
The Mask of Golden Tears!

The duo had finally left the forest when the sun was just about to set. Walking towards their next stop, a town nearby where they would spend the night.

Neko looked up at the darkening sky and said to Eternus in his mind, [Look at the sky, the stars are about to appear. We spent a whole day together.]

Eternus replied bluntly, "Yes, this day was a long one…" Neko got the joke and popped a blood vessel but remained quiet with an angry smirk.

"We're not that far from the town, If we hurry we can reach before total darkness" Eternus suggested.

Neko agreed and both hurried on the path guided by Vankolv's map.

As they kept walking towards the town, Neko glanced at the map and something caught her eye,

[Hey, Eternus... Isn't the name of this town we're going to seem odd?] Her eyebrow raised.

Eternus looked at the map to see the town's name and began staring blankly at it.

'What's he doing? Doesn't he know how to read?' Neko wondered after Eternus took a while, staring at the map.

Neko noticed this and frowned a little with pity. 'Tsk Tsk. What an odd fate for a 12-year-old boy to know only fighting and hunting.'

[It's okay if you can't read… It says Duskwake town.] Neko told him in a considerate tone.

Eternus broke his daze and began staring at her awkwardly with a straight face, "I know how to read…!" He said, rudely correcting her, and continued, "I know it says Duskwake..."

Neko got embarrassed at her assumption but she hid it with her sheer bratty attitude and just stuck her tongue out at Eternus.

However, even she agreed that the name of this town was quite peculiar, [How odd to name this Duskwake… Don't humans here close their shops and lock up their homes at Dusk?]

Eternus simply nodded. He felt more and more cautious the closer they got to the town... Why wouldn't he? It was about to be his first encounter with other people in over four whole years.

He was already a man of few words and didn't have any problems with staying the night out in the grassland. However, something deep in his gut compelled him to check out that village, perhaps it was just his curiosity.

In just a while, they reached the end of the grasslands and climbed an elevation where they could see the whole Duskwake town clearly, And the strange razzle-dazzle of that town at that hour confused the both of them.

"I guess the name wasn't misleading after all… This town really seems like it woke up at Dusk." Eternus commented on the strange sight.

The sun had already set an hour ago but the town was still booming with sounds and energy and people were out for work as if the day had only begun.

Eternus felt concerned and started to question himself. "Has it been that long since I was out...? Have I already forgotten the norms of people?" He asked himself, as the weird town confuddled his mind.

To relieve himself of this confusion, he asked Neko who was still busy staring at the town, "I haven't been around other people for quite some time... but this activity... This is not how it is supposed to be at this time, is it?"

Neko understood his concern and replied in a serious tone, [Either something is very wrong or those people are really weird... But we do need a place to stay at night... We should check it out.]

The Boy let out a deep sigh of relief after he got that confirmation.

Although Eternus seemed dull and bared an emotionless face, deep down he craved adventure... His heart was pounding as they walked downhill toward the town. After being stuck in that prison of a forest, he was ready for any kind of action and the possibility that there could be something wrong in that town.

When they finally entered the town, they saw people focused on their work, some taking animals to graze in the grasslands, women filling water from the well, people opening shops, and children running around.

They noticed a few Knights who seemed more like wasted drunkards roaming around carelessly as if they were on vacation.

Eternus walked around in a daze with double the surprise and his eyes popped not only because he was looking at so many people at once, where he hadn't seen any at all for years, But also because of how strangely they all stared at him.

Walking around aimlessly, they end up in a street market lit by lanterns in every stall and shop under the starry sky.

"This place is making my head spin… I'd rather spend a night in the grasslands above." Eternus complained while holding his head.

Neko didn't respond and seemed as if she was searching for something with a serious face. She looked around the markets while sitting on Eternus' shoulder as he dizzily roamed around.

[There it is!] Her eyes sparkled when she finally found what and exclaimed loudly in Eternus's mind.

The already confused Boy didn't understand and looked at her, wondering what she might be talking about.

Neko pointed her paw toward a shop that had some fashionable armor hung out to show.

[That cool-looking shop on your right, I think it would be a great idea to get you a mask!!]

"A mask.. what for?" Eternus asked with his head filled with questions.

Neko released a sigh and looked at him with a serious glare that was extremely out of character for the little cat,

[Trust me, You need this mask.] Said Neko with the most serious tone.

Eternus noticed her eerie behavior and narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment. 'What exactly are you, Neko' He asked inwardly and continued, "This mask? I suppose you have a special one in mind?"

Neko looked to the side with a slight and mature smile on her little face, [Maybe I do...]

He shrugged and walked toward the shop. Inside he found a middle-aged man wearing casual garments who seemed to be the shopkeeper.

The middle-aged man greeted him inside their stall, "Welcome young warrior, How may I help you today?"

Eternus who was still preoccupied in his mind and trying to recall old memories when he used to interact with people, replied after rehearsing his sentence in his mind a few times.

"Y-yes... I'd like a mask please..."

Neko hearing his confused tone said to him in his mind, [Come on, At least think of your cool appearance... Make a good impression! you're ruining it with your awkward tone!]

Eternus cleared his throat and said in a more confident tone, "Uhm, Bring me a Mask, Now!"

The shopkeeper didn't care much for this peculiar behavior since he gets all sorts of weirdos as customers...

"So, what kind of mask would you like?" He asked, wearing the same casual smile every merchant shows his every customer.

Eternus didn't have an idea about what sort of Mask would suit him. Neko already knew that and decided to aid him, [Tell him to give you an enchanted mask, the best one he has!] She said to him in his mind.

Eternus knew what he had to do and simply brought Neko's telepathic words to his lips. He did so but in an awkward way, trying to mimic her tone as well.

"Give me an enchanted mask. The coolest one you have?" He tried to imitate her childish energy as he spoke out loud.

The shopkeeper again ignored the tone and thought while rubbing his hands, 'Seems like this one's a big fish… and a stupid one at that. Haha!'

"I see what you're talking about. I'll bring it right away, just a moment, sir!" He said and disappeared into a room behind the counter.

While the shopkeeper searched for his special mask, making all sorts of noise, from grunts to metal clanking… Eternus finally remembered something that made his forehead sweat cold,

"Hey, Neko... I am buying this mask... but I just remembered that we have to pay for it and I don't have any money on me right now..."

Neko wasn't surprised by this revelation and very much expected it... She doesn't reply and starts licking her paws to tease him and add to his tension…

'Hehe… Let's see how you handle it without my help!' She mischievously grinned on the inside.

After a while, the Shopkeeper returned from the storage room. His body was covered in dust and he was holding something covered with a bright red cloth in his hands,

"Here you go, esteemed customer!" He smiled with his eyes closed as he handed it over to Eternus who uncovered it at once and what he found inside was quite disappointing to their eyes.

It was a solid white mask that would only cover the wearer's mouth much like a flat muzzle.

By the looks of it, it looked like an average hard mask with nothing special to it whatsoever but the shopkeeper boastingly said the contrary,

"You may think this is an average mask and it looks nothing special either… but do not let its looks deceive you…"

Eternus was more interested in the mask than he was clueless and eagerly asked the shopkeeper, "Then please tell me about this mask..."

The shopkeeper smirked as he anticipated this question,

'Got him!' He said inwardly and began explaining in a proud tone,

"This mask is the only one of its kind in this land. It not only hides your face but also cloaks and suppresses the wearer's aura." He took a pause to look at Eternus's dazed face and continued, "Not only this, It can change its appearance according to the owner's mana affinity and its shape from a half-mask to a full-mask and it can even become an entire helmet… However its owner desires!"

Since he had nothing to pay with, Eternus had already decided that he wouldn't buy anything even if the shopkeeper came out with something extremely impressive.

Neko wondered if it was an exaggeration because the mask seemed severely ordinary… However, Eternus had other thoughts and in his naivety he believed every word of the shopkeeper and felt the itch to buy that mask from him.

He asks the shopkeeper, mildly hesitant in his tone, "How much for the mask?"

The shopkeeper replied in a serious tone now, "It is indeed a special mask, different from anything else... but are you sure you want this...? " He continued while looking at the mask in Eternus's hands, "All who tried to buy it before you were unable to wear it.. as if the mask rejected them all…"

As Neko's eyes glowed while she analyzed it with her Mana gaze, the shopkeeper was cooking something in his own mind, 'The mask will likely reject this guy too and this is my chance to get rid of this thing for good! Nobody buys this crap, but this guy seems stupid enough!'

The shopkeeper cleared his throat before speaking, "Ahem, Normally this mask would be worth around 300 silver or 3 gold coins… So, here's the deal, If you manage to wear it successfully... I'll sell it to you for only 50 silver coins... But if you don't, you still have to buy it but for the normal price!"

Eternus didn't get how much that really summed up, not that it mattered because he was completely broke at that time. All he could do was leave it to fate and stand silently.

Seeing him be so oblivious annoyed Neko and she yelled in his mind, [Agree with him already! I saw through Mana-gaze... The mask's mana stream is attracted to you!]

Eternus instantly replied after that, "Yes, I agree!"

The shopkeeper rejoiced and urged with his hands together, "Splendid! Try it on!"

Eternus didn't waste any time and simply placed the mask on his face, covering his mouth and nose. Although he looked much more fierce with his eyes and forehead revealed the mask did not react.

However, in just the next moment it seemed like it melted and etched on to his entire face like a blob. Soon this blob further reacted and took the shape of a hard mask covering his entire face with only his eyes showing through the eye holes.

This was different from the shopkeeper's previous experience with customers who tried to buy this mask... His eyes widened because of this sudden twist and ever more with the shock that he had lowered the price so much for him.

"It's changing color… How fascinating!" The shopkeeper forgot his loss when he witnessed the change in the mask's color.

Everybody watched with fascinated eyes as the mask changed from white to pitch black color and thick golden lines extended from both eye-holes down to the sides of the mask symmetrical and slightly curved. Similar to a pair of Golden rivers flowing through the vast emptiness of life.

"This Mask… It's Amazing…" Eternus exclaimed as he felt an odd sense of comfort wearing it.

'It was as if the mask was made for him…' Neko looks at the mask with a serious expression on her face and eyes slightly wet.

The shopkeeper gave Eternus a mirror to check it out. When he looked at himself through the mirror, he felt as if the mask had somehow described him in a way that words couldn't. Perhaps it had something to do with the darkness that he went through and the Golden things he lost in life.

Neko again seemed as if she already expected it and Eternus was extremely observant. He noted everything around him.. especially Neko.

Now that the things were settled, the shopkeeper held his head and exclaimed with an odd smile, "Well I'd be damned... Only if I had kept my big mouth closed, I could've gotten a bigger profit. haha.. Anyway, I'm glad this mask finally found a wearer… That would be 50 silvers!"

This time Eternus showed worry on his face about the price... But Neko jumped into his confusion by saying, [We got the mask… Let's run away now. I'm sure this old coot can't catch you… Hehe!]

Eternus simply shook his head in disappointment and ignored her suggestion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pointy pale-yellowish horn he obtained from the wolf he killed that morning.

"I got this from a Three-horned Calopus earlier… Does this make up for the price? If that's not enough, I have two smaller ones left." He asked curiously, being unaware of the market rate.

The shopkeeper gets baffled at the sight of that horn and snatches it from the Boy's hands out of excitement,

"YES! This will be more than enough!" Joy sparks in Eternus's eyes after hearing this while Neko sits contently on his shoulder, proud of Eternus.

The shopkeeper spoke after examining the horn for a moment, "This is a horn of a Mid-level Calopus Wolf, it should cost around 200 silver coins"

Eternus sighed with relief as he didn't have anything else to pay with. He noticed the shopkeeper's regretful face and said to him with sympathy in his tone, "I know the mask costs a lot more. You can give me 50 silvers instead and keep the horn to yourself.... I would be totally robbing you if I took your offer of 50 silvers."

The shopkeeper's heart was touched by the Boy's kindness whom he tried to hustle with just minutes ago.

"I see, you're so generous, kind sir. Thank you!... I'm sorry I tried to take advantage of you…" He bowed down and sobbed.

"It's alright. I'd like some information from you about this place if you don't mind", Eternus asked, getting down to business to satisfy his hunch of something being wrong here.

The shopkeeper replied instantly, "Of course, anything for my esteemed customers."

Neko's tummy growled like a monster before Eternus could ask about this odd town and its name.

[Hey, I'm starving here, I think we should eat first before doing anything else!] Neko demanded impatiently.

Eternus also felt quite hungry and the thought of a properly cooked meal overtook his curiosity about that town.

"Could you please tell us where we can get something to eat?" He asked the shopkeeper, his stomach also releasing a mild growl.

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