
Trained for Sin.[Her obsessive brother]

"I don't want to marry Nii! I want to stay here, with you and Izuna nii, forever." Madara turned his head to meet her gaze. Soon he realized how close she was to him, her lips just inches away from his face. His gaze lingered on her delicate face. She had glowing skin, full lips, and a shapely nose. Her eyes sparkled in the golden light filtering in through the window, and Madara couldn't take his eyes away from her, he was completely entranced. "I will never let you go." ***** Princess Yuki was born to the Uchiha couple Tajima and Anko in an era where conflicts & battles arose between various nations, where several shinobi clans fought constantly in unending bitter wars. Shadowed by her prodigy brothers, the girl grew up sheltered. With her worth being measured on her beauty and bloodline, Yuki never felt she could change anything about this hateful world. Or so she thought. A story of trust, betrayal and Sin. ***** Please note:This fanfiction story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. || I do not own the cover picture.|| I might as well just point out the topics that I have covered and hinted in the upcoming chapters, so that you all can know what you are getting into: ~Patriarchy ~Sexism ~Child marriage ~Incest ~Rape ~Victim blaming ~Virginity testing practices ~Arranged marriage & Dowry Depiction of these issues is a creative choice I've decided while writing. I hope you realize I've taken these liberties only because this is a fictional world—which allows me to explore, merge, break norms and worlds for the sake of my creativity. I'm not writing this to give a moral lesson/message or narrate social evils, or spread toxicity. Please, if you are below 13, do not read this fanfiction. ***** UPDATES every Wednesday and Sunday. ***** DISCLAIMER : Naruto and all characters of the Naruto series belongs to Masashi kishimoto. I'm simply recycling characters and transforming the work into a creative alternative universe of my own violation for no monetary gain,but for reading pleasure strictly. The only characters I own do not exist in the real Naruto series.

Arcshade · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Moving her long hair to lie over one shoulder, she looked into the mirror while tying the obi behind her back. It was proving to be harder than she expected it would be.

She missed Hemiko now more than ever.

Mito had gifted her this fine silk kimono to wear. Even though Yuki was grateful, she also felt guilty for lying to her all along.

A knock on the door broke her out of her concentration. She released a frustrated sigh before asking who it was.

"Quick Uchiha. I won't wait for you any longer." Tobirama announced, annoyed, as usual.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." His voice filtered through the paper door as he made his way into the room, annoying her further as he entered without her permission. She glanced at him for a moment. He was in his usual plain Yukata with those traditional pinstriped kimono pants of his clan, and a dark green sash around his waist.

"I didn't give you permission to enter."

"I didn't ask for permission. Did I?" He scoffed. "Maybe you got too comfortable with us to forget that you are actually a captive."

She ignored him and tied her obi. Ignoring him was the only way to keep herself sane now. No matter how much she wanted to act 'normal' with him, he would never fail to annoy her with his unbearable attitude.

After a few minutes of feeling his eyes glaring holes into her skull, she turned to face him.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

He silently stared at her. It would be a lie to not admit how his heart skipped a beat when she turned towards him.

Few days of observing her made him realize that she would bite her lip when she's unsure or nervous. Sometimes, he wondered if it's because of the way she keeps biting her lower lip that it is so red...

The girl shifted her gaze to the floor and bit her lip again. He loved it when she did that... she looked adorable yet so sensual.

Soon his eyes scanned her body. Today's attire suited her. But he felt a little agitated noticing how it hugged her curves. He knew it would invite attention, and he didn't like how other men kept noticing her.

The girl glanced up, a frown marking her doll-like features.

"What is it?" Yuki asked, getting annoyed as he continued staring at her.

Digging in the sleeve of his Yukata, the Senju pulled out a decent-sized hair clip that had intricately designed glass lilies decorating it.




She looked at the hairpin. It was beautiful and exactly to her liking- not too flashy yet elegant, and of good quality. Just one look and she could make out it was quite expensive.

"It is... beautiful." she eyed him uncertainly, "Why are you giving this to me?"




"I was told to."

"Oh. I see." she felt a little disappointed.

"Thank you." she took the pin and turned back to face the mirror, fixing her attire. Yuki didn't want to think this gift had any meaning or reason behind it, but from the way the Senju blushed a little when she accepted it, she couldn't help but feel like maybe it does have some reason.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Tobirama eyed her hairs that cascaded down her back, thinking how the pin would look on her.


Actually, no one had told him to give her anything. He was dragged along with Hashirama by Mito to the marketplace before. While Mito was buying some Hairpins, his eyes went for this particular one decorated in glass. He knew it would look good on her, in fact, anything would, but he bought it anyway.

He moved closer to her, pinching a couple of her dark strands as he rolled them on his fingers. He recalled the feel of her hairs from that night. It had felt just as soft.




"...." Yuki just stared at him through the mirror. His cheeks had a barely visible light pink shade. The moment he looked up, his eyes met hers through the reflection and his blush deepened at being caught in the act.

-silence -



"...Wear it." He finally said, a hand rubbing the back of his neck doubtfully.

He's strange. Yuki couldn't understand why his actions never matched his foul mouth.

'Does he like me?'

He was constantly around her and would glare at her, but then it could be possible that he's just wary of her. He just gifted her this pin, which was unnecessary.Why did he look pleased when I accepted it? She had her doubt, it might be because he was told to do so by Hashirama.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this.

But she was sure of one thing- that he's attracted to her looks. It became apparent that night.

A small smile appeared on her lips at the thought of making some use of it.Tilting her head, she asked, "Mind helping me with this?"

"...." Tobirama stared at her, trying to read her. She had an almost noticeable smile on her lips- a flirtatious one. It was annoying that she knew the effects she had on men, and he was no exemption to that. He knew his unreasonable desires were selfish, foolish, and would have no positive outcomes. Feeling attracted to an Uchiha like her would only cause trouble to his clan. Not to mention she got the hots for her own brothers...

After a few moments of hesitation, he finally gathered a few strands of her hair and clipped them together neatly. He never got to truly appreciate the feel of her. He still couldn't believe she's the daughter of that man Tajima. This girl didn't look, feel, or share any of that man's features.

'What if... She's adopted?'

That felt like a tempting assumption. That would explain a lot of things, including her disgusting fascination. Then maybe I could even marr-

He quickly closed his eyes. Some things were better left as a fantasy.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Brushing his fingers along the ornament, a small smile played along his lips. It looks lovely on her.

"How do I look?" she asked nonchalantly, as if she wasn't expecting any reply from him.

At first, he was hesitant about gifting it to her. He was almost sure she would reject it. Since he had heard girls her age were more into fancy stuff. Maybe this wouldn't suit her taste. Being the princess of her clan, they must accustom her to more sophisticated pieces of jewelry.

But she looked surprised, even slightly pleased. Though later she looked suspicious (which was expected), she still accepted it. And it made him happy.

He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her, causing her entire body to jolt in shock.

He grinned at her reaction. This is what he wanted to see. Hugging her from behind, he murmured into her ear, "You look beautiful."

There was a shaky intake of breath. Another tense moment passed before Yuki finally slipped out of his arms and turned around to see his smirking face.

He did it on purpose. To get back at her for her move before.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

When she stepped out into the crowd, she felt as though every single head had turned her way, like she was a magnet and their heads and bodies were made of iron.

Their eyes and hushed whispers made her want to run back inside- to the comfort that solitude had to offer. Just when she was about to turn around, she heard a voice that made her stop in her tracks.

"Ah! Yuna san! You look so beautiful!"


He was- that rarity of rarities- a spendthrift with himself. He was open and warm and alive, sharing himself, enjoying life, making sure that everyone around him enjoyed it as well.

'And here it is- the reason I fell for him.'

This was his gift. His enthusiasm and smiling energy in a world of frowning people, and he had always been generous with it. He was like a magnet, pulling into his orbit everyone who approached.

He's totally unaware of how attractive he is.

Yuki slightly bit her lip as she felt a strange tightness pulling at her gut "Thankyou".

"Where's Tobirama?"

"He mentioned he had some urgent matters to attend to."

Nodding, he reached down to grasp her hand as he tugged her along to follow him on the way. His warmth that enveloped her hand brought back memories from long ago. A content smile started spreading along her face. But once the red-haired lady came into view, the smile faded. The warm hand slid out of hers to be replaced by another's.

She silently watched as a dark feeling swirled within her.


'Why can't it be me?'


Yuki shook her head slightly. She had to remind herself that Hashi wasn't hers to begin with. And it was no fault of Mito that he was with her.

She felt jealous. She was aware of it, but she refused to be bitter towards the kind and warm red-haired lady, who addressed her so affectionately.

She genuinely smiled as she greeted the friendly woman back. The entire time Yuki avoided glancing at their linked hands as she went on with them.

'They... Look good together.'

Seeing as the two were busy, Yuki figured it would be okay for her to slip off. She gradually walked away on a different path from the two.






She didn't notice the red eyes that immediately spotted her wandering off.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Finally, away from the commotion of the lively festival, Yuki walked until she reached the Senju estate's koi fish pond. She took her seat nearby and dropped a hand down to dip the tips of her fingers into the water. It had a kind of a warming mechanism that maintained the water from freezing solid. Her heavy-lidded orbs stared idly at the liquid.


8-year-old Yuki sat near the steps of her compound. She was displeased at her brother Izuna (11yr old) for making fun of her as she lost another match with him. She felt it was unfair that he used his Sharingan against her.

She watched her grandmother, who was planting some flower seeds. "Granny!"

The old woman turned her face towards the little girl "what is it?"

"Do you have the Sharingan?" Yuki asked, curiously.

"I don't, my child."

"What about mother? When did she achieve it? "

"Your mother... Anko... Yes. I don't exactly remember when... But maybe around the age of 10." the old lady paused as if thinking something, then asked, "Why do you ask, child?"

"Why can't I awaken the Sharingan?"

Her grandmother stopped her activities for a moment to look at her "You might awake it one-day, dear. But why do you want it so badly? "

Yuki felt like the old woman wasn't pleased about her questions. "I want to be as strong as my brothers," she replied, determined.

The old woman frowned "That... I assume, may never happen."

That reply felt like an insult to Yuki. She felt like even her grandmother believed she cannot match up to her brother's. "why? What makes you so sure?"

The old lady resumed watering the soil "You don't have enough hate, my child...And you never will."

[Flashback end]

Yuki sighed. 'Maybe she was right...'

Her thought's shifted, wondering what her brothers might be doing right now. It's been several days since the Senju captured her. She wished to escape but knew she couldn't. The white head had been spying on her for a while now and she knew he was around somewhere, monitoring every single move of hers.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

She looked up. There were no stars visible, and usually, she wouldn't like such a cold and dark night, which made the shadows seem so much darker and longer. But tonight, the light from the lanterns enveloped the entire sky.




"What are you doing here?"

She flinched, hearing the voice. Glancing behind her, she spotted Tobirama standing with a narrowed gaze.

She pressed her palm against her chest, took a deep breath, and got up to face him, "I should ask you that."

Taking a step closer until he was right in front of her, "You should give up on escaping. We already guaranteed to let you go. Why can you not wait?"

She knew he was right. At this point, she wasn't even sure what exactly she was trying to escape from.

"Remember this. Running doesn't matter. I'll hunt you down if I have to." He spoke in a voice just above a whisper, which gave her a fearful chill. Her heart pounded in anticipation.

"I... just wanted a brief break from the festivities." she argued, the voice never raising higher than a mumble which was fine for the male since he was so close to her, "Why can't you just leave me alone, Senju?"

Yuki watched as his face began to take on that look, his lips curling in at the corner. He ran his fingers through his unruly silver hair and sucked in some breath before replying,

"Just so you know, I have a name."

"I don't care," she replied indifferently, before glancing down to avoid getting in some petty argument.

Though she wasn't looking at him, she could sense that he had yet to budge from his spot, and flinched when a finger hooked under her chin to tilt her face up to his gaze.

"You should care."

Bathed in silvery moonlight, his face looked chiseled from granite.

Surely, he's a handsome man. But he had this wild look in his eyes again, a look that seemed so unnatural, it sent shivers up and down her spine.

Her heart thumped fast and hard when she noticed how dark his eyes looked at the moment.

She started backing away. But before her mind could even register, he cupped her face in between his hands and leaned down.

Yuki gasped when his mouth pressed against hers. He took that opportunity to slide his tongue inside. A sweetness stained her lips-tainted by the taste of sugary treats she had before.

"Mmm!" She pulled away, bracing a hand on his chest. There was no way she could physically hold him back if he didn't want her to, but Tobirama allowed her to push him away.

Even though she pushed him away, her cheeks were burning red. She touched a hand to her bruised lips. "Why?-ah!"

He grabbed the hand bracing his chest, holding her as he stole another kiss.

She moaned into his mouth. His tongue forced her to respond, making her dance to his rhythm.

When he finally loosened his hold on her, she pulled away.

"Be clear, Yuki. I'll stop if that's what you want."

Hearing her name from his mouth like this, confused her for a moment. If she were to be honest with herself, the kiss had felt good. She knew he was attracted to her, and she hadn't planned on using him this way.

'But if this helps me...'

He closed the distance to hold her in his arms. Her hands, on his hard chest, she could feel his heartbeat through the clothes. It was erratic- just like hers.

She didn't fight him anymore. She could have told him to stop and leave. But didn't. Instead, gave him her silence.

"If you don't push me away, I'll kiss you again." He threatened, with an amused smile on his lips.

"Then go ahead."

"....." Tobirama hadn't expected that reply. He was sure she would push him away, which was fine by him. He wouldn't force her to continue this time. But she always surprised him with her unexpected behavior and antiques. Not that he minded her reply, in fact, it excited him.

He doubted she had some tricks up her sleeves, and he would gladly play this game, just to see her plans.

He leans down. When his lips were about to touch hers, he noticed her shiver.


"Are you sure?" he asked again.








He gently brushed the hair away from her face. "I don't understand. Do you really desire me or are you putting on an act?"






His eyes narrowed for a moment hearing her reply. He knew she's being honest yet ambiguous."What do you get out of this?"

She bit her lower lip once again, indicating she's nervous. "I give you what you desire. And I get what I want."

With raised eyebrows, he questioned, "What is that you want?"

"I want to protect my family."

"...." Now he understood. She wasn't doing this because she desired him. She wanted to hide that secret.

'It's a transaction.'

It was obvious she didn't trust him. He wasn't planning on exposing her secret anyway. There were too many things he wasn't sure of, and such allegations of incestuous relationships were too scandalous to even talk about.

"You... why did you call out for your brother that day?" he asked, eyes narrowing when the grey orbs darted away from him nervously. "Tell me. Is it Izuna...or Madara?"

"You are mistaken." She muttered, fingers gripping her dress in her uneasiness. She realized that this is what she was trying to escape from. The stark realization that she had feelings for her brother that she shouldn't have.

"I know what I heard. And I heard it clearly." His eyes glaring into her soul "You... have immoral feelings for your own blood?"




"I don't know," Yuki mumbled.

His eyes widened, then quickly narrowed as he scrutinized her face. Again an ambiguous answer. It wasn't hard to understand that she's trying to hide something. "You don't know?"


Tobirama's gaze lingered on her face. He still couldn't comprehend why a girl like her would have these kinds of feelings towards her own brother. She didn't look or feel like the type to fall for anyone that easily.

The question that puzzled him is - who is it? Since Madara is the leader of the clan and the oldest of them all, he felt like he might not be the one.

'Is it ... Izuna?' That seemed like a probability. He recalled how reluctant Izuna was that day of their secret encounter.

His mind played the moment she'd cried in her sleep, ['Nii san...don't ...it hurts']

A frown marked his face as he tried to connect the dots. 'Could it be that she was...forced?'

"Tell me, who is it?"

Yuki released a distressed sigh. She knew this wasn't something she could confess to anyone. Especially not to this Senju who was so hell-bent on destroying her clan.

"I....." She gulped as her lips quivered in trepidation. The man waited patiently for her to gather her wits to finally spit out the words.




"It's none of your business."

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

'None of my business, huh?'

He almost laughed at her reply. She looked so scared, yet went on to put on an act of courage, which amused him to no end. She looked like a kitten trying to act fierce.

But now he was sure of one thing. She really had something going on with her brothers. And her reluctance to answer made it obvious. Clearly, this matter isn't something she would open up to him about.

"I see. Fine, then." He replied, noticing a hint of shame cross her eyes for a moment, before he claimed her lips again.

He was gentle this time, but Yuki couldn't shake away the shame and guilt eating at her insides. Her mind wandered as she kissed him back. She could hear two cats in heat threatening each other somewhere not so far away. A man shouting curses at someone or something. Some echoed laughter floating in the wind.

He noticed her distracted mind, and it bothered him.

'Look at me.' He wanted her to feel it from him. He wouldn't tolerate her mind wandering around while making out with him.

Burrowing his hands through her thick hair to grab them, he tilted her head back, deepening the kiss.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─