
Train. Eat. Repeat. (A Naruto Fanfic)

Due to the Third World War, a civilian child was coerced into becoming a ninja. Though his body and spirit are willing, his mind is not when he is thrust into the world of shinobi. Unfortunately I have to repost because I somehow messed up the upload and had it listed as novel instead of fanfic. Unable to change it once the upload is done. This was discouraging but I hope that I regain the lost audience. PLEASE leave a vote and a comment. Those are my main motivators. ---------------------------------------------------------- As you can see from my poorly written synopsis I am new to writing, but it's one of my main hobbies. To help me sray up pumping out more chapters you can fund my coffee addiction: buymeacoffee.com/AnewBiz

ANewBiz · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Get Out While You Can


It was what greeted him when he got home. It was always there since he was given the apartment. The barracks always had a looming sense of melancholy. Chusei was a take-what-you-get kind of person, but this was something he hated with a passion. He needed some form of boisterous background noise in order to focus.

This wasn't always the case, as he spent his early life with a small army of other children at the orphanage. Even before that he was never really alone. He could recall the times when his family was still around. When he wasn't the last orange haired Nakamura. He was only three when they were taken from him, but he remembered them perfectly.

He remembered his father. A full head of orange and a warm smile. He remembered his mother's brown hair and soft features that radiated kindness. He remembered an older sister who was a balanced mix of the two and lastly a younger brother. A baby brother with jet black hair and eyes that he never got to see. It was almost a decade ago, but their faces were still profound to him. As though he got to see them every morning he woke up.

He could recall perfectly the day he was brought to the Land of Fire. The day his place of birth became the first battlefield of the third war. Konoha saved his life. So he would repay them with it. At least that's what he believed his parents would want.

"I'm home," he greeted the still darkness of the studio. He scoffed at his statement. If their was anyone there he just gave up his element of surprise. Not that there would be anyone lurking. Everyone kept to themselves here. No matter how much they hated being alone.

He knew for a fact that all the other children living in the barracks felt the same way. He could feel it through the multiple links he had with them. Some were sad because they wanted to have parents. Any parents would do. Some were sad because they wanted to have theirs back. Those who were separated because of some unreasonable attack.

In his opinion war was always worst for the survivors. They were the ones that had to rebuild with the remains. Carry on the memories of those who didn't make it to the other side. The labored the pain and trauma of the experience, with a desperate attempt to prevent a repeat.

You'd think two major conflicts would bring the hidden villages to their senses. But no. For some reason every time they regained a high enough population. They decided to engage in a twisted dick measuring competition. The innocent caught in the middle creating a new generation of revenge seeking orphans.

This world was a cycle. One that existed solely because it could. A cycle that he would like to break someday.

Before his current place of residence. He lived in Konoha's world renowned orphanage, along with most of the genin in the reserves. The caretakers were kind and even though attention was clearly divided. It never felt that way. They truly did their best to make him feel wanted.

Sadly, just as every good thing in his life. The orphanage was destroyed. As the Kyuubi saw to it that every building south of the village was trampled upon in his surprise attack. Two years hadn't been enough to get used to his surroundings and he doubted that he'd ever take a liking to the lifestyle.

If there was a magic man in the sky somewhere. Chusei would find him and kick him in the crotch. How could anyone with power allow things like this to occur?

Konoha was always quick to house it's orphans and ensure their safety. The barracks, although one step above a public toilet, was the next best option for the impressionable youth. It had a kitchen, a table and sometimes even running water.

Though he knew it was just another leash tying him to the village. He agreed with their attempts to care for the parentless. Afterall this was a village where all legends were associated with one orphan or another.

The sannin, Konoha's Yellow Flash or even older legends such as The Two Senju Brothers. They all had one thing in common. They lost their parents before they were teens. Yet they all became icons for future shinobi. The ideal images that everyone in Konoha followed with extreme faith. To the point where their stories were repeated a million times at the orphanage. Chusei never lost interest in hearing them and took great pride in the characters.

Something about an underdog story inspired him. Everyone of them did manage to revolutionize the world in some way or another. The Senju brothers made hidden villages. The sannin were the first cell in history to man frontlines alone. And the Yellow flash, king of the orphans. Proved that greatness could come from anyone willing to fight for it.

Yondaime-sama was his idol. A street urchin, turned Kage. It was a thing of fairy tales for a clanless shinobi to even become a full-fledged jonin. He was sure that he was happier than the man himself about the inauguration. Sure his reign was cut short by unavoidable chaos, but simply making it to that position was enough for him.

Chusei preferred a reality where no one had to be orphaned. Where everyone had an equal playing field, but even in the case of said legends they were all naturally talented. Something that he didn't have.

If it wasn't for his chakra linking technique he'd still be in the academy. And even with this skill, he barely made it past the practical part of the exam. Thankfully he wouldn't have to do it alone. For once the universe saw it fit that he won. Granting him two other genin with both the talent and drive to help him accomplish his goals.

With their help they could continue the legacy started by the Yondaime. He'd build his own team of Sannin if he needed to. Whatever it took to bring recognition to the people just like him.


Time is relative to the object experiencing it. This was something Kobaru learnt after spending several minutes in an illusion, that only lasted a few seconds. Unfortunately, even with this new level of awareness. Nothing could prepare him for the universal pause that was birthed from conversation with his sensei.

Or well... The lack thereof. The two just sat staring at each other. One scared out of his mind and the other doing his best impression of a rock.

The worst part of the interaction was that his father refused to leave the room. Instead opting to sit there staring at them with half lidded eyes.

Kobaru stewed in his own thoughts as he looked across at his sensei. He'd prefer not to be anywhere near the man right now. Not without the means to defend himself.

His wild imagination took to supplying baseless answers, to a seemingly infinite well of questions. Nohara-sensei sat unaffected by the deep silence. He didn't even appear to be breathing at this point. Just sat with dead eyes staring at the boy in front of him. Which made him feel even more uneasy.

He was well aware that the genjutsu was just his mind acting against itself, and Chusei broke it with fiendish tactics. But he could never be too sure about his sensei's prowess and intent. How would he know that the man wasn't actually bent on the disposal of the entire class. So far, he's proven more than capable of doing so without breaking a sweat.

Heck if he was to attack right then and there, they'd all be dead before realizing what was happening.

Thankfully his mother was finished reconditioning herself and was now ready to enter her reality. This proved to be both a blessing and a curse. The moment her eyes landed on the jonin, clothed in vest and all. The detest she had been bottling up made it's way to the forefront. Settling on her pale features in a deep frown. She shook off her thoughts and somehow kept her composure. Then sat opposite her husband and between her son and his sensei.

She always took lengthy showers when they embalmed a shinobi earlier in the day. During the war he assumed it was just a habit she adopted for no reason. When the long sessions started to grow sparse, he couldn't help but investigate the activity. Investigate was a loose term in this context, because all he did was ask his father about it. He received a well detailed response in all of two sentences.

"Tarou can you pass me a bowl?" his mother asked keeping her expressions neutral. Apparently she wasn't willing to address the elephant in the room. It would take a few weeks at least for her to entertain shinobi related topics again. Kobaru's father did as requested and then watched as the red head took a share of fish and rice soup.

They continued to watch on as she worked her way through two mouthfuls.

"I am Raichi Nohara. Last living member of the Nohara family," he began looking between the two other adults, "I am also the jonin assigned to this year's class of reser-."

The lone woman held her hand up to signal an interjection. The shinobi honored her request, "Why are you here right now? As you can see we're in the middle of dinner and we usually don't have guests. People usually avoid sharing meals with people that dress dead bodies for a living."

Kobaru resisted the urge to smack his face in and turned to his father for conversational assistance. He quickly gave up all hope of this running smoothly. Because he saw the man smiling at his wife with a little too much enthusiasm. Surprisingly Nohara-sensei stayed in character and responded with unbreakable calm.

"Upon accepting this mission from Sandaime-sama I swore that I would ensure all of my students are on a competent level by the end of the year," the man replied his head held straight, "I was also given the liberty to educate as I see fit. Which means it's within my jurisdiction to ensure that you agree to your son continuing studies as a shinobi.

Wait what now?

"He does have talent, but the work that we will be doing for the next 3 months will be grueling. Knowing the cultural differences between laborers and shinobi. I'd prefer verbal confirmation from you before I move on."

Kane Museigen, was a reasonable mother... Most of the time she was a reasonable mother. Sure she argued at minor inconveniences and tried sabotaging her son's development in the early throes of his career. But overall she was a kind loving human being, with a slight overprotective streak. Realizing his advancements even with interferences. She eventually decided to keep her disdain private.

Of course this is what Kobaru heard from his father. Who was a very reliable source of information.

This slight implication that her family, her son, wouldn't be capable of continuing as shinobi. Flipped a switch in her head. Even without her full support. She did spend three years watching him grasp at any and everything to get up to speed. A persistence that got him early promotion in perpetual peace time. Now someone was advising him to suspend what was already forged.

What was he supposed to do now with his ability to climb trees without hands? Join the circus?

"How about you get your ass up," she paused to chew aggressively, "then get your ass out," more mouth work, "And never come here ever again."

This complete rebuff seemed to get Nohara-sensei's attention, because he was now staring at the woman with narrowed eyes of disapproval. He continued his silent regard as she continued her hapless chewing.

"Sorry I... I don't think I fully understand your request," the man shook his head, "I'm allowing you the opportunity to have your only child exempted from a deadly career. Something that I have the influence to permit in peace time. So please agree to my kindness."

"We don't need it," she spat then filled her mouth with more rice.

The man returned his attention to Kobaru who was gaping at the scene. The shared a silent stare before the older shinobi looked away once more.

"There are four other genin in my class that actually have families," Nohara-sensei allowed a nasal sigh, "the others have been orphaned either by the war or the Kyuubi's attack. Some have even dealt with the pain of losing their parents," he paused to gauge the reaction of his audience, "They have nothing else in this world but the lifestyle left for them. Kobaru has the option of taking on your trade. And considering his goal as Konoha-nin, I'd prefer if he took this chance."

Kobaru focused on the pulsing of his chakra to rid himself at whatever was interfering with his tenketsu. Still the conversation went one unaffected.

The deep silence made it's reappearance. His father was no longer smiling and his mother was no longer chewing with the grace of a ruminant. They all knew what he was trying to imply and they didn't want to refute it.

"I... had a talented child," the jonin continued when the lack of response became unbearable, "Even as a child she displayed great skill at controlling her chakra. A trait that got her a spot under a budding jonin sensei. She graduated early, then became chunin two years later. With Senju-sama turning tail on the village, she was rearing to be the future of our medic-nin and no one debated that. Yet. Even with her skills..."

He trailed off and took to wordless staring. The man was proving to be a master of communicating everything by saying nothing. The grim notion had Kobaru's eyes widen some more as he officially lost connection with his thoughts.

Tarou Museigen was the first to recover and gave the other man a curt nod, "Our condolences Nohara-san."

"Her soul is at peace."

The man smiled at his son then turned to his wife. Kobaru knew what was coming before he said it, "as civilians we would like to honor the request," he held his hand up before his family could say anything, "Your statement is driven mostly by sentiment, but it is reasonable. However as the parents of a registered shinobi. We understand that this is up to our child."

Kobaru felt his eyes widen for the umpteenth time so far. They were given the chance to pull him from a path stained with blood and they refused. Did this mean they were willing to have him continue in Konoha's ranks.

Who the hell are you people?

Nohara-sensei managed to remain calm, but Kobaru could see his facade thinning. He was clearly using all the chakra in his coils to restrict an aggressive uproar.

"So Ko-kun?" His father turned to him again, this time a slightly concerned look in his eyes, "what would you like to do?"

Everyone's attention was drawn in by the child in the room. All of them hanging on his next statement, desperately wanting him to agree with the request. It was the easiest thing to do. Retire young so he wouldn't be exposed to the dangers of his prospective profession. He'd kill two birds with one stone.

Still the point remained. This was a shortcut. He'd never taken the easy way out in his life. Not once. He wasn't going to break his perfectly insane streak with this weak decision. Especially when there was still so much he had to learn about chakra. And a friend that he needed to protect. Things he couldn't do if he was stuck at a funeral home.

Quitting could come later in life, when his options were completely exhausted.

"I want to do it my way," he furrowed his eyebrows for emphasis, "I don't care what happens. I'm gonna make a name for my self. So someday some impressionable civilian kid can follow in my footsteps."

His father adopted a small smile but shook his head nonetheless. His mother returned to her bowl and continued to devour it's contents. The only person who made their disapproval known was Nohara-sensei, whose jaw was hanging loose in exasperation.

After processing the response several times. He gathered his wits and schooled his features.

"I understand," he sighed then glanced at the two adults once more, "I do appreciate your hospitality Museigen-san. I will show myself out."

Their surprise guest bowed at them individually then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

This was it. If it wasn't done before, he just solidified his status as Konoha-nin. He was now bound to this village until he was well past his prime. Woohoo. Now to overload his training some more.


Raichi Nohara was a good shinobi. He took his orders very seriously. No matter how much he questioned the motives of a mission, or his leader. He would do whatever was necessary to get the job done. As long as he didn't offend the views of the daimyo. The man in the red hat would allow him continued occupation.

He worked under two red hats in life so far. One of them under two different wars. Fighting on the frontlines ready to lay down his life for the man revered as the God of Shinobi. A man whose reinstated leadership deterred foreign aggression after the attack.

The other was a man more than a decade younger than he was. One that he respected, then hated. Then grew to respect once more. A man that decimated nations with the single swipe of a kunai.

The Yondaime was an unrivaled symbol of hope and prosperity. He was a product that Konoha took pride in. Orphans and small shinobi families alike looked up to him. He proved it possible to elevate oneself to legendary status off sheer tenacity. The man was a superstar.

He was the perfect Konoha-nin ready to lay his life down on the battlefield. Just as the Kage that proceeded him. He was the one that saved and gained Nohara-sensei's respect even as a freshly minted chunin. He was obviously the one that would save the world from the war.

One that saved everyone but the people that mattered the most. Nohara-sensei lost such respect when the man lost both his students to avoidable incidents. He had since come to terms with the loss. Even regaining his admiration for the young Hokage upon his eventual demise. Still the slight form of disdain was there.

He hadn't grown understanding of how someone so skilled. Could only have one student left alive. Even then it was the born prodigy who was mostly self-taught. The students f other great shinobi lived on until they died of old age. Such was the statistics. Sandaime, the council and even the sannin were proof of this.

The respect and admiration weren't as great as it once was, but he still couldn't hate him. After all he was a good shinobi. And good shinobi didn't bother involving subjective views.

The jonin walked into the Hokage's office. He took quick note of the ANBU hiding under genjutsu too weak to affect him. Sitting behind a stack of papers was the man himself. The man who dictated most of the decisions Nohara-sensei had made in life. This was a man he could trust with his life. Even then he agreed that it was time for someone else to take on the title.

"Sandaime-sama," Nohara-sensei greeted with a deep bow, "I am ready to provide my verbal report."

"Proceed," came the gruff response pinning him in place. He appeared smaller every time they met. He was no longer as imposing as he was during the second war. But everyone knew he was still capable of doing his reputation justice. Still the verdict remained. This man should've retired permanently.

"At 1400 hours I conducted the genin test on the reserve corps. The individuals did as was expected and split up during the first few minutes. Only to regroup when their odds were fleeting. Each had their own way of dealing with the sudden state of panic. Although I grade it as an overall pass. There's still a lot of work to do. Work that I plan on emphasizing in the weeks to come."

"That is textbook of fresh genin," Sandaime-sama responded with a curt nod. His eyes were held shut as he listened to the report. It was how he always looked at his jonin. Ensuring that they understood his more professional side. As opposed to the warm and opened kindness he used with the rest of his subordinates.

"Anbu Ram and Bear are yet to draw conclusions on shinobi 012114 and his Kage Bunshin. How did he perform during the test?"

"Permission to speak freely Sandaime-sama?"


"Shinobi 012114 is already worth a chunin promotion," the jonin said keeping his voice leveled, "His awareness is matured, and his intuition is exceptional. He also managed to use an unidentified jutsu. At this point I believe that he is a future elite with or without our guidance."

"Bear has provided me identical reports.," the old man nodded again the clasped his hand over his mouth, "It is still very unlikely for him to achieve this alone, and I plan to continue monitoring. What about the other genin?"

"I have identified at least five others that display budding potential, but the focus so far is placed on shinobi 012098 and 012085. One a natural born leader and one equipped with a high-level understanding of taijustu."

"It appears that our academic system was unable to identify these individuals."

"Permission to speak freely Sandaime-sama?"

"Denied," another quick response, "I would like for you to move on to phase two of the reserve training. I will delegate assistance to an available chunin cell. I expect a detailed report by the end of the week. Understood?"

"Your command Sandaime-sama."