she couldn't tell what it was. It most certainly wasn't a strawberry cheesecake craving, that's for sure. She wondered if this feeling was meant to be a sign that she was to give Nic something as good luck. Saying 'good luck'? Saluting him? May even be a hug, maybe? This was stirring the butterflies in her stomach even more and she had trouble focusing on the task. She, once again, with a slight hint of reluctance, shoved those feelings of Nic aside and raced up the tower.

With Natsu

Natsu sneezed from inside the cat helmet, and he couldn't find a way to get it off. "Ew, I can't wipe my face!"

He then tried to get it off of his head, but to no avail as it was stuck on tight. "Get off you stupid-gah! Get off!" He struggled.

Wally aimed his pistol when Natsu had his back turned. "Let me give you a hand with that pal." The shot was then fired, but was shot and it missed Natsu's head by an inch thanks to Millianna shoving Wally out of the way.

"MEOW!" Millianna screeched, getting Natsu's attention.

"Hey, knock it off Millianna!" Wally reprimanded.

"Hey it's blockhead!" Natsu exclaimed, seeing through the large cat eyes and recognizing his voice as a bonus.

Wally then shoved Millianna so that he had room. "The heck was that for?!"

Millianna paused, giving a glare at Wally. "You meanie face! You were trying to hurt the itty-bitty kitty-witty!" She shouted.

Wally then pointed at Natsu. "He's not even a cat!" Natsu had wanted to play around and see if he could pull off a cat to fool her, so he did.

"Meow." He said. Millianna then almost instantly lost doubt and truly thought he was a kitty.

"He's just the cutest thing ever!" She shouted.

"Oh, a wise guy huh?!" Wally shoved Milliana out of the way and readied himself. "I'm telling a toots, he's a weasel!" His body then turned into multiple little polygon rectangles that shot at Natsu. Natsu reeled back and ducked to avoid one and tumbled into a flip with his hands.

When Natsu found more coming towards him after a successful flip, he improvised on the spot with the help of a stuffed cat that was on the floor next to him. He grabbed it and used it as a shield as more of Wally's polygons came in the form of a barrage. "Cat Make: Barrier!" Natsu shouted, chuckling as he called that attack.

Millianna didn't want the 'witty-kitty' to get hurt. "No, don't hurt the kitty!"

"This slippery weasel is our enemy Millianna!" Wally shouted. He pressed on with attacking Natsu and he kept using his Cat Make: Barrier. He meowed to keep up the act.

Millianna was confused. "Slippery weasel? It looks like a kitty to me." She said.

"You idiot! It's Salamander in a cat costume!" Wally angrily said.

Natsu's cat stuffing was trashed from the continuous beatings and he meowed as he jumped and tossed away the stuffed cat. More polygons were coming his way and he had to act fast. Once again, he improvised. He lit his fists up in fire. "Cat Fire! Meow!" He punched with his flaming fists to deflect the polygons and destroyed a few stuffed cats in the process, making Millianna flip. Her toys were being hit by polygons and flaming fists from a cat.

"Drats! Jellal wasn't kidding when he told us this feline has sharp claws." Wally then turned towards Millianna. "Time to join the fight toots!"

Now believing Wally, Milliana's hair was standing on end. "Meow! Pretending to be a cat is playing dirty!"

Natsu raised a fist in protest. "Says you!"

A seal was in front of Millianna. "Nekosoku Tube!" A spiraling orange rope spiraled about and restrained Natsu's right wrist. "Let's put this bad kitty to sleep!"

"You said it doll!" Wally then launched more Polygons at Natsu, who was ready.

"Cat Fire…wait what?!" Natsu's fist wasn't flaming up, leaving him open to get hit in the face head on with Wally's Polygon attack. He flew back and skid on the ground. Wally and Millianna both smirked as Natsu sat up and looked at the tube restraining his wrist. "Is this thing blocking me from using my Magic?!" He tried tugging it off, but failed. Then, he was caught off guard when another tube tugged at his ankle, yanking him and flipping him over onto his stomach. He landed with a thud and Wally whole bottom half converged and body slammed Natsu's back.

"Bad kitty made me cry!" Millianna shouted, unleashing yet another Nekosoku Tube spiraling towards Natsu, tying him up and restraining his arms. Natsu yelped and fell back.

Wally reassembled himself in a flash in front of Natsu and aimed a rifle at him. Natsu flipped himself over and started crawling like a Caterpie to get away.

"This is so not good!" Natsu said.

"The jig is up Salamander. Prepare to eat lead!" Wally said. "I've been meaning to try this catch phrase. Too bad things had to end this way, but from the moment you met me-!" He was stopped when he was hit in the back of the head with an orange robot cat that was thrown by Happy. Nic hit Millianna with a Peck from behind, making her meow insanely harshly and making her fall to the ground like Wally.

Natsu turned his head. "Happy, Nic, that you two?" Happy flew over and Nic flapped in place.

"Yeah, it's us." Nic said. "But…what's with the fancy getup?" Nic was somehow intrigued by the costume, curious as to why Natsu had it on in the first place.

"I'll get it off!" Happy shouted, going to help his Dragon Slayer buddy.

"Hey pal, nobody interrupts Wally and lives!" He got back up and tried shooting Happy and Nic. Nic quickly evaded by moving about in the air with speed and dynamics, as to where Happy was panicking and trying to avoid being shot.

Millianna saw the cat trying to avoid being shot and she was almost crying. She got up and tried pulling Wally's gun away. "I won't let you hurt the wittle kitty witty!" She wined.

Wally was mad with her. "Last I checked, cats don't fly!" He aimed the gun at Happy again as he went to untie Natsu. Millianna was persistent as the cat-lover continued to pull Wally's pistol away. Wally then tried running forward to get a better shot, but Millianna didn't stop.

"No! Don't you dare Wally!" Sge cried, grabbing him by the scarf around his neck and pulling him back.

"Gah!" Wally choked. "Let me off ya lunatic!"

As Wally struggled, so did Happy as he couldn't get the Nekosoku Tube off.

"What's taking ya little buddy?!" Natsu shouted.

Happy yanked at the tube again, but couldn't find any way to untie him. "This thing won't loosen!"

Natsu rose up onto his knees. "Well then, it looks like I have no other choice!" This alarmed everyone as they all stepped away to see what secret weapon the Dragon Slayer had.

'You mean he has a weapon to finish this?!' Nic thought in shock.

"Special Attack…Sad Kitty Face." Natsu then started making a distressed face with the cat helmet and meowing for the clincher.

Happy dropped and Nic looked on despondently, not accounting Natsu's strategy. "I should've known." He said.

Millianna almost went to tears seeing the cat in distress. It looked so sad to her. The cat kept meowing and tearing up and Millianna was beginning to feel guilty and completely forgot that it was a man in a cat costume. After ten seconds of guilt, she let the tubes tighten and he was free.

Happy and Nic both looked in disbelief. "What, that seriously worked?!" Happy exclaimed.

Wally was baffled that Millianna did such a thing. "The heck was that ya dingbat?!"

She had a handkerchief out and wiped her eyes. "The poor witty kitty looked so sad!" She teared up.

"For crying out loud!" Wally yelled.

Natsu got his feet and had his fists pumping in the air. "I'M A RAGING FELINE!"

"GO THRASH THEM NATSU!" Happy shouted.

Nic cracked his knuckles and flapped in the air. "Let me at them as well!" Both Nic and Natsu then charged towards the two and attacked.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!"

"Wing Attack!"

Wally was hit with Natsu's attack and Millianna was hit by Nic's assault. The two could only take the two hits as they were both defeated just like that.

"That's what I'm talking about! You mess with the kitty, you get the claws!" Natsu pumped a fist into the air.

"That was too easy." Nic said, turning back into himself.

Happy flew about and made way towards Natsu. "I'm glad you're safe and all, but you mind telling me how long that thing's gonna be on your head?"

Natsu then drooped his head. "..till I can get it off."

Meanwhile, at the top…

A cloaked Jellal moved a piece that was a dragon, which was Natsu. He then had it knock over a piece that resembled Wally. He then moved a piece that was an angel with very small sunglasses that resembled Nic. He made his piece knock over a cat figure that resembled Millianna.

"Well now, Sho and Simon betrayed me." He grinned evilly. "Millianna and Wally have been defeated by Salamander and Luminous. The game is progressing quite well." He said.

Vidaldus came forward. "Master, shouldn't Erza be captured for the ceremony? I do believe this game-playing you do has to end."

Jellal remained unfazed by his comment and maintained his evil grin. "Vidaldus, I do believ you have a point." He said. Jellal then set three pieces onto the board that resembled a metal guitar, a pink-haired princess, and a bird. "Go."

Vidaldus then grinned and started giving off power. He then slowly began transforming, with himself screeching towards the heavens. When the transformation was over, he was now a ghostly white-skinned death-metal being. He had black eyeliner and some black around his lip. His chest was tattooed with the phrase 'Skeleton', with the 't' looking more like a diamond. He gave off a rock and roll sign in both his hands and his wrists had protectors with three red rings with purple on the top and bottom and three spikes along the individual red lines. He had purple pants on and purple shoulder pads with yellow outlining and loaded with spikes.

Two other figures appeared beside him. One was a pink-haired individual with had on a white dress or robe (I honestly don't know what it is nor even remotely care) with a black waist band with a single red line. The dress had her shoulders bear with a neck collar.

The last one was an individual who had an extremely muscular body with a bare upper body and green shorts with a flaming symbol, much like the woman's dress had on the lower corner. He also had a large rocket pack strapped to his back. The most freakiest thing about it is that his neck upwards…was an owl. Who would've guessed?

Jellal smirked in glee. "Assassins from the Death's Hand Caucus. Vidaldus Taka, Fukuro, and Ikaruga."

"They'll all be burning in Hell tonight!" Vidaldus screeched.

Fukuro whooed like an owl.

"Life is a flower that soon wilts away and has its petals plucked. We are assassins from the Death's Hand Caucus. Trinity Raven is here for you sir." She bowed as did the other two.

"It's time you do your part." Jellal said, now casting a serious frown. "Now, go."

With Nic, Natsu, and Happy

Happy and Nic tried ever so desperately to get the mask off of Natsu. Natsu was fed up with it, even though without it, he wouldn't have gotten out of the trap he was in. Natsu was clenching to a wall, sideways as Happy and Nic pulled on each ear of the costume.

"Gah! Pull harder!" Natsu shouted.

"We're pulling as hard as we can!" Nic said. He reeled back, now yanking with everything he had. Happy tug as hard as he ever did.

"It feels like my head is coming off!" Natsu shrieked. After one long tug, the mask finally flew off, with Natsu gasping for fresh air. "Oh air, how I have missed you!"

Nic stumbled back from the harsh tug he did and fell onto his bottom. Nic looked up to see the costume headwear fly into the air and take up his face. It landed on his head with a 'plop' sound. Natsu and Happy looked back in shock that now Nic had to bear the cat costume.

"Oh come on!" Nic shouted. "Not only does it smell like snot, but now I'm gonna have a hard time getting this thing off!"

Natsu and Happy both giggled at the fact that Nic was a feline. Nic groaned, but didn't bother taking it off. "Meh. Who cares?" He said. "If it was useful in this fight, heck I might as well use it later on." He said happily, prompting Natsu to get insulted.

"Hey, you saying you can do better than me in that thing?!"

Nic turned towards him. "We won't know until it happens, now will we?" He pointed out, though he was joking in the first place.

Wally, without his sunglasses, soon came to his feet and looked at Natsu. "T-This isn't over punks!" He winced as his polygon-like body was hurt and he bend his knees and got to a knee.

Natsu looked back. "Look pal, I got my revenge and got Happy back, so there's no need for me to waste my time with you."

"Aye sir!" Happy said in agreement.

Wally then grunted and gritted his teeth. "Keep flapping your gums, because no matter what, we're getting to heaven." Even in the cat costume, you could tell that he looked just as serious as Natsu was when he heard what he said. "Jellal told us we have freedom now. A world where guys like us are calling the shots."

They all then heard a voice over the tower. "Greetings." It said.

"There you have it!" Wally said. Nic, Natsu, and Happy all quickly exited the room to see a statue with glowing red eyes voicing Jellal.

With Erza and co.

From inside the dark hallway, Erza and the others heard Jellal's voice.

"I am Jellal. I am pleased to see that all of the players have been arranged." He said.

"So, he knows we're here." Simon said. "He must be setting a trap."

Sho was shaking all about, very unstable from the situation of the person that manipulated him this entire time.

"I am pleased you came all this way to see me. Let's play something called Heaven's Game?

With Nic and co.

"I don't wanna play this cruddy game of yours!" Natsu berated.

"What's the meaning of this Jellal?" Wally asked.

Jellal continued on with his game. "The rules are fairly simple: I wish to use Erza as a sacrifice to revive Lord Zeref."

With Erza and co.

Everyone there grunted and narrowed their eyes with defiance. Sho was looking down, unable to be shaken.

"N-No! I won't allow that to happen!" He shouted.

"If successful, I will be crowned the winner. However, if you can manage to stop me, then you'll be the winners of this game. To make some fun happen, I've recruited three knights to do battle."

Simon stared upwards in confusion. "Three knights? Who are they?"

"The only way you can get to me is if you beat all three of them. To put it bluntly, it shall be a three on eight battle." Jellal paused before speaking again. "There's one more surprise. The Magic Council has the satellite square locked on the tower, and it's likely they shall take action. At this very moment, they are debating whether or not to fire an Etherion blast. There's no telling how much time is left. If the blast hits, death is imminent. No players left."

"What kind of game is this?!" Lucy shouted.

Erza was astonished to hear that the Council got involved in this matter. "Why would the Council resort to such tactics?"

Sho was reaching his breaking point. He couldn't take this anymore. He had to protect Erza, no matter what. He stared shakily and extended a hand.

With a gasp, Erza suddenly found herself trapped inside of a card in Wally's hand. Everyone turned in deep shock.

"Erza!" Gray yelled.

Simon turned towards Wally. "The hell is wrong with you Sho?!"

"Now…" Jellal's voice then began to diminish. "…let the game begin." Then it went quiet.

Erza began to pound her fists against the card, but it didn't prove to do any good whatsoever. "Sho, let me out of here!" Erza shouted.

Sho gritted his teeth. "I won't let him touch Erza! I'll beat Jellal all on my own!" Sho then began running off back into dark hallway, leaving the others and taking a captive Erza with him.

The others then began chasing after him. "Sho, don't do it!" Simon shouted

With Nic and co.

With Natsu satisfied that he'll be doing battle again, he punched his palm. "Now I'm fired up!"

"This Jellal guy is probably at the top, we'll have to scale upwards to reach him." Nic indicated, crossing his arms with the mask still on.

Wally couldn't believe that Jellal was doing such a thing. "Why would Jellal do something like this? If that thing fires, I's the end." Wally said, broken that Jellal was betraying him. "We're just trying find freedom." He drooped his head, saddened even more now that freedom might not get to him.

Nic, Natsu, and Happy all turned to see him like this.

Natsu smiled. "I don't know what freedom you guys want, but what we have in Fairy Tail is much like true freedom." He said, earning a gasp from Wally.

Natsu then turned towards Happy. "Let's bend these rules, shall we Happy?"

"Aye sir!" Happy then clenched to Natsu and Natsu used his feet to act as flaming thrusters to push them even more as they zoomed out of the tower and scaled the side of it, trying to reach the top.

Nic looked to see them off. "There they go again." He said. He took a step and shifted into his Sky Plate, spreading his wings. He turned towards Wally. "They're a wily bunch, but we'll end this game and get you the freedom you truly deserve." He smiled. He turned his cat head back and took flight after Natsu and Happy.

Wally smiled, grateful for the three's tenacity. 'They're stand-up guys.' He thought. He then collapsed due to damage and fatigue. 'And those are…dandy sunglasses and scarf.'

Nic was sailing upwards and approaching Natsu. They were escalating went they caught a glint of something coming their way. It was coming from their left. Natsu and Happy took notice and stopped flying up, turning their backs and prepared for what might be coming towards them.

"Something's coming." Nic said, finally caught up and readied himself.

"Ho Ho Hou!" It shouted, sailing with a large rocket pack on his back and sailing at incredible speeds. It was none other than Fukuro, the owl man. Sailing at almost mach speed, he darted for Natsu. He and Happy both managed to evade at the last second and watched him circle around. Nic darted for him, using Tailwind and Aerial Ace as a double combo to attack. As Fukuro was turning for a U-turn, Nic smashed into his abdomen with his cat helmet first. Fukuro flew back a few feet and sped into Nic, of whom dodged by ascending. Fukuro continued his path and started following Natsu and Happy. The two flew in various directions, trying to shake the guy, but Fukuro surprised them by appearing behind them when they were flying up and they had their backs turned. Natsu and Happy turned around and received a forceful blow from the bird man's fist, making them fall back into the tower through a large opening.

"Guys!" Nic shouted. Fukuro didn't even get a chance to hit Nic when he instantly darted for his two fallen comrades. Nic zoomed back into the tower with Fukuro in pursuit.

In the Tower of Heaven…

Natsu crashed onto a cage that was chained and linked to many other cages about in the vast and dark room. Simon had just arrived to see Natsu crash with Happy lying on the cage and slowly getting up.

"Ugh." Natsu grabbed his head and got to his feet. "What was that all about?"

Simon was shocked to finally see Natsu. "Salamander!"

Natsu turned around and saw Simon. "Eh, alright, who's yelling at me this time?" Natsu said. Happy took flight right next to Natsu and got defensive.

"Stay sharp Natsu, he's with blockhead." Happy warned, of which Natsu got ready.

"That means he's with Jellal!" Natsu shouted.

"I'm not, I'm with you guys! I was pretending this entire time." Simon informed.

Happy crossed his arms just as Nic finally ventured and screeched to a halt at a nearby cage, of which caught everyone's attention.

"Ah Luminous, I see you've found Natsu, but…" He had a sweat drop. "…mind telling me what's with the feline disguise?"

Nic rolled his eyes. "This thing is super hard to get off." He sighed.

Natsu then had his turn talking again. "Anyways, are you sure you're on our side?" He shouted at Simon.

"Yes." He answered.

"Then who is this Jellal guy anyway? Why is he making us play this cruddy game?"

Simon looked away, pondering. "His humor is very twisted. He's the twin brother of Seigrain, a member of the Magic Council." When he mentioned Seigrain, Nic almost reeled back, remembering him all too well from after Lullaby and after Phantom Lord. The very thought of him almost made him want to growl. Simon continued. "That must be how he knows they might fire."

"So this is all between two brothers?" Natsu asked, backing up a step, starting to take Simon for a non-threat.

"It's possible, but we can't be sure if this is personal between them." Simon said. They all then heard an owl sound from above them. Making them jolt.

They all looked up and saw Fukuro on a chain with his arms crossed. Happy screamed, frightened by his appearance.

"What the heck is he?!" Happy shouted.

Fukuro pointed at them all. "I will not tolerate such rule breakers!" He announced. "Prepare yourselves for punishment!"

"A bird?!" Happy shouted.

"Some weird justice bird!" Natsu shouted aside Happy.

"And just when things couldn't any freakier in this world." Nic drooped his head and shook it with his cat costume still on, still unable to get it off.

"Oh no, Dark Moment!" A Magic seal appeared in front of Simon and the entire room went pitch black again. Nic, Natsu, and Happy all couldn't see a thing, of which Natsu complained about.

"I knew that guy couldn't be trusted!" Happy panicked.

"He don't stand a chance!" Simon shouted, grabbing Natsu and Happy. "Nic, come on!" He turned, but stood in place when he felt wind pass by. Fukuro was flying about freely in the dark.

"Ho Ho Hou! Even in pitch black, the light of justice still shines through!" His fist lightened up and he punched Simon when he turned around, letting go of Happy and Natsu. Simon crashed into a wall and fell onto a cage. The darkness ceased when he landed on the cage.

When the darkness lifted, Natsu and the others saw him lying on the cage.

"Simon!" Nic shouted in worry.

"You okay man?!" Natsu shouted. Simon slowly lifted his head, struggling to get up from that one power-packed blow.

"This guy is insanely strong." He warned. "He's an assassin from the Death's Hand Caucus. They don't ever take regular jobs, and they get paid to kill off people. The people we're facing is known as Trinity Raven, the ones responsible for killing every single Western officer in the Cabria War. His power is legendary! You can't beat them!"

"Wait, so birdbrain here is some sort of super killer?!" exclaimed Happy.

Fukuro tilted his head like an owl. "Ho Ho! And if you're evil, we'll kill you!" He warned.

"Eh, you got things backwards pal!" Nic shouted.

Fukuro then turned towards Natsu and Nic. "Salamander and Luminous, word from our guild is that you two alone are responsible for many evil deeds. I will not stand for such injustice as I am a knight of justice!"

Natsu responded by flaming his fists, and Nic transformed into his Flame Plate, engulfing himself into fire, and surprisingly enough, the cat costume actually started to burn away into embers. So sad to see the cat costume go, but it's not like it was appropriate for the situation at hand anyway. 'It was fun while it lasted, but now it's time I get serious!' Nic thought, the last of his cat helmet cindering to ash.

"Magic Guilds are suppose to bring people together, not tear them apart!" Natsu announced, angry.

Simon looked to see that neither Nic nor Natsu were about to run away. "Don't do it you two!"

But they didn't dare listen to him.

"People like you make us sick to the bone." Nic said. "Natsu, care to finish?!" He asked angrily, having the heat surging more intense than before.

The fire in Natsu's fists were expanding with his rage. "With pleasure! Listen up birdbrain, I hate people who commit murder, and I also hate it knowing you think you belong to a real guild! YOU'RE GOING DOWN BIRDBRAIN!"

Fukuro wasn't fazed by Natsu's fiery determination and Nic's rage fused together, but he was stunned to see such power coming from both. "You two are mistaken." He said, having Magic seals at the bottom of his thrusters. "I'm doing this for the greater good in this world! You two must and will be destroyed! Jet Ho Ho Hou!" His thrusters then ignited and launched him at the two. Within the blink of an eye, he grabbed both Nic and Natsu with one hand each, grabbing them both as he sailed at mach speed in the air the consecutive twists and turns.

"Natsu! Nic!" Happy shouted.

Nic clenched Fukuro's arm and Natsu grabbed the other. "No way you dodo bird!" Natsu yelled as the two simultaneously hurled Fukuro behind them, forcing him to crash harshly into a cage that shattered upon impact. Fukuro hardly felt any damage and used his Jet Ho Ho Hou again, sending him downwards towards Nic and Natsu who had just landed on a cage. Natsu jumped while Nic used Flame Wheel at the incoming Fukuro. The two fighters clashed head on, with a wheel of fire intercepting Fukuro. The two tried forcing the other back, but Nic only managed to deflect him upwards. Fukuro used this to his advantage and propelled himself and grabbed Natsu's leg and dragging him up with him.

Natsu wailed as he was sailing through the air by a leg. Fukuro then turned and threw him towards Nic. Nic covered up as Natsu missed by a mere two feet from behind, making dust fly. Nic was lucky that Fukuro's trajectory was off a smidge, otherwise that would've hurt.

"Natsu!" Nic and Happy shouted, both turning to see if he was okay. He slowly got back up and used the chain holding the cage up as his support and finally got balance again.

"This guy's tough." Natsu remarked, already having a few bruises and what not on his face.

Fukuro stationed himself in the air and crossed his arms. "You two are indeed impressive. Your reputations uphold you. This job might actually be a challenge for once." He said.

Simon looked on as the battle was progressing. "I didn't think he was this tough. And there's still two more members." He noted.

Meanwhile, with Jellal…

He motioned Fukuro's piece and had it knock over Simon's piece, meaning he was defeated. He then had Fukuro's piece placed in front of Ikaruga's.

"Poor shame Simon." Jellal noted. "I had expected more from you, but you've seem to be in vain." He then placed Natsu's piece in front of Simon's fallen piece. He then placed Nic's piece right next to Natsu's. "It would appear that our next match is Fukuro against Natsu Dragneel and Nic Pularis. I was rather anxious to quarrel with those two myself, but that doesn't seem to be the case…then again, I might be wrong. Who knows what those two have in store, especially that young Nic Pularis himself. Just what is he, I wonder."